

@kdintxt / kdintxt.tumblr.com

I write stuff. I hope you like it

For all the black dudes who were slept on back in the day bc folks thought you were too nerdy/ too quiet / too geeky / too lame / too smart -

- it’s comeback season. Shine on em.

And FYI, I’m sure in the corner of the lunch room or something, there was a shy little shorty who would see you and saw the king in you. Even way back then.

Appreciate this on a spiritual level

*claps for who yall were then and now* Im here for this.

(and that gif)


OH GOD, I can’t believe it never occurred to me that these were living people and they died.

I kind of just

Did anyone else sort of feel REALLY bad when all of a sudden


This show.

you forgot one

This fucked me up

Well, Danny is half-dead—er—half-alive…the others are yeah, all the way dead.


Why the hell was there a black guy in Maleficent?

These people are living in medieval Europe very far detached from any sort of ocean or sea. I’d be amazed if they had even invented a boat yet. Where the hell did the black guy come from?

there were fairies, monsters created from roots, and a fucking crow that could shapeshift into a man in Maleficent and the most unrealistic thing to you in the entire movie was a black guy

This week on 

*audience chants*



But black people did live in Europe before slavery like wtf they were Moors Read a book


This is why education is so important, people!

Where is that “black people weren’t invented yet” gif?


Reblogging because this person DEAD ASS found the gif 😭

Dummy @miss-andrea

White people complain about fictional characters becoming black, yet try to make historical real people white….hmmm. (only applies to the guilty)


Any of my followers want to see some cool artsy shit??


This is BEYOND disgusting. Disgusting pieces of shit like him are the more reasons of why we need to discuss pedophilia in the black community. This child is THIRTEEN. OR BARELY THIRTEEN. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YA’LL?! Ya’ll are sexualizing a thirteen year old, claiming that she’s “fast” just because she wears makeup and that she wears cute clothes MADE for teens. Fuckers like these make me sick. But if this happened to YOUR daughter, ya’ll be whooting and hollering about how ya’ll kill any motherfucker that even thinks about their underaged daughter. Fuck outta here with this bullshit. 😒

Black Women are hypersexualized by everyone and it’s the most disgusting thing.

Let Black Children be children. I’m going to flat out say that predatory pedophilia of teens in the black community is the elephant in the room no one seems to want to talk about. And when Black Girls gain the courage to speak out on this abuse they get called fast. Disgusting.

^ when I was 13&14 my basketball teammate/ neighbor’s dad would always blow kisses at me and offer me cookies and ice cream for kisses (seriously bruh) Then one day I got tired of him always talking about my ass and I told him to chill out because that was nasty and he said “men don’t care how old you are if you have a body of a woman. & you - *looks at my ass* - do. I was disgusted, and never went to her house to play basketball ever again.

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