
@imhereimqueercanigobacktosleep / imhereimqueercanigobacktosleep.tumblr.com

Elliot 22 he/him insta: @pale_artist 'Suddenly you’re 21 and you’re screaming along in your car to all the songs you used to listen to when you were sad in middle school and everything is different but everything is good'

The worst thing that ever happened to LGBT+ discussions was the attempt at creating rigid definitions for diverse experiences that often exist on a sliding scale, or are fluid. Some lesbians experience attraction to men. Some gay men, who were forced to marry women for their own safety, did really love their wives. Some people are man and woman at the same time. Your gender identity and sexual orientation can change over time. In the 70s it was common knowledge that bi women could also be lesbians. Some people defy categorization just by their existence. Some people choose to reject categorization.


what reclaiming "queer" means

  • don't call someone queer if they've explicitly asked you not to

what reclaiming "queer" ALSO means

  • you're allowed to freely use the word queer to talk about yourself, your perspective and other queer folks, without restriction
  • you're allowed to talk about queer community
  • you're allowed to refer to queer literature, art, music, and history under the umbrella "queer"
  • you're allowed to call fictional characters queer
  • you're allowed to want people to refer to you as queer (yes, even cishets jfc)
  • you should never be shamed, harassed or attacked for using the word queer in these contexts, or any context where you're not directly calling someone queer who has asked you not to

Pride is almost here so I think it is good to remember pride isn't here thanks to world wide companies who "dress in rainbow" just for a month. Pride is here because trans women, butch lesbians, gay men, queer people of color and every other memeber of the LGBTQ+ community fought in the past and still fighting today. There are still a lot of things to fight for. So keep fighting until we are sure each one of us is safe and happy. Have a great pride month.

Also trans men. Because posts like this always mention trans women but not trans men. It is possible to support transfeminine people without perpetuating the myth that trans men have never been involved in our own history. Thanks.

Jamison Green, born in 1948. He was a pioneer for trans men after Lou Sullivan's death. He's still alive.

Carter Brown, a victim of workplace transphobia, and the founder of Black Transmen Inc.

Robert Eads, 1945-1999. Pictured with his trans female partner, Lola. I recommend watching Southern Comfort, which follows him throughout his final year of life. His story is a beautiful one, but also a tragic example of medical transphobia.

Loren Cameron, born in 1959. A photographer and artist, who curated exceptional and groundbreaking collections of trans photography.

Willmer Broadnax, 1916-1992. A black gospel singer who never medically transitioned, but lived his entire life as a male, in public.

Lucas Silveira, born in 1979. He is the first openly transgender man to have signed with a major record label. He is still alive.

Billy Tipton, 1914-1989. He did not undergo a medical transition, but raised multiple children, and had a successful musical career.

Jim McHarris, a black trans man born in 1954, who you can read more about here.

Reed Erickson, 1917-1992. You can read about his insanely important contribution to LGBT+ progress here.

Stop erasing trans male stories by leaving us out of Pride Month posts.

Trans men are not a footnote in history.

Trans men are not an afterthought.

We have always been around.

Erasure of trans men, and transmasculine people more generally, perpetuates the myth that queerness is inherently feminine. Butch lesbians, male impersonators, and trans men have always been central to LGBT+ progress and pride. I'm tired of people defaulting to anti-FTM mindsets, or at the very least, erasing trans men as their first instinct. I'm sick of the invisibility that we suffer. I'm sick of masculine lesbians, like Stormé DeLarverie, being treated as irrelevant. I feel so much solidarity with butches and lesbians who have been cut out of history, because the same thing is happening to trans men.

