

@fableprincess / fableprincess.tumblr.com

22 Female. English. Bioware fan.

Star-Fallen Animated Short ✨

Bonus: They’re fine they are happy, no gays die, I will never ever kill my gays.

Thank you for this excellent representation of older people who go to the hospital but then go home afterwards and are fine.


men (and some internally misogynistic women) are literally obsessed with the idea that all women are jealous fake bitches who secretly hate each other and see their own friends and family as competition. It’s like they can’t comprehend the idea that women can have genuine healthy friendships with each other. people love pushing this narrative that most girl friendship groups secretly hate each other, are full of drama and fakeness, and that they just sit around bitching and gossiping and are secretly jealous and hateful. girls like this do exist obviously, but as someone who has sisters and went to a girls school, I have experienced so much love and warmth from my female friendships. women can be so selfless and caring and emotionally intuitive and these friendships mean the world to me. I’m tired of these stupid stereotypes.


that time my mom got an entire free luxury refrigerator bc she harangued the repair service for 3 months about a major design flaw but they were in the middle of a class action lawsuit and didn’t want to leave a paper trail admitting they had no idea how to fix the damn thing

my point is, be the squeaky, screeching, hell-raising wheel. bc all the other wheels could be punctured or popping or driving people into a damn ditch, but a company is gonna do the absolutely bare minimum until you bully them into it. 

this also go for things like education and government services. don’t be unkind to the people on the other end of the phone (they’re just underpaid workers trying to do their jobs), but don’t be afraid to be an absolute nuisance until an organization gives you the resources you need. Shame is for those weaker than you. 

“Shame is for those weaker than you.”

Gaud, it never ceases to amaze me how you consistently make such quote-worthy statements and it’s always on posts about, well, about your mom getting a free fridge by being a nuisance or about clowns or some shit. Especially since your blog is largely shitposts and weird shit.

It’s like you’re dumping a wheelbarrow of dirt, confetti, and fish skeletons on my driveway, and then in the middle there’s a gem wrapped in polka dot wrapping paper.


jesus fucking christ look at all these fragile pieces of shit who can’t watch a movie with women and poc in them I'm💀💀💀

everyone who’s commenting “haha wouldn’t that leave like 5 minutes of the movie then😂😂” is missing the point SO hard

no, it wouldn’t. cutting all the female characters, poc and gay “rep” is actually….pretty easy. this guy did it and it’s still a solid movie.

you guys are giving marvel WAY too much credit. They don’t give a shit about representation, they don’t give a shit about you - the only thing they care about is money and looking Woke™

they did that by advertising how “progressive” they are for adding the first openly gay character ever!! let’s see when we can get an openly gay main character. or at least, dare I suggest, one that has a name.

they did that by hyping carol the fuck up and then only using her for 3 scenes

they did that by putting all the female characters in one shot for a Girl Power UwU scene; “oh look at us! we have all these female characters in one shot! we don’t hate women” isn’t that sad? that you can fit all your girls into one single shot? that despite your claims, all the girls combined still only have 116 minutes of screentime while the men have almost 400? isn’t that fucking pathetic?

it is. and look at this douche, look at all the assholes out there, this doesn’t mean SHIT to them, they take half an hour out of their day and cut a few scenes and boom - everything marvel claims is “progressive” is gone. none of their fake wokeness is important to the plot.

the gay character? who even is he?

T'challa and his family? their ~ 1 minute of screentime is easily cut

Sam becoming Cap? Where will we see that? In the show? Right. This person cut the scene and did that change the plot of endgame? the answer is no.

Carol? not much to cut since she was barely there

Natasha? The only thing she was good for is to die

Pepper? housewife. All he needed to do was cut the scenes where Tony washes the dishes and talks to Pepper, and cut Rescue’s, what, 20 seconds of screentime? and boom. ideal female, right?

Valkyrie? Oh she’s there alright, in the background, doing jack shit until Thor calls her queen in one scene, but does that scene mean anything? Do any of her scenes mean anything? Not to them. 10 seconds is all it takes and her scenes are all gone.

