
Benefactorist's Tumblrog

@benefactorist / benefactorist.tumblr.com


Not liking pineapple on pizza because it is a fruit doesn’t equate because a tomato is one too


tomato might be a fruit but it does not get fruit rights. Its thrown its lot in with the veggies. Traitor.

In cooking, fruits can and often are eaten raw. Vegetables need some level of cooking before they become edible to most people (you don’t oft see people eating a raw tomato), while cereals are generally ground into flour and then baked before eating.


Apparently Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves only barely made back a profit, which is a shame because now Hollywood's going to go, "Aw, look! If it's not a pre-established cinematic franchise it'll fail!" and not, like, that it had the unenviable task of running up against Super Mario Bros and John Wick 4.

It'll be used as an excuse to not do more big budget fantasy films that aren't remakes or revivals, basically.

Which is fantastic, since now Hollywood can’t ruin any more franchises than the ones that are already established cinematic franchises.


I really don’t post much on this website considering I’m here multiple times a day


Another psyop we’re seeing unfold in real time is politicians and media reiterating time and time again that “we’re at war”.

If you repeat this often enough, people will internalize and believe it and they will let the government get away with acting like we are with all its implications on liberty, economic and foreign policy, despite no war ever being declared.

Yes it's about creating a war mindset in the people. So that they accept things like rationing of food. Energy shortages and freezing in winter much easier, "because we are at war, and that is normal in a war." It also makes interior policy much much easier since you can always say that Ivan is the reason we have no gas and no electricity.

Its probably also that Russia has invaded its neighbour the conflict has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and Russia claims the true war is against NATO. But nevermind keep burying your heads in the sand and/or repeating kremlin propaganda like Der untermensch above. I'm sure nothing will come from any of this if we just pretend.

Nothing is stopping you from volunteering right now if you're so eager to make it your war and fight Russia

If the Kremlin propaganda of “the real war is against NATO” is true, it’s only because the NATO powers are making it their war. The USA could stay completely neutral and ignore the entire thing, and the war would be a lot less damaging to all involved and uninvolved.


Scenario: You are crossing the Atlantic in an airship, and an adult tiger has escaped from the cargo hold and is now on the passenger deck. How do you neutralize the threat of the tiger without tranquilizers and/or firearms?


literally what is the point of this? Doesn't the supreme court have final say in legal matters? Isn't that how judicial review works? Won't they just be able to say no your law isn't allowed bye? Like what's the goal here am I just schizophrenic?

So, basically, Roe V Wade is (probably) going to be overturned based on the 10th amendment. And, if the legislative branch of the national government made abortion either legal or illegal nationwide, that would be kosher by the 10th amendment. But without the legislative branch of the national government having a law, and with Roe V Wade overturned, it would be up to State (basically provinces) level legislative branches to determine legality in their own state.

But, like, if the courts are dead set on repealing roe v wade wouldn't it be due to qualms that they'd have with any national legislation legalizing abortion? If the constitutional court decides the right to privacy may be violated in the interest of protecting the right to life of the unborn, which is I'm pretty sure the only way the could overturn the decision, would any law going "nuh-uh" really last a minute before the court repeals it?

So, part of the hysterics over the recent SCOTUS leak is that the court in that leak recognized that the “right to privacy” doesn’t actually exist in the USA as a protected right. Several court cases were decided using Roe V Wade’s right to privacy as a precedent, including things like gay marriage (even though gay marriage is a state-peer issue).

So, since the US does not *have* a right to privacy, on the national level at least, and since the national-level government has no law about abortion, then Roe V Wade was a flawed ruling in the first place, will get overturned, and the 10th amendment will take over.

Citizens in the USA do have rights such as no unreasonable searches and seizures (4th amendment), but what is “unreasonable” is up to the law to define. Until Katz V United States it didn’t even apply to electronic banking or electronic forms of communication.

The “right to life” is also not a thing in the USA, it would counteract things like the death penalty, drone strikes against US citizens, and conscription/”the draft”. People of the USA do have a right to not be illegally killed, but this is not really a “right” per say.


literally what is the point of this? Doesn't the supreme court have final say in legal matters? Isn't that how judicial review works? Won't they just be able to say no your law isn't allowed bye? Like what's the goal here am I just schizophrenic?

