
carry on my wayward son

@markpellehgrino / markpellehgrino.tumblr.com

Arty - eighteen - angel!girl exclusively supernatural (with some personal things sprinkled in here and there). Sabriel and Samifer shipper

Okay wow. Religion trigger warning. So my step sister watched cosmos and it opened her eyes to evolution. She wanted to talk to me about it but her dad is in the room and he says "Something can't be created from nothing." So I ask him what his take on it is. And he says "God created it." And of course, I say. "What did God create it from then...? You can't use the argument that something came from nothing only to tell me that something was created from nothing. If you can't show me proof of God you can't tell my my proof for Evolution is fake. Believe In God all you want, I get it. But don't discourage your own daughter from learning about the scientific evidence that's there." And he tried to say something about coming from monkeys and how "that's how we know evolution isn't real because how can there still be monkeys" For the love of god we DIDNT COME FROM MONKEYS WE SHARE A COMMON EVOLUTIONARY ANCESTOR SIGHS LOUDLY.


"But you know, the fun part about being the quote unquote bad guy is you get to explore parts of yourself that you could never do in real life. You could be that full-on narcissist in a sense without concern necessarily for the consequences of the actions, and [you] experience no consequences of your actions and that’s very liberating I think when you’re working. You can kind of go almost anywhere.”

April 9, 1965

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