
this ship of fools i'm on will sink

@miserbaile / miserbaile.tumblr.com

I am trying to discover myself. This is just one more outlet to allow me to do so. Not everything here represents my beliefs and dreams. “A nationless person by inclination.” ― Howard W. Campbell Jr.
Va a volver. Pero yo seré otro. Estaré en otro lugar. Riendo y comiendo un helado junto a alguien más. Me verá siendo feliz, recordandome a su lado; mientras yo estaré siendo feliz, acercándome a su olvido.

Benjamín Griss


Mathilda Beauvoir was a French-Haitian singer, composer, performance artist, and voodoo priestess, best known in the 1960s and 1970s for her works which fused voodoo ritual music with mambo and other Afro-Caribbean musical styles. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to find much info about her, aside from a few short discography pages written in French.

Beauty is, in some way, boring. Even if its concept changes through the ages… a beautiful object must always follow certain rules. A beautiful nose shouldn’t be longer than that or shorter than that, on the contrary, an ugly nose can be as long as the one of Pinocchio, or as big as the trunk of an elephant, or like the beak of an eagle, and so ugliness is unpredictable, and offers an infinite range of possibility. Beauty is finite, ugliness is infinite like God.

Umberto Eco, On The History Of Ugliness (via wordsnquotes)


Peter Weibel Self Portrait (original title: Knife as a Mirror), 1975

I bear no love for spring: I feel unhealthy, my blood ferments, longing chokes my heart and mind.

Alexander Pushkin, tr. by Alan Shaw, from “Autumn,” (via violentwavesofemotion)


I want to fall in love. I see strangers on the subway and half of the time I'm really tempted to go and talk to them. someone told m today that I actually am attractive to a lot of people and that’s cool but I want to be loved by another as much as I love myself. I want to go on stupid dates with someone. I want to sit in comfortable silence. we can read to each other and we can sit in a park and eat and talk and listen to music. I want to kiss someone and run my hands through their hair. I want to be there for the not so good parts, the parts where everyone else might run off or get overwhelmed. I want to learn vulnerability. 


Images of surrealist/occult painter/writer Ithell Colquhoun’s 1970s tarot card designs.


The Loneliest Whale in the World.

In 2004, The New York Times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem:

She isn’t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t have a family. She doesn’t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn’t have a lover. She never had one. Her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. But her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 52hz. You see, that’s precisely the problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.

Just imagine that massive mammal, floating alone and singing—too big to connect with any of the beings it passes, feeling paradoxically small in the vast stretches of empty, open ocean.

I grasped two things: I wasn’t as happy as I could be, and my life wasn’t going to change unless I made it change.

Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project (via simply-quotes)

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