
Stick 'em with the pointy end.

@twijfelaar / twijfelaar.tumblr.com

Lesbian, Shipping all the ladies, loving all the ladies. Trans ladies included!!! I have a thing for muscles. She/Her

I am not watching Eurovision this year because of the Israeli government committing genocide and the no response from the EBU.

I do wish people who are in the audience, and are clearly not happy about Israel being there either, were smart. Your boos will get covered with cheers and no one will see the difference.

Just turn your back to her, for real, just turn around, don't look don't interact, let it be the quietest performance of the night. Turn your back, so shots of the crowd will have to be the same people every time because those will be the only ones doing anything.

But you know, you could also not go, and stand in protest with the people outside.


So as it turns out James Somerton did in fact fake his suicide note, and did a bunch of other stuff in the meantime

oh my GOD

just to recap: james somerton

  • never actually acknowledged the fraud he did or returned the money he made by committing fraud
  • threw his supposed best friend under the bus (specifically blaming him for any bigoted statements he made)
  • made two - TWO - "apology" videos that only dug his hole deeper and involved several more absolutely bizarre lies
  • in the meantime also sockpuppeting defenses of himself (so much for him "taking responsibility" and just trying ~so hard~ to apologize and getting tragically, coldly denied)
  • and now is trying to perpetuate THE SAME FUCKING FRAUD without a hint of irony

screenshots under the cut


So what we're NOT gonna do when James Somerton inevitably starts releasing new videos is hatewatch them, okay? Because a view is still a view whether or not it was watched with rage and disdain in your heart, you KNOW they'll be monetized, and at this point I'm sure he's doing this precisely TO bait in hatewatchers

Don't fund his comeback arc. Let him fade into obscurity like he deserves

So I made this unrebloggable for a long time but as it turns out, fuckin APPARENTLY at the same time he was letting the internet think he had harmed or killed himself, he was yukking it up on an alt posting nudes and talking about TV shows. So yeah reminder that his online career is over and we're going to make sure of that, right?


that comment about how you should not borrow grief from the future has saved me multiple times from spiraling into an inescapable state of anxiety. like every time i find myself thinking about how something in the future could go wrong i remember that comment and i think to myself: well i never know, it might get better. it might not even happen the way i think it will and if it does happen and it is sad and bad ill be sad about it then, when it happens. and it’s somehow soo freeing

I need this reminder today.


“why do i believe this” and “who benefits from me believing it” are the first steps to decolonization and we should all be doing this more

since this is on my dash again another two steps, a little harder this time

“who do i hurt when i do this?” and “could i look them in the eye, validate and acknowledge that hurt, and then keep doing it anyway?”

feels like a good day for another two.

“whose voice is missing from this story” and then “how do i seek out those voices/how does a story i think i know change when i add new perspectives”


Eurovision is the absolute easiest thing in the world to boycott. It's not food owned by one of 5 food conglomerates. It's not tech that corporations have made essential. There's no "support the devs" logic to be even considered. It's literally just noise that is forgotten in a week.

This year it's noise that will be forgotten in a week that is actively supporting one state that's committing genocide to another state they're actively suppressing any discussion about.


Tango were so confident in Hi-Fi Rush that they released it on the same day they announced it; hotdropped it out of nowhere with nothing but a single trailer saying "THIS IS OUR COOL NEW RHYTHM-ACTION GAME IT'S OUT NOW!" and it actually worked. People loved it, it was popular, it wasn't an AAA game but it looked gorgeous and was a complete and polished experience, just an all-around triumph for the devs at Tango Gameworks.

I cannot overemphasize how crazy that is. If you're an indie game launching on Steam (meaning you're operating on a lower budget than most games) one of your first goals is to hit 20,000 wishlists before you launch, since that's the magic number that makes the Steam algo start showing your game to people who don't know you exist. You need months of hard work and good luck to make it, and even then you're still praying that the 20k wishlists actually convert to sales (I've worked on projects that hit 20k wishlists, but with a really low conversion rate so the games still 'failed')

An AA game with a hefty budget would need way more than that to make back its money spent. They would have to compete with AAA games hogging all the attention (and the audience's budget), while not having that scrappy indie culture behind them. If they don't sell enough to make their money back + enough for a new game, that studio is toast.

Hi-Fi Rush's team really went for a hotdrop stunt that would instantly kill 90% of other studios outright, somehow pulled it off spectacularly with a completely new IP that couldn't even fall back on brand recognition, and Microsoft STILL closed them down. They had a miracle team and just fired them all.

There's really nothing you can do to survive in this industry anymore

Least incompetent corporate strategy right here

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