

@matildasmind / matildasmind.tumblr.com

Search for happiness and puppys

So IDK if anyone can relate to this, but if you’re like me and you struggle with ADHD and you used to LOVE to read but now it seems like you can’t really get into it, let me just say

it’s absolutely okay to not finish a book

like, I found myself really wishing I could just finish a book, so I would start something and get like 10 pages in and just. Be so bored. I couldn’t focus, nothing about it would really pull me along, I would get distracted and put it down and then dread picking it up because it just wasn’t interesting 

But I would keep trying to finish. Because I’d feel bad about “failing” to read it. Even though I’d be stuck and couldn’t get past another page. So I’d see other things I’d want to read, but I’d tell myself “you can read that when you finish XYZ first”, which would just make me feel guilty, so in the end I wouldn’t finish the first book but I also wouldn’t/couldn’t start the next one, meaning I just… never read anything.

But then in the last two months I decided to just say “fuck it, if I can’t finish something then I’m moving on to the next book” because I was tired of wasting time on books I just couldn’t get into

And since then in two months I’ve finished 8 books. That’s 8 more books than I’ve read in YEARS.

But here’s the thing. I started over 20 books.

Yes, you read that right. I started over 20 books (thank you, local library!). And of those 20, only 8 of them kept me interested enough to finish. But that’s 8 more books than I’ve read in like the last 5 years.

So if you find that you really want to do more reading but you’re really struggling to get through a book, and you feel like you can’t move on to the next until you finish this one, just give yourself permission to move on. Seriously, it’s so much easier to enjoy a book when you don’t feel like you’ll be obligated to finish it if your attention wanes. Doesn’t matter if it’s “supposed” to be a good book, doesn’t matter if your DNF list is longer than your read list, if it’s not keeping you interested just move on. Go to your library and just get an entire stack and see what sticks, it’s so much more rewarding than trying to force yourself through a novel you just can’t seem to care about


Why I didn’t get diagnosed until 28 and was told I’m “too quiet” to have ADHD

(Alternative title: How instead of getting ADHD treatment I developed Anxiety to cope)


Adhd is

Having more Pjs than actual clothes because Comfort

but never actually wearing them to bed because they are the work of the materials folding on your skin awkwardly because you toss and turn constantly trying to get to sleep because your brain won’t shut up devil.


7 most adhd moods

–the Only Mood everyone else knows about: i  wanna do THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and–SQUIRREL

–galaxy brain: i was listening to the lecture but the prof said something that reminded me of something else and now i’m not sure how much time i was lost in thought

–the tutorial only comes in video format: i’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove *hurls product & its tutorial video into the sun*

–damn you hyperfocus: i went to bed intending to wake up and write but this morning i was possessed by a cleanliness spirit and spent the next 14 hours organizing the apartment

–i dont think u tried at all.jpg: did i seriously spend an entire free day refreshing twitter b/c i didn’t want to spend 10 minutes finishing my hw but wouldn’t let myself do anything else until i finished it???? (yes)

–patrick star: *unlocks phone* time to check the weather. *opens twitter* the weather. *opens messenger* the weather. *opens mobage game* the weather. *opens facebook* the weather. *opens twitter again* THE WEA–

–smells like depression: literally everything is too boring. i’m going back to sleep


theres no difference between exercise and black magic both of them hurt your body at first and drain you of energy but the more you dabble in it the more powerful you become

this is the most inspiring thing i have ever read

So being a warlock communing with the dark forces is like having a PT?


destroy the idea that intermediate goals aren’t important. maybe you can’t play the entire piano piece yet, but you can play the right hand and that’s good. maybe you haven’t figured out your major yet, but your minor or your field and that’s progress. maybe you can’t hold a full conversation in your target language yet, but you can ask for directions and that’s fine. setting high goals is good, but don’t diminish the small goals you achieve on your way there. they are just as important.


me rollerblading into my therapist’s office this week with sunglasses and a piña colada: maurice, you’re not gonna fucking believe this,


i like to pretend i’m a heartless apathetic b*tch but in reality i’m a baby who cares a fucking lot and emotionally invests myself in everything and is hurt 98.3% of the time


graduating later than other people means absolutely nothing at all. like you both completed the same requirements and have the same qualifications–why does it matter if you completed it in 5 years and they in 4?? in 6? in 3? you had experiences they didn’t have and they had experiences you didn’t have. relax. take your time if it’s allowable. if that’s what it takes for you to get through your degree and do your best, that’s what you should do. you’re going to succeed. you’re going to be okay. 


a few things:

bullying is abuse. full stop. bullying is abuse, bullies are abusers. if you have been bullied, you have been abused.

bullying is not a lesser form of abuse. it is not normal. it is not beneficial. victims do not need to ‘grow up’ or ‘get over it’. you are not childish or immature for being hurt by it.

bullying can cause mental health problems. bullying can cause trauma. mental health problems and trauma caused by abuse are completely valid. bullying is not a lesser form of abuse and the effects of bullying are not lesser forms of pain.

bullying comes in a lot of different forms. essentially, if you were excluded or humiliated or mocked or physically abused or in any other way treated as inferior by your peers, you were bullied.

bullying is never the victim’s fault. never. the abusers will always find an excuse to hurt you but they don’t need an actual reason.

the effects of bullying can last a lifetime. all this is true if you’re being bullied right now, and all this is true if it’s been a year. five years. fifteen years. abuse can have long-term effects and healing is not a question of maturity.

bullying isn’t discussed nearly enough but seriously, it can be hellish and if you’re going through it or you’ve been through it, i’m with you. keep going.


Take care of yourselves. It’s more than okay to put yourself first :)


I am not one to ask people for help, especially when it comes to money, but I am unfortunately at a bit of a loss treatment wise. I have struggled with anorexia, depression and anxiety for 10 years and am unfortunately unable to get treatment under the NHS as I am either too severe or not severe enough. I have set up this page in order to access some therapy with any money provided. This is a huge ask so I am grateful for anyone even taking a moment to read this but if you do have any pennies to spare it would mean a great deal to me and a share would be appreciated. If you have any questions please message me, thank you so much xxx

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