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“… and we are in bed together laughing and we don’t care about anything.”

Charles Bukowski


“Robert Plant (to audience): You don’t know how difficult it is to tune a guitar in front of thousands of screaming people. Jimmy Page (to Plant): You don’t, either.”

— Led Zeppelin, Los Angeles Forum, September 4th, 1970


“This shot was just an accident as usually shooting at big events with even bigger stages means you get nothing but the obligatory shot of the back of some rock stars head and the crowd. Ho hum. If EDDIE hadn’t momentarily leant all his weight on Jeff Ament in this way and I was a foot or two to either side, none of this would have worked. Luck be a lady tonight. My good friend and ex-TheRocket art director Jesse Reyes who was working by then in New York as an art director for Penguin Books even used an alternative version of this shot on the cover of the Kim Neely book ‘FIVE AGAINST ONE: The Pearl Jam Story. Also if I remember correctly this photo was made into a poster which sold a couple hundred thousand. “ Kevin Westenberg Photography


“This I Love” is the thirteenth song on Guns N’ Roses’ 2008 album Chinese Democracy. It is the only song on the album to be credited solely to Axl Rose.

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