
NEVER limit yourself !

@thefrenchbat / thefrenchbat.tumblr.com

Hey ! I'm Herk. Mostly reblog and personal posts here~

JK Rowling has used her billionaire legal team to silence a Jewish woman for telling the truth about her contempt for trans victims of the Holocaust.

Scotland’s network of “freedom of speech” organisations, as per usual, have nothing to say about the use of wealth to gag critics of the wealthy.

However fast they race to condemn the LGBT+ community for saying the names of those who harm us. Statements at the ready to insist that transphobes no one wants to work with anymore must be given every possible opportunity to gain from their bigotry.

But it's not the billionaires who are being silenced, as our media breathlessly echo their every hateful proclamation.

It's journalists and activists forced to publicly humiliate themselves under the weight and the threat of billionaire legal teams or be driven into destitution.

We deserve better. Freedom of speech needs to mean something

The Streisand Effect strikes

This will swiftly become one of the primary things JK Rowling is remembered for. Trying to erase crimes of the Holocaust against trans people and then silencing Jewish journalists for calling her out.

With your help we can make sure JK Rowling is known as a Holocaust denier first, author of mediocre children's books second


A toxic trait of mine is that sometimes when dragon age is going on about how many people died in the Chantry explosion my first thought is "it was just Hightown"

"you're laughing. An anarchist blew up a megachurch in the richy-rich mcmansion part of town, and you think it's funny." I mean, a little bit.

Readers added additional context
OP was mass blocked by at least one discord server due to this post

love going on callout posts for "thinks cnc is okay" and seeing people talk about how us freaks need the electric chair. fantasizing about violence is okay as long as its not sexual, funny that

idk about you but i'm more scared of someone who opently talks about executing people because of the way they have consensual sex than i am of the guy who asks his girlfriend to say "no, dont~"


The thing about CNC (and other scenario or story based kink) is that pretty much everyone has already been doing the nonsexual version of it since they were tiny kids.

You point a stick at your friend and say "I'm an evil alien with a bazooka! bang!" and your friend flops onto the grass and goes "on no! I'm dead!" and then you both go in the house and eat sandwiches for lunch and you enjoyed your game and no one was harmed or traumatised and no gun violence actually happened.

Everyone understands that that's just normal make believe play that's healthy and normal for children to engage in.

Adults can play make believe, too. And adults can do grownup things, like involve their reproductive organs, with their make believe play. And adults are better actors than children and might need to set up a safe word to tell the difference between a genuine "I'm not having fun anymore" and a play pretend "oh no! I'm dead!" But it's still playing make believe.


Dragon age inquisition really had an openly trans character voiced by the legendary Jennifer Hale and bull would say "they are real men, just like you are." and that game came out in 2014. 😭🫶


if you told vin diesel fast and the furious you were gay he'd be like "Some people like driving stick…some people like driving automatic…what matters is you cross the finish line.." and then he'd rev up a dodge challenger and drive through a building and kill 16 people

he literally did in the fourth one when he's asked if he likes cars more than women


One of my favorite things about Arcane is how it subverts typical sexist tropes in Western media, as well as how it handles the portrayal of its female characters. There's a scene where Ambessa Medarda is speaking to Jayce, and she walks out of her bathtub, fully naked with no coverings nearby. In most other media, this would be a display of power in the way of the femme fatale - a slim body, seductive, sexual, fully available for the audience to see and ogle at while the male character tries not to stare. But the way Ambessa is portrayed completely subverts that. Her nudity is completely non-sexual and it's an incredible display of her power - she doesn't care if Jayce looks, because she doesn't even consider that this bathroom is anything but her own space, owned fully and wholly by herself. Jayce averts his eyes, not just out of respect but also out of fear, except his fear is completely borne out of respect for her as a person and not some bullshit fear about how her body is "ugly" or something other media would lean into for "undesirable woman warriors". The camera shows her full silhouette but doesn't linger, showing that she is large, she is a woman, and she is very clearly a warrior who has been through countless wars. This is the leader of Noxus. The very way she carries herself inspires respect.


Has anyone thought about how annoying a crooked tusk could be?

Has anyone thought

about how annoying a

crooked tusk could be?

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


STAR WARS FILM TRIVIA: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)

George Lucas considered duality to be one of the main themes of the film, as seen in Padmé’s double role as the queen and handmaiden, and Palpatine’s duality. Other examples include the master/appentice relationships between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and between Darth Sidious and Darth Maul. There is also the symbiotic link between the Gungans and the Naboo.

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