So, basically, Roe V Wade is (probably) going to be overturned based on the 10th amendment. And, if the legislative branch of the national government made abortion either legal or illegal nationwide, that would be kosher by the 10th amendment. But without the legislative branch of the national government having a law, and with Roe V Wade overturned, it would be up to State (basically provinces) level legislative branches to determine legality in their own state.


It’s been like what, 15 years since those anti piracy bills and we still haven’t figured out not to build the internet around the demands of the copyright mafia

Because people that pirate things don’t have the money to lobby the US congress.


I’m not going to defend Columbus, who, by all accounts, seems to have been a maniac.

But every square inch of earth is soaked in blood a hundred hundred times over, and the more flowery hagiographic paeans I see calling the second-to-last conquerors of an area its “rightful owners,” the more it seems like, tactically, the error that the latest conquerors made was leaving survivors, a habit entirely unfamiliar to their predecessors.

This is how you know the invaders of the new world were bad with their Biblical histories, for denying God’s word in 1 Samuel 15:3; “Now go and smite [them] and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.’”


When they tell you that soon you won’t be able to afford meat, always remember that it’s not due to some kind of inevitable law of nature. It’s going to become unaffordable because your politicians want it to be, because they’ve decided that you need to stop eating meat. And they will not stop until they’re micromanaging every aspect of your life to “protect the climate”

If these chucklefucks really worried about methane produced by cows, they's atop feeding them corn (which they can'r properly digest) and have them graze as they ought too. Killing two birds with one stone, as it gers you happier cows and more humane farming. The fact that they won't tells you all ya need to know.

This isn't about the planet, animals, or your health. It never fuckin is

You're all forgetting about all that crop that is being fed to cows over YEARS to raise them. Crop that could have been otherwise just be eaten straight away. Add to that all the fertilisers and all that water that is needed. The impact is huge.

beans: 0.83kg of CO2 per 1kg of beans.

beef, depending on the piece: from 30.84kg of CO2 up to 151.95kg per 1kg of meat.

This doesn't even compare. Beef is right to be a luxury product. And, at least in Germany, the meat industry is heavily subventioned as well. It's just fair to cut those subventions and make meat more expensive.

The oligarchs have really gotten into your head when they talk about artificially lowering your standard of living and you look at certain food and think “Yep, I really shouldn’t be able to afford this”

You want riots? You lower standard of living quickly. If you want to avoid riots, you lower the standard of living slowly. First it’s beef, then it’s something else, then it’s holidays, then it’s pork (it’s racist against Muslims after all), then it’s personal transit, etc etc etc until even chicken is seen as a “luxury”.

Anonymous asked:

I think the Eu could form the basis for European distancing from the US. I think if the EU were to collapse then the smaller, divided european polities would be pulled even further into the American orbit. Look what happened to the UK

Hard disagree. The EU, just like NATO, is part of the infrastructure of the post-war American led order. It exists to neuter the European powers on the world stage and removing it is essential to pursuing our own geopolitical interests.


With the current world order, much like the post-war world order, a country pursuing their own geopolitical interests will always be in consideration of the major powers in the world. The EU doesn’t exist like this, but some kind of European political organization between various European countries could act as a counterbalance to major powers in the world, allowing Europe to act in a European way separate from US, Russian, and Chinese interests.


Yea let’s just let the state set arbitrary preconditions for basic access to society, enforced by a digital internal passport system. What could possibly go wrong?

It’s just like the French Revolution when the government required people to carry around proof justifying their existence and if someone was found without it they could be arrested (and/or executed).


West/Minaj 2024 is going to be the wildest Republican ticket ever.

Minaj is from Trinidad & Tobago, and thus cannot run for president in the USA. Additionally, she is currently in Trinidad & Tobago and did not want to travel internationally to the Met because she wanted to stay home with her young child.


So many utopian thinkers have thought of eliminating pain in their thought-of utopia. Don’t particularly believe that’s possible considering the tendencies towards pain that human nature has. But a thought-of utopia that makes pain meaningful might be an idea, but that’s probably utopian thinking.

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