
Dumb bitch juice? My favorite!

@financialinstability / financialinstability.tumblr.com

multi-fandom, but financially? a whole ass mess | Ayat | 20 | she/her |

I love this picture because even 70 years ago, way up in the Arctic in a culture very different than my own, a 17 year old still had the same “Dad, please hurry up and take the damn picture” expression that characterized every picture taken of me from 2001-2007. 

Some things are universal



if 👏🏼 you 👏🏼 ain’t 👏🏼 got 👏🏼 no 👏🏼 money 👏🏼 take 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 broke 👏🏼 ass 👏🏼 home! 👏🏼


Safety is essential

Okay this is funny but also good commentary because they’re both things whiny pissbaby men will refuse to wear because they mildly don’t like the way wearing them feels, and they think they personal comfort and pleasure is worth risking the safety of other people including their loved ones.


But imagine if you lived in a country where the color of your skin got you killed for driving, jogging, sleeping, yelling, parking, babysitting, sitting in a van, selling CDs, selling cigarettes, opening the door, walking at night, wearing a hoodie at night, holding a toy gun, lying on the ground, being homeless, being in a dark stairwell, holding a cell phone, having a broken taillight, exercising horses, having a bottle of pills, shopping at Walmart, holding a BB gun at Walmart, holding a phone in your own backyard, eating ice cream in your own house, and shopping, you would say, “That is a lawless country.” 

— Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (x)


This is painful. I have no words..


As horrid as this is, don’t look away. Esp if you’re white. You probably never knew this happened. I didn’t. Knowledge is power, and if we want to be effective allies, we need to face the true history of what black America has suffered.

Educate yourselves for the sake of a future free of discrimination and oppression.


Im not black but I feel that rage too

This poor child….

For reference, this happened in 1944. Your grandparents were alive when this happened.

Where’s that dumbass “WhY yOu GoTtA mAkE eVeRyThInG aBoUt RaCe” anon… THIS is why I bring up race… because THIS is what it means to be a  B L A C K  child in murikkka. So yes, it’s about race.

I want everyone to look at this poor baby and think about this:

Charles Manson is still alive.

Ted Bundy was able to pass himself off as innocent for ten fucking years.

Jeffrey Dahmer was never executed or sent to the chair. He was bludgeoned to death by Christopher Scarver (who did what we all wanted. Thanks, my man).

John Wayne Gacy made numerous appeals for ten years before he was executed.

Richard Ramirez sat on death row for 20 years before dying of fucking cancer.

Just think about that.


This country really has been legally killing innocent black children for centuries but we’re not allowed to be upset about it or fight to stop it…..


For the next mf who tries to make a comment about black people being irrational in response to yet another senseless murder of a human being👇🏿


Western history loves to brag about their geniuses, philosophers, thinkers, and innovators throughout history but as far as I know, nobody talks about geniuses in non western history. Why can’t an Aztec community have their neighborhood Einstein who loved to study engineering and physics and helped build an efficient-running town?


Reblog if you're uncomfortable with how eurocentric our understanding of history is.


Well. Yeah, our understanding of history is very Eurocentric. But so is, well, History. Europe had a significant head start to the rest of the world, in resources and technology. Of course Asia was also very abundant in resources. But they closed themselves off from the outside world for a few hundred years. Which set them behind significantly.

do you smoke crack in your spare time because it's clear you don't use that time to read books. the hostory if Africa was old when Europe was first being discovered. Also Asia aka the biggest and probably the most diverse goddamn continent was "closed off" for the majority of history. just because you briefly work up in 10th grade history and heard the words "Japan" and "closed off" and fell back into a peaceful sleep doesn't make you an expert.

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