
give me back my heart you wingless thing

@keepthemacramesecret / keepthemacramesecret.tumblr.com

~Arthur, ace, queer ~ they/he ~ 26 ~ leo, patrex ~ Ireland/Canada ~ art blog: theonekierce ~ holmes bracket: holmesillustrations ~ acd holmes, raffles, dr who/gallifrey, malevolent, tma, loki/marvel, merlin  ~
Bunny Manders has nothing left to lose, a revolver in his pocket, and a gambling debt to settle. If paying with his life is not an option, what will A.J. Raffles ask of him? The fact is that it does not matter what Raffles will ask; Bunny will reluctantly be the man for the job. In a previous life, the two boys were schoolmates — but as gentlemen about town, they must join felonious forces in order to maintain their Mayfair lifestyles and Raffles’ public image. There’s nothing very terrible in it, you see.

Hey i've been working on this comic for a few months and what better day to launch than the Ides? The first few pages are up already and the rest of the first story will be going up as i finish them 👀

This is intended as a pretty direct adaptation so you don't need to know anything about the original stories; if you like stealing from the rich, codependent gay drama, and Late Victorian Intrigue™, you're in the right place!


Further discoveries in the the early P.G. Wodehouse files include the time he heard Sherlock Holmes would be coming back from the dead, and wrote a song parody about it:

When Sherlock left his native Strand, such groans were seldom heard; With sobs the Public’s frame was rent: with tears its eye was blurred.     But the optimists reflected     That he might be resurrected: It formed our only theme of conversation. We asked each other, Would he be? And if so, How and where? We went about our duties with a less dejected air.     And they say that a suggestion     Of a Parliamentary question Was received with marked approval by the nation.   And Sherlock, Sherlock, he’s in town again,   Sir Conan has discovered him, and offers to explain.     The explanation may be thin,     But bless you! we don’t care a pin,   If he’ll but give us back our Sherlock.
He held the match to my cigarette; he brought me a whiskey and soda. Then he went out into the lobby, and, just as I was beginning to feel happy, I heard a bolt shot home. It cost me an effort to remain in that chair; next moment he was straddling another and gloating over my discomfiture across his folded arms. -The Return Match

oh aj youre soooo cool and dramatic and so good at giving important information like a normal person

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