
Valentina Suárez

@valsdraws-blog / valsdraws-blog.tumblr.com


Hey você ainda tem os capítulos de Trials and Tribulations? Eu achei uma parte do Cap.10 e eu amei💜


Si! Hice una parte del capítulo 10 hace mucho pero nunca los terminé! Obrigada 💕

Anonymous asked:

Hii can u draw chapter 1 of trials and tribulations or the first chapter of "you make me sick for being so perfect"?

I'll think of it!

Anonymous asked:

I would love to see a male drawing of little mix and kehlani xx

I already have one of Kehlani but I'd like to try little mix out!


Porqué tus dibujos estan en ingles?


Porque me siguen muchas personas de muchos países diferentes que no hablan español pero si inglés. Entonces es una manera más fácil de que todos puedan entender.


Siempre que buscaba fanart en cualquier red social, me salían estos dibujos y me encantaban, pero cuando los buscaba ya ese tipo, no sabía de quien eran, son demasiado geniales, de hecho te empecé a seguir en Instagram y no me había dado cuenta!❤️ 😍 Te encontré en mi red social favorita!😍


Hoooola! Eso es genial! Me alegra muchísimo que te guste mi trabajo y que me hayas encontrado por fin! Jajaja saludos 💕


Want to know me better? Send me any number!

1: My name?
2: Do I have any nicknames?
3: Zodiac sign?
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win?
5: Book/series I reread?
6: Aliens or ghosts?
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
8: Favourite radio station?
9: Favourite flavour of anything?
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great?
11: Favourite song?
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better?
13: Favourite word?
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them?
15: Last song I listened to?
16: TV show I always recommend?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down?
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
20: Favourite video games?
21: What am I most afraid of?
22: A good quality of mine?
23: A bad quality of mine?
24: Cats or dogs?
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in?
26: Favourite season?
27: Am I in a relationship?
28: Something I miss?
29: My best friend?
30: Eye colour?
31: Hair colour?
32: Someone I love?
33: Someone I trust?
34: Someone I always think about?
35: Am I excited about anything?
36: My current obsession?
37: Favourite TV shows as a child?
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to?
39: Am I superstitious?
40: What do I think about most?
41: Do I have any strange phobias?
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
43: Favourite hobbies?
44: Last book I read?
45: Last film I watched?
46: Do I play any instruments?
47: Favourite animal?
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow?
49: Superpower I wish I could have?
50: How do I destress?
51: Do I like confrontation?
52: When do I feel most at peace?
53: What makes me smile?
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off?
55: Play any sports?
56: What is my song of the week?
57: Favourite drink?
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody?
59: Afraid of heights?
60: Pet peeve?
61: What was the last concert I went to see?
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger?
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy?
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
66: Something I worry about?
67: Scared of the dark?
68: Who are my best friends?
69: What do I admire most about others?
70: Can I sing?
71: Something I wish I could do?
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do?
73: Have I ever skipped school?
74: Favourite place on the planet?
75: Where do I want to live?
76: Do I have any pets?
77: What is my current desktop picture?
78: Early bird or night owl?
79: Sunsets or sunrise?
80: Can I drive?
81: Story behind my last kiss?
82: Earphones or headphones?
83: Have I ever had braces?
84: Story behind one of my scars?
85: Favourite genre of music?
86: Who is my hero?
87: Favourite comic book character?
88: What makes me really angry?
89: Kindle or real book?
90: Favourite sporty activity?
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be?
92: What was my favourite subject at school?
93: Siblings?
94: What was the last thing I bought?
95: How tall am I?
96: Can I cook?
97: Can I bake?
98: 3 things I love?
99: 3 things I hate?
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys?
102: Where was I born?
103: Sexual orientation?
104: Where do I currently live?
105: Last person I texted?
106: Last time I cried?
107: Guilty pleasure?
108: Favourite Youtuber?
109: A photo of myself.
110: Do I like selfies?
111: Favourite game app?
112: My relationship with my parents?
113: Favourite accents?
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit?
115: Favourite number?
116: Can I juggle?
117: Am I religious?
118: Do I like space?
119: Do I like the deep ocean?
120: Am I much of a daredevil?
121: Am I allergic to anything?
122: Can I curl my tongue?
123: Can I wiggle my ears?
124: Do I like clowns?
125: The Beatles or Elvis?
126: My current project?
127: Am I a bad loser?
128: Do I admit when I wrong?
129: Forest or beach?
130: Favourite piece of advice?
131: Am I a good liar?
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district?
133: Do I talk to myself?
134: Am I very social?
135: Do I like gossip?
136: Do I keep a journal/diary?
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test?
138: Do I believe in second chances?
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do?
140: Do I believe people are capable of change?
141: Have I ever been underweight?
142: Am I ticklish?
143: Have I ever been in a submarine?
144: Have I ever been on a plane?
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family?
146: Have I ever been overweight?
147: Do I have any piercings?
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real?
149: Do I have any tattoos?
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
151: Do I believe in Karma?
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts?
153: What was my first car?
154: Do I want children?
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know?
156: My most embarrassing memory?
157: What makes me nostalgic?
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter?
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty?
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe?
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience?
162: What do I hate most about myself?
163: What do I love most about myself?
164: Do I like adventure?
165: Do I believe in fate?
166: Favourite animal?
167: Have I ever been on radio?
168: Have I ever been on TV?
169: How old am I?
170: One of my favourite quotes?
171: Do I hold grudges?
172: Do I trust easily?
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?
174: Best gift I’ve ever received?
175: Do I dream?
176: Have I ever had a night terror?
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind?
178: An experience that has made me stronger?
179: If I were immortal, what would I do?
180: Do I like shopping?
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do?
182: What does “family” mean to me?
183: What is my spirit animal?
184: How do I want to be remembered?
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose?
186: What is my greatest failure?
187: What is my greatest achievement?
188: Love or money?
189: Love or career?
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?
191: What makes me the happiest?
192: What is “home” to me?
193: What motivates me?
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be?
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens?
196: A movie that scared me as a child?
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?
198: Zombies or vampires?
199: Live in the city or suburbs?
200: Dragons or wizards?
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me?
202: How do I define love?
203: Do I judge a book by its cover?
204: Have I ever had my heart broken?
205: Do I like my handwriting?
206: Sweet or savoury?
207: Worst job I’ve had?
208: Do I collect anything?
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?
210: What is on my bucket list?
211: How do I handle anger?
212: Was I named after anyone?
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot?
214: What TV character am I most like?
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
216: Favourite fictional character?
Anonymous asked:

Oh madre Teresa vengo por un consejo 😂 pues digamos que quede en medio de un triángulo amoroso y me rompieron el corazón y ahora los hijos de puta no quieren estar juntas porque sienten culpa.. Aunque juntos o no el daño a mi corazoncito está hecho 💔😞😂

Pues si quieren estar juntos que lo hagan, porque igual poniéndote de pretexto a ti no se arregla nada y solo se quedan con las ganas. Recuerda qué hay mucha gente en el mundo y estamos jóvenes!! El amor te llegará, don't worry!!

Anonymous asked:

Can u draw a 5h/camren funny thing please?

I will try!


¿Sigues en México?¿En qué parte estás?Oh, hola ^^'Acabo de descubrirte (gracias, Dios por instagram). Me has hecho la mañana :)Tus dibujos son geniales, aunque eso ya lo sabes ^^'


Soy de Colombia, pero vivo en México. CDMX :)

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