This Pride Month, when you see a post claiming trans women are the only ones who ever contributed to progress, remember to critically think. Remember all the work that trans men have done. Remember the masculine people, and men, who died so that we could live. Who stood alongside drag queens and trans women.


one day some of you will actually go outside and go to pride and you’re going to meet old black queens who refers to themselves as femme, you’ll meet people from small towns who still use the word transsexual, you’ll see that your local activist organization set up a stall about your local LGBT history that includes leather bar’s history, you’ll see lesbians in groups refer to themselves as “guys” and “boys”, you’ll see someone with breasts and pasties and little else have “he / him” painted on his chest, and you’ll be so caught up with your terminally online attitude that instead of appreciating the wide diversity of people who exist in the LGBT community who are brave enough to share themselves you’ll just be formulating posts and tweets in your head for when get home about how “problematic” it all was and it’s honestly tragic


I'm the alchemist that grows all these minecraft youtubers in big tubs of green liquid. I didn't make them racist though society did.


Caretaker why do you even have that pipe!?

Waste runoff from dissolving anime fans in azoth

I can always tell when a Minecraft boy did something problematic because people start reblogging this post


I saw the future. There were so few bees left that they cross-bred beekeepers with them so they could better connect with them.

I was taking a test to identify plants (I won because some dude thought pineapples were berries) and after that I met a beekeeper who worked inside of a giant glass beehive and had little antennas and a dope ass beard.

Everyone was commenting on this post, saying that pineapples ARE berries, and even I was like, huh, that’s not right, so I looked it up, and

Bananas, tomatoes, watermelons, coffee, cocoa, pomegranates and pumpkins are also berries.




You know what isn’t a berry? Strawberries. Fuck fruit scientists.

hey is everyone ignoring the part of the dream where bees and beekeepers fucked

On another note, if anyone was wondering what strawberries actually are

Reblog if you too are an aggregate accessory fruit




Yeah, pineapples.


Whenever I look back on the early episodes of Avatar: the Last Airbender, I realize that Iroh was probably acting a little ridiculous on purpose. He knows that Zuko still has fresh emotional wounds from his cruel, uncompromising father and sadistic sister, and the one source of softness and warmth in his life, his mother, is long gone. Iroh always tried to be a friend to Zuko, but now that his nephew has been scarred and banished, he tries to be goofy and funny and carefree so desperately hard because all he wants is for Zuko to smile and relax again.  If making a fool out of himself is what he has to do, he’d do it a hundred times over.

how dare you give me iroh feels all these years later

that, and it gives him cover to slow things down.

he doesn’t want to capture the Avatar, but he can’t tell Zuko that; he needs time to help his nephew get out of the mindset Ozai’s abuse taught him.

nobody’s going to listen to him if he just tells them to stop - it’s too blatant a betrayal of the Fire Lord’s wishes - but he can play the buffoon; when they get too close, he can lose a piece of his pai sho set and delay the entire operation to replace it.

because he’s a loving uncle, and this is what Zuko needs on that level; but he’s also a genius strategist and an experienced conspirator, and this serves his purposes on a few levels

there’s even a pretty damn direct implication that he’s doing this deliberately. it’s easy to miss at the time, because you don’t have the context, but that first time we see Iroh delay Zuko and the soldiers chasing Aang? it is, as I mentioned, when he loses a piece of his pai sho set, only to realise he’d been carrying it all along

specifically, it’s the White Lotus tile - the one that gave its name to the order of benevolent meddlers he’s secretly been a member of this whole time. there’s no way that’s a coincidence.

Pretty sure I’ve said this before, but Uncle Iroh is possibly the most brilliantly sophomoric character ever written. 


Can we all take a moment for Molly Weasley who knew her family so fucking well, she had “prison” as one of the options on her clock that told her where everyone was.

Well to be fair to Molly: Arthur, regularly tinkered with enchanting muggle things, against the law Bill, curse breaker and tomb raider for private (goblin run) corporation. Almost certainly has raided tombs that the Egyptian MoM and muggle government weren’t happy about. Charlie: illegal dragon smuggler with buddies on the weekends, apparently. Fred and George. Enough said. Ron is best friends with Harry Potter. Harry is always on some Bull Shit. Ginny idolized the Twins growing up. Literally the only person who she doesn’t have to worry about getting arrested on a daily basis is Percy. Who commits treason in the 7th book.


