
void jail for non-existent scientists.

@furisk-blog / furisk-blog.tumblr.com

hey! i'm frisk & ily!!!! read my byf/about! thank you!!!!

Fun Psychotic Things

  • it smells like nectar. no one else smells it but its there
  • Everyone Is Always Staring Please Stop
  • a stranger just looked at you. they must be madly in love with you
  • the man in the corner of your kitchen. you know what im talking about
  • putting tape over all of your cameras so the government cant watch you
  • ok but that person you’re talking to is your future self trying to kill you
  • are they abusing me? am i being delusional?
  • where am i
  • it smells like food. like tacos. in the middle of a library
  • when u trying to sleep but they won’t stop talking
  • u gotta kill ur friend. u gotta do it or they’ll hurt u
  • there’s always someone reading my messages im scared
  • being manic and having a panic attack at the same time
  • no one listening to you and having your experiences invalidated constantly
  • u have to run after u turn the lights off or The Mantm will catch you
  • not being able to tell if something is a hallucination or not
  • birds chirping? at 1 am?
  • ok but that guy just yelled he must be yelling at you now u gotta run
  • ur family’s been gone for more than 3 hours they have to be dead
  • fjghfg

Undertale Ask Prompts

  • Frisk: What do you use more, actions or words?
  • Flowey: Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had the power to go back and do something different?
  • Toriel: What is your favorite pie flavor?
  • Napstablook: Do you have any family traditions?
  • Sans: What is your favorite joke/pun?
  • Papyrus: What do you have an extreme love for?
  • Monster Kid: Describe your idol.
  • Undyne: What is something you truly believe in?
  • Alphys: Describe your crush.
  • Mettaton: Do you feel comfortable in front of an audience?
  • Asgore: Have you ever done something you knew was wrong for the good of others?
  • Asriel: Do you regret anything?
  • Chara: What is something you are determined to do?
  • W. D. Gaster: What is something you wish you understood or knew more about?
  • Muffet: What is your favorite pastry?
  • Burgerpants: What is your dream job?
  • Temmie: hOI!!! What is something you find cute?
  • Amalgamate: Do you enjoy working in the area of science?
  • Bratty and Catty: What is something you and your best friend do together?
  • Greater Dog: What is something you are excited for?
  • Lesser Dog: Do you enjoy petting animals?

Bonus: What gives you DETERMINATION?



(please do not tag as kin or me. ask before using as anything.) 



mobile. ;; i suppose this means nearly every song in the ost would need to be sped up now?

Goddamnit Toby Fox

Pitch perfect.

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