

@loving-him-was-bloodorange / loving-him-was-bloodorange.tumblr.com

20. Law student. New Zealand. Taylor Swift's bitch.

hi taylor this is me- I’m Alyssa. A few facts about me; ancient legand has it that I actually came out of the womb to the sound of shake it off (even though I was born in 1999), and my parents report that my first words were SLAY TAYLOR SLAY. Since I was a small child toddling around the world I have related to your songs and they have guided me through my life. I actually sold my left kidney to pre-order reputation and part of my liver to get my Reputation tour tickets. Though I am at university right now, my long term goals include dropping out to focus fulltime on listening and appreciating your music, as I feel like I’m not devoting enough time to it right now. I’m going to be at the Reputation Tour in Auckland tomorrow night (Bay 36, Row A, seat 1) if you want to make my lifetime dream of being punched in the face by Taylor Swift come true


hey taytay, long time no chat. been very busy with work and such you know. just popping in to chat about mayhaps being hooked up with tickets to your Australian show?? it's been a real mission getting ahold of tickets and I'm sure you didn't mean for that sort of system to apply to me?? maybe flick me a dm with a private link or maybe just some free tickets? anyway love you, hope you're well. chat soon :D @taylorswift


this whole lockdown thing has given me unprecedented amounts of free time so of course I'm back on my taylor swift shitposting bullshit


You know I love a London boy, I enjoy nights in Brixton Shoreditch in the afternoon He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet Darling, I fancy you


hi taylor this is me- I'm Alyssa. A few facts about me; ancient legand has it that I actually came out of the womb to the sound of shake it off (even though I was born in 1999), and my parents report that my first words were SLAY TAYLOR SLAY. Since I was a small child toddling around the world I have related to your songs and they have guided me through my life. I actually sold my left kidney to pre-order reputation and part of my liver to get my Reputation tour tickets. Though I am at university right now, my long term goals include dropping out to focus fulltime on listening and appreciating your music, as I feel like I'm not devoting enough time to it right now. I'm going to be at the Reputation Tour in Auckland tomorrow night (Bay 36, Row A, seat 1) if you want to make my lifetime dream of being punched in the face by Taylor Swift come true


Hey Taylor, my name’s Alyssa. So this is me (circa 2013; obese with you) and then me (circa 2018; still obsessed with you). I’ll be at the Reputation tour in Auckland tomorrow with my sister (we’re in bay 36, row A, seats 1-2). It’s probably a bit too late to be posting this at this point but thought I’d give it a go on the off chance that you do see it and want to make my dreams come true by meeting me. I don’t mean to be dramatic but I’d literally die if you blessed me with your presence. Of course, I’ll probably literally die tomorrow night anyway, so your call Taylor


A letter to Taylor...

Hi Taylor, it’s me Nicola!

I am so excited to shake it off with you when you come to New Zealand. My friend and I will be sitting in Gate F, field, Section B3, Row T, Seats 10 and 11. 11 is my lucky number, (please tell me now im the lucky one). I can’t wait to dance with you… I don’t wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you.

A bit about me…

1. I am in my second year of teaching. I teach 6 year olds. Every opportunity I get we include you. Whether it be musical chairs, impromptu dance parties or learning about suffix’s e.g.  ‘less’- fearless “ If I was dancing in a storm in my best dress fearless – I would not have fear, I am without fear.” – (True conversation that happened).

2. I have loved you from the very first day more specifically becoming a fan in 2009. I went to your Speak Now concert and sat wonderstruck as you played eyes open for the first time. I went home bought the DVD and proceeded to learn every hair flip, eye roll and dance move possible, while dragging in my younger brother to be Romeo. I watched your DVD every week for months (until my family intervened) I responded by playing the live CD – I now knew all the moves so didn’t need to watch it anyway. :) 

3. My walls were once decorated with you (as you can see in the background of the picture below), your red carpet looks, polaroids and magazine shoots. I even bought a ‘life size’ poster that hung on the back of my door – I was away one weekend and my brother’s friend stayed in my room – mum had to explain why you appeared when the door closed. (Flash forward to my flatting days we currently have your painting up in our lounge and I have your poster from the CD in my bedroom. A friend came over and said “We need to find the room with a Taylor Swift poster – when we do, we know its Nicola’s.”

4. I travelled by bus to school every day for 7 years – 1 hour each way listening to absolutely nothing else apart from you. I loved it.

5. I specifically bought more internet and had a dance party by myself in my university bedroom when the 1989 livestream was happening. 

6.  I once had a ‘discussion’ with a shop assistant around Christmas time because I wanted to buy your Christmas album- she was adamant that you didn’t have one! – How dare she doubt my knowledge :P ) I went home and bought it on ITunes)


7. I went to the Red concert when you came back to NZ and remember it all too well. I remember screaming and dancing with you all night then driving 2 hours home having a mini car concert.

8. I put your face on a mug.

9. I have always been here – laughing when you laugh, crying when you cry. Hanging off every word, speech, post, picture, lyric and emotion. I thank you for writing so deeply about the emotions you have. I like that you show colours, not just a highlight reel. You have always held your head like a hero on a history book page.

Taylor I have so much more to tell you and there is so much more to my story. However I will end this post here. Taylor Swift you have made me fearless while learning how to speak now, I was wonderstruck blushing RED all the way home I was not born in 1989 however I am feeling 22 while building my reputation.

I can’t wait to see you on Friday 9th November. I will be sitting in Gate F, field, Section B3, Row T, Seats 10 and 11. (Still deciding on a costume @taylornation !!!)

1, 2, 3 LETS GO BITCH!


After years of waiting our ears have finally been graced with ~reputation~ which is so fantastic and I swear I’ve already listened to it like, 800 times!! In honor of the new album I wanted to celebrate miss @taylorswift so I made this cake to chronicle her musical journey! I can’t wait to share it with my friends and family!! And Tay I’m so proud of you! 💕💕💕

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