

@uliis / uliis.tumblr.com


I got the Hunchback recording on CD . . . for anyone who hasn’t bought it yet, I was just spring for getting it on MP3 only, there’s nothing in the actual booklet making it worth getting, imo. I thought there would be pictures of the production but there were just 5 small pictures on the last page, nothing great, and the rest of the pictures were of the recording session, nothing of which you can’t already see in the video they released online of the session. There are the lyrics, which is nice, but that’s about it.


Books I got from project gutenberg this year that I enjoyed:

Lady Audley’s Secret


House of Otranto

Book I tried to read but it got way too slow for me in the middle and I petered out:

Robinson Crusoe


I have been reading a couple of old favorite Star Wars fics, and a couple of new (and also new-to-me) ones, before they all get jossed to hell probably, and I usually never rec any fics because I get to them long after they’ve probably already been recced, but I thought I’d mention this one I recently found, because it’s on FF and was written in 2003, so I figure it’s passed under a lot of people’s radars.

“Renewal”. Post ROTJ/ Han, Leia and Luke. A darker spin on the events in the years after the Galactic Civil War.

Although I wouldn’t say it’s super dark, just adult. A couple of instances where the author wrote plurals as possessive (i.e. “those are nice flower’s” instead of “those are some nice flowers”) but other than that it’s well written. Really long fic with a decent plot and character dynamics.

Another fic that I am mentioning for the same reasons, although I don’t like it nearly as much as the first fic, but that’s because I just really like the first fic. It’s a still a (imo) pretty decent fic.

“In the Empire’s Shadow”. Post ESB: Vader searches the galaxy for answers about his family. Luke leads the Rogues and tries to avoid his questions. Lando pursues the frozen Han, but Boba Fett viciously protects his bounty. And Mara Jade is hunting Skywalker.

Anonymous asked:

I'm going to cry!!! I'm so happy we are getting a cast album. The show ended over a month ago and yet every day I talk about it or listen/watch what's available. It's such an amazing show that leaves an impact on everyone. I really hope the parties involved with this know that they have a special show and I hope we get what we're waiting for in the near future!

I am so so so excited for the cast recording. But you guys have to promise me this: Buy it. Don’t download it for free, don’t trade it around or gift it out on tumblr. It has a better chance of being noticed by the people who get a say in whether or not it goes to Broadway if the album does well. Good sales will show a promise. If one person buys it and gifts it to their friends, who gift it to their friends, and so on, sales will be poor and producers and directors won’t want to put it on Broadway if it doesn’t appear to be selling. 


youtube recommended this video for me, and it’s some German (I think, I didn’t listen to more than a moment or so) production of Les Mis with dancing guards in the prologue, and it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be a parody. How can I not share that?

(Although having watched a little more now, I actually do like the very beginning of the prologue … so this looks to be a production with hit and misses.)

It seems like they added dancing to all big ensemble songs like ATEOTD or Lovely Ladies.

The dancing guards but yeah thinking about it, it kinda makes sense/is not necessarily a bad choice for Lovely Ladies and Master of the House.


youtube recommended this video for me, and it’s some German (I think, I didn’t listen to more than a moment or so) production of Les Mis with dancing guards in the prologue, and it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be a parody. How can I not share that?

(Although having watched a little more now, I actually do like the very beginning of the prologue … so this looks to be a production with hit and misses.)


guys, i also need answers. some have listed this as from tremblay, germany, but that still doesn’t explain how weird it gets

It says that Tremblay is the last name of the person who plays Eponine.


youtube recommended this video for me, and it's some German (I think, I didn't listen to more than a moment or so) production of Les Mis with dancing guards in the prologue, and it doesn't look like it's supposed to be a parody. How can I not share that?

(Although having watched a little more now, I actually do like the very beginning of the prologue . . . so this looks to be a production with hit and misses.)


I’ve been tagged to do the top 10 tv shows meme, my top 10 shows in no particular order:

Top 10 TV Shows Meme

  1. Slings and Arrows
  2. Daria
  3. Friends
  4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  5. Angel
  6. Psych
  7. General Hospital
  8. Rome  Fringe
  9. Love it or List it (what, it didn’t say scripted tv)
  10. Saturday Night Live

Editing this list to take out Rome and put in Fringe. I don't know HOW Fringe completely skipped my mind when I wrote this list, because it's the last show I really loved, but yeah, Fringe is up there.


I've been tagged to do the top 10 tv shows meme, my top 10 shows in no particular order:

Top 10 TV Shows Meme

  1. Slings and Arrows
  2. Daria
  3. Friends
  4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  5. Angel
  6. Psych
  7. General Hospital
  8. Rome
  9. Love it or List it (what, it didn't say scripted tv)
  10. Saturday Night Live
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