
Youre My Biggest “what If”

@patiiience / patiiience.tumblr.com


do you ever get so annoyed at everything that you start to get pissed off at even little things like a spoon clinking against a bowl or sounds of people talking  

I think it’s called sensory overload. It’s really common in people with anxiety

it can also be a result of sleep deprivation, stress, or ever dehydration !!

thanks i thought i was just a bitch


I love when people talk deep with me. when it’s not just a ‘what’s up’ conversation, it’s one filled with random thoughts and questions about the world. like genuine hopes or concerns. I love that deep weird shit, it gets to me


Praying for the woman I’ll be in 5+yrs I hope she’s happy, and loved, living life unapologetically, doing what she loves.

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