
reject here

@5secondsofsommer-blog / 5secondsofsommer-blog.tumblr.com

Sick of the system, don’t wanna hear it, it’s not a secret that, I’m just a reject

Mop Has The Answer

To my esteemed followers, I, 5secondsofsommer, am writing to you today because we are facing a crucial decision. Too long have the needs of the many overshadowed the needs of the few. Too long have we struggled towards progress against the political current. We need a change, and there’s only one candidate who can bring that change. I’m writing to you about Mop. The choice, to me, is easy. A vote for Wretched Tooth is a vote for inexperience. A vote for authoritarianism and dishonesty. Do the right thing. Vote for Mop. Yours in solidarity, 5secondsofsommer #MopIsTheOne

Anonymous asked:

And about the welfare, as someone who has been on it, I think it's extremely helpful. My family was on it for years until my dad was able to get a job again. It helped us so much and not everyone abuses the system and those of us who don't shouldn't get punished for it. there should be stricter rules and regulations in order to be on welfare I agree on that part and I THINK that's what Bernie stands for...I need to do more research on that tbh

You and me both my friend, bring on the research. See your family benefited from it but the majority abuses the system and I agree there need to be stricter rules to be on welfare. What I see that Bernie stands for with Socialism and such is that, another example, I have a car so you should too. Now lets take these cars from the dealers because everyone should have a car. Why are these car companies going to make good cars that are safe? I would rather just make no cars and then later (not now but in many years later) no one will have a car. If you look at countries that run of socialism they are not doing well anymore because they have been under it so long and now it is finally hitting them.

Anonymous asked:

In a way yes, that's socialist. I understand where your coming from and every one running has their pros and cons. I agree that a doctor should make more than a fast food worker, and I think socialist agree with that too. But Bernie, as do I, believe taxes should be heavier on bigger businesses (meaning the wealthier). But raising minimum wage so someone could actually LIVE off of it makes sense...meaning a doctors wage should also go up. Bernie is a social democrat

I don’t agree taxes should go up on private businesses and that is always what the democratic party has tried to do. My family owns our own business and my parents have worked their asses off to be able to do as well as they are but the democratic party (Obama included) wants to have our business go under and all only have all these large corporate chains. Most republican views are for all these small businesses and that they shouldn’t be taxed heavier. A dollar is a dollar. I am not sure what taxes are but for example lets use 7%. If you make $100 then $7 goes to taxes. If you make 1,000,000 then $70,000 goes to taxes. Just because you make more money doesn’t mean you should have to be taxed more because you worked hard to earn that money and taking it away because you are earning more than someone else doesn’t mean you should be penalized. 

Anonymous asked:

Can you tell me why you think Bernie sucks? I honestly think he would be our best bet...

He is just trying to be “hip” and whatever with the kids offering free college and I don’t agree with Socialism. My understanding of Socialism is that everyone gets everything equally. If you are a doctor and go to school for 10 years or whatever and you are saving lives, someone who works at Home Depot shouldn’t be earning the same wage. To me Socialism is just entitlement. Giving all this welfare to people who are well an able to work just mooch off the government because they don’t want to go help themselves. They would rather be lazy than go get off their ass and find a job - which I understand is hard but not everything is easy and it will help you feel so much better when you work hard for something to earn it. You can correct me if I am wrong about what Socialism is but this is what I get from it. 

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