Nebula? kidnapped. dead

Gamora? insignificant. cut

you can’t mock this dude because “haha he has no movie left now 😂”. you gotta mock, no, hate marvel because that’s just the thing - he does. not a single poc or woman or lgbt person did anything that, if they left it out, the movie would make no sense.

and that’s just what he did. and yes, he’s pathetic for it, but don’t think marvel gives a single fuck about you. they don’t.

Aaaand someone said it … every single time a dude can make such a cut and the movie still makes sense, the movie has failed.


New rule: If you can cut all minority characters and women without losing plot coherency it is a failure. We can call it the Rian-Russo effect.

Reblogging again for the Rian-Russo effect!


I’m staring at the “No kitchen psychology e.g. she knows they all do” what IS that (also fuck MARVEL but we already knew that)


I feel sorry for the old man, but it was stealing.  There is no apparently about it. Water is not free, it’s not a right to have it, and people pay must pay for it.  If a government gives a thing to you like utilities, its still not free because they take it from somewhere else, like in taxes.  

my friend visiting my house: hey i’m thirsty can i get a glass of water



As long as that mask meets covid regulations I'd say it's valid

As long as that mask

meets covid regulations

I'd say it's valid

Broke: Getting Fit/Losing Weight for New Year’s Resolution.  Old. Inspires fatphobia, and hating yourself. and the gym is closed anyway.

Woke: Become Lord Humongous for New Years.  Fresh!  Empowering! Encourages the use of proper masks, social distancing and sensible footwear!


I just sent this to my husband and his response was “you can’t put a price on that” uh, yeah you can, they just did. 🙄

My mother used to mutter “I want a WIFE” angrily from time to time.

Later, after my parents split up and my mom’s bff’s spouse died, mom’s bff moved in. Mom would come home from work and the house would be clean! Dinner would be ready! Laundry done! Homework checked!

She called me up, delighted, a few weeks into it. “I was right! I DID want a wife!”

i remember the blissful 14 months when me and my friend shared a nanny, and coming back into the living room to find she had spontaneously tidied up the extreme chaos. That must be what it’s like, being a man, that you can just walk away from some mess to get ready for work, and when you come back somebody else has dealt with it without any physical or mental effort from you. 


I think about this essay all the time

P.S. I wonder what that pie chart would look like if it included sex work

• mod y


Hello you need to see this drag performer talking about quantum physics, queer existence, and non-binary identities.

[Video Description: A drag queen — who is credited as Amrou Al-Kadhi / Glamrou, a drag performer, writer, and filmmaker — stands in front of a microphone and explains,

“Quantum physics is this incredible sect of of physics, which basically…

With like, Newtonian physics — I think of it as heteronormative physics — where its basically ‘What are the fixed universal principles that govern the world? If I do A, will B happen? What are the formulas that’ll tell us anywhere in the universe, “What will happen if I input this?”’

Quantum physics is equally a “real” sect of physics that basically looks at subatomic particles — so the very smallest things in our universe, not the macro things — and they contradict basically everything that Newtonian physics shows us. So, the most famous experiment is the Double Slit Experiment, where you fire an electron and it should go through the left or right hole. And then every now and then, it goes through both at the same time. And we don’t really know why. And sometimes, the same subatomic particle is in different locations at the same times.

And quantum physics shows that actually reality itself is basically a majority approximation of what’s happening sub-atomically. So when people spew the biological essentialism argument on me. Like, particles themselves are non-binary, and do things that contradict each other all the time, we just can’t see them all the time. And that gives me a lot of comfort, that if subatomic particles defy constructs all the time, why should we believe in fixed constructs of gender, or any kind of reality?” END DESCRIPTION]

“Newtonian physics is heteronormative” is not the take I expected to see on my dash today, but it is 100% inspirational.

i needed this


Queen from 3020 destroys gender constructs, more at 11:00.

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