

a photo series by me.

Expressing myself has always been a not so easy task for me; I know three languages and somehow I’m bad at all three of them. The right words don’t always come to me easily, I could be forgetful with my vocabulary and mix things up. For an emotional being such as myself that can be very frustrating. I hope I can express my emotions through my photos and make you feel something too. -E


Pantone 300 – 

Taking the metro is a great deal to me. I have to take it every day and to anywhere I want to go; I can’t drive. I told Jennifer, taking the metro is like taking a shower; you go in thinking that it’ll take 15-20 minutes and then you’ll end up spending 40 minutes inside thinking and thinking. 

Being in the metro can be an experience and there’s a difference between taking it alone and taking it with a friend. In this series, I tried to show the different emotions people can feel while they’re on their way to places. 


The Black Footed cat is the smallest wild cat in Africa and one of the smallest wild cats in the world.

Here’s an adult kitty for size comparison:


too smoll

OK but you can’t mention my all-time favorite cat without also mentioning that these little motherfuckers are legendary for being 1000% ready to throw down with anyone at any time, they’ve literally been seen trying to fight a giraffe and are known to successfully bring down sheep by getting underneath them and ripping their bellies open like what the fuck, chill

Their name in Afrikaans means “anthill tiger” because they’ll hide inside a hollowed out anthill and then jump out and try to rip your face off

They are perfect and I love them

Aw, look at these little murder muffins.


smallest and deadliest wild cat. Observed at a 60% success rate in hunting, and averaging a kill every fifty minutes—a lion might succeed in hunting twenty, twenty-five percent of the time. Their small, energetic bodies require a rate of a-murder-per-hour in order to sustain their metabolisms.

(“miershoop” can also mean “termite mound”, which is one of their preferred places to sleep)


marina and the diamonds: TV taught me how to feel, now real life has no appeal

me, neurodivergent, has consistently hyperfixated on media ever since i developed cognitive thought:

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