

@phanto-mina / phanto-mina.tumblr.com


so we have a conversational safeword in my group of friends and it’s great, idk why more people don’t do this. whenever someone wants a subject to be dropped immediately no questions asked we just say “spleen” and we stop immediately and it’s a really good way to avoid crossing the line between teasing friends and genuinely upsetting them by accident, or stopping debates from turning into actual arguments

Wait but no this is actually a brilliant idea. 

When I was a little baby high school student, I used to do the Living Chessboard at our local Renaissance Faire. We always used “forsooth” to indicate if someone was actually injured and needed to quickly end a choreographed fight. It was also very useful when doing little street improvisations because if someone tried to stop you, you could say “forsooth good sir, I must leave.” and they knew you couldn’t do a scene right then. We all used it in real life too, to say “no really” and it was amazing because there was a word used in a casual setting that meant “I’m not playing, I need you do listen to me.” So if someone tried to pick me up or tickle me, I could say “forsooth stop.” And I was instantly obeyed. I had “forsooth” long before I learned what a safeword was, and having a non-sexual safeword for everyday use amongst a circle of friends was the best thing ever. It made me feel very safe and listened to, even as a tiny 14 year old. Because let’s be honest, 14 year old me was teeny tiny and adorable and it’s easy to coo at kids when they say “no don’t pick me up!” but to have a word that every single person respected to mean “whatever I say after this MUST be listened to” was amazing. It gave me a definitive voice when it would have been easy to dismiss me.

So basically having platonic safewords is awesome and I’m all for it.


302 Social interaction

My family has “I’m over it” whatever conversation or situation you might be in, “I’m over it” means I am done this is a hard stop. If its like a store at the mall it means I need extraction immediately because of allergies or anxiety or PTSD or whatever and I need meds or to get out or hands are gonna fly.

Bring this back!!!!! I had this in an old friend group, and in a large group chat I was a part of! It’s a really simple way of including people with trauma, anxiety, triggers, and squicks! (Squick = not a trigger, but makes the person very very uncomfortable.)


i love animal crossing because there’s no end goal forced on you. you dont have to pay ur loan, u dont have to get a complete house upgrade, you dont have to do ur fuckign job as mayor, you can just sit at home in your shitty one-story fruit-themed house and enjoy some fuckin vaporwave KK Slider and eat a fuckin peach. food is infinite and life is good.




our weeping cherry tree really bloomed this year 🌳💐🐝


My 13 year old nephew made a triggered joke, knowing I’m into internet culture, and he gave me this smirk like, “ye you’re in on this joke.” All it took was 30 seconds to explain what a trigger was, and he said, “Oh…” and apologized, because he thought it just meant someone was really annoyed.  


Ominous positivity

You will be okay. You have no choice.

Everything will turn out fine. You cannot stop it.

You will succeed. It is inevitable.


there’s a ton of shit you can get in life if you’re willing to submit yourself to the mortifying horror of asking for it.


me: can i take this exam…a different time? prof: sure me, crying on the inside from the effort of asking: thanks!


getting rid of insects in the home the green witch way

while insect visitors like ants, wasps and spiders aren’t always welcome, killing these little creatures is never ideal, and can interfere with the energy of your home. whenever possible, here are some natural + humane alternatives to pest removal.

ants: leaving lemon rind near their points of entry to your house is an effective deterrent; they will avoid the smell. you can also use baby powder, which they don’t like to walk on.

wasps: if there is a wasp nest around your home, placing several cotton balls coated in peppermint essential oil around the affected area, like the corners of the front porch, will bother the wasps enough to stay away from the area. the closer you can place the peppermint to the nest, the better.

spiders: chestnuts have a chemical compound on their surface that acts as a spider repellent; additionally, chestnuts don’t go bad for quite some time, so they can provide long-term spider deterring. place a handful of chestnuts in the corners of your home.

bees: honeybees are precious and should be kept alive at all costs. if there is a beehive near or on your home that is causing bees to enter your home, or you or someone you live with have a bee allergy, the most effective humane way to prompt the bees to build a hive elsewhere is to smoke them out. do this at dawn, as it gives the bees time to relocate before sundown. using rotten wood, paper or cardboard, create a burning pile underneath or nearby the hive, set it alight, and immediately vacate the area, as the bees will start exiting the hive. make sure all your windows are sealed. you may need to do this over the course of a few days to ensure they leave, and often times bees won’t return to an area where they’ve been smoked.

the majority of insects will be deterred by peppermint essential oil or vinegar, as a general rule.


“I am new to the Moomins. What is it? Where do I start?”

Recently I received a lot of asks. I tried to do a mini moomin guide and I hope it will be usefull.  :) If you want others informations, feel free to send me a private message!

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