A cop killed an unarmed boy in front of his family in a courtroom and a grand jury ruled that his use of deadly force was reasonable.

#PoliceThePolice Story/Video: https://bit.ly/2CNvSEz


So the cop lost his temper and started beating up this kids mom. The kid intervened and the cop pinned him to the ground. While he was already pinned to the ground and not fighting, the cop shot him point blank. And the jury ruled that a reasonable use of lethal force. Am I reading this right? Who are these bootlicking pieces of shit they keep getting for these juries?

From the article


Following the shooting, the Fraternal Order of Police issued a statement in support of their police officer. Executive Vice President Keith Ferrell said:

Whenever somebody attacks an officer, there’s always a weapon involved, always because the officer is always armed…There’s always likelihood, the probability, that that person could get your weapon, incapacitate you with a non-lethal weapon, and then get your sidearm. We’re trained, absolutely that you can’t allow that to happen…It was very clear to me, and in my experiences, that he was attacked and this was a fight for his life at some point.

Same tired old “he feared for his life” bullshit argument from cops.  Sounds like cops are a bunch of trigger happy cowards. 

His name was Joseph Haynes. He was a 16 year old boy shot point blank by the officer straddling his prone form while his mom and grandmother watched. Instead of immediately calling for medical aid, the cop first called for back up to remove Joseph’s family. They were dragged away while he lay dying on the floor.

Where the fuck is the White Pride crowd? Where the fuck is the All Lives matter? Where the fuck is the MRA?

They’re pinning kids down and shooting them, apparently.


Weirdly anti-millennial articles have scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard that they are now two feet down into the topsoil


its so wild like “this generation with no fucking money is learning to prioritize essentials” and all these chucklefucks can write is advertisements for these companies

at least our jeans won’t tear at the seams after two washes




FUCK THE ENTIRE LAUNDRY INDUSTRY *Fuck The Entire Laundry Industry Recipe

1 cup Washing Soda (not Baking Soda. Different things.)

1 cup Borax (not Boric Acid. Also a different thing.)

½ cup - 1 cup grated bar soap (you can use literally anything. I often use Ivory because it’s easy to get and I find it works well, a lot of people like Fels-Naptha, which is an actual laundry bar. Some people use Dr. Bronner’s. Really does not fucking matter.) After grating your soap, combine all ingredients. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. Use maybe a ¼ cup per load.


^^^ I’ve done this for years now and it works as well as any store bought detergent

WHAT Thank you, tumblr user awfullydull! Your URL does no justice to the good advice you give!

Also you can MAKE your own washing soda very VERY cheaply.

Step one: acquire $5 bag of baking soda from Costco.

Step two: lay that motherfucking baking soda out on a baking tray.

Step three: bake the baking soda on a tray in an oven at 400° for 1 hour (to make the moisture evaporate, leaving washing soda)

Step four: revel in how easy and cheap it is to make your own washing soda, and maybe take a moment to be angry that the industry upcharges the fuck out of something that is so easy to make.

I see some of y'all complaining about static and/or wanting nice smelling laundry. Go to a craft store, find 100% wool yarn balls. If it doesn’t come in a ball, ask an employee to make it into a tight ball for you. Wash in the washing machine to make it felted. Remove from washer, add a few drops of essential oil to the ball, allow to seep in. Dry with clothing. Doesn’t need to be rewashed ever, and if it stops smelling, add few more drops of essential oil. Bam, reusable dryer sheets.

I love this post so much it’s filled with helpful advice, hatred, saving money, and fucking the system all in one


ok idk abt u but there’s just something intensely powerful abt this one image of tom hardy dressed like a hobo, drenched in sweat and water while sitting in a lobster tank while manically looking around for some kind of answer

like it evokes some kind of gut emotion from me but i can’t identify it and it’s driving me up a wall

I love how Dan goes into physician mode, like, immediately. Dan is so good and so pure.

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