
injured memes

  • oh my god what happened?
  • you’re bleeding! why are you bleeding?
  • who did this to you?
  • that’s… a lot of blood
  • i think… it’s broken
  • can you move? does it hurt?
  • we need to get you to a hospital
  • what are you talking about? this is not just a scratch
  • it’s just a scratch
  • it’s nothing, i’m totally fine
  • that’s not supposed to bend that way
  • what the hell did you do?
  • don’t you pass out on me
  • i’m just so tired
  • hey, whoa, you alright there?
  • i just need to sit down for a minute
  • let me carry you
  • it won’t stop bleeding!
  • you’re gonna be just fine, i promise
  • hey! i said stay awake!
  • tell me what hurts
  • does it hurt when i do this?
  • ow! that hurts!
  • i’m fine, i can walk, just give me a minute
  • it was an accident
     it’s a big fucking city and somehow i still run into you. said with only a hint of malice, the tone is more of a saddened nature. exhausted, but still dejected. 

          how can a heart hurt so much so quickly? it seems medically impossible. i’m-- i’m sorry. she is, she really is. for a number of things. his exhaustion, his sadness is mirrored in her eyes. i can- i can leave, it’s okay.

sex dice | accepting Forever@nogoodwitch | action: lick ; body part: wild

          cat’s hand is clamped tight over her mouth, but piper is tipsy and horny and the guy that passed by looked way too fucking hot to pass up. is piper likely to be an embarrassment for cat? of course, but it’s a party; cat can pretend not to know her and make friends somewhere else. 

          the target is getting away, and piper is a determined bitch. she presses her tongue against cat’s and licks with as much spit as humanly possible. as soon as cat’s hand is out of the way, piper is nearly stumbling her feet to catch up with the boy toy she’s after. “see ya later, cat! ---hey, hey, wait! i wanna fuck you!”

a kiss meme | not accepting@nogoodwitch

          “i graduated last year, cat. i know how the students can be fucking dicks.” especially to cathryn, which infuriates piper to no end. at least when she was studying in hogwarts she could defend her, stand behind her with her shoulders square and a glare that could kill any man. piper wasn’t someone to be fucked with, and by association, neither was cat. she’d sooner curse every piece of your wardrobe for calling cat a name than if you punched her in the face. “listen, see them like this--” she cups cat’s face, squishing her cheeks just a bit, “they’re just more targets for you to practice your hexes on. now,” she shamelessly kisses cat right on the top of her head before letting her go and spinning her around to face the door. “go forth and fuck them up, babe.”


20. top of the head kiss

a kiss meme | not accepting@tenccs

          “i’m sorry i’ve been kinda mia, love. i missed you.” she keeps her voice quiet, trying her best not to interrupt the cutthroat kitchen episode playing. it’s just something that she wants to say, but waiting for the episode to finish or a commercial to play would leave too much room for the silence after her saying so might swallow them whole. she doesn’t want to ruin a nice night for no reason. piper’s satisfied with her comment, so she leans against him, pressing her lips gently against the top of his head.

      ouch. while he may have had his gaze locked on her, it drifts towards the floor at the sound of her doubt. ( he doesn’t like it at all. ) teeth clench but that doesn’t stop a grumpy noise from emitting. it’s obvious; he does not agree with her. we aren’t working. that’s a real nice way of putting things, don’t you fucking think?

        he’s got a good reason to be upset, she guesses: it’s not often they fuck up, but all it takes is one time for it to really bite them in the ass. “ are you serious? i figured you’d agree. she really did. it isn’t like either of them were jumping at the chance to get partners when they met, right? right. then why does the idea of splitting up make her feel so shitty i don’t like it, roman, but what if--- what if we get caught? ”

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