

@prayforeyes / prayforeyes.tumblr.com

And don't think I'm afraid -- I'm coming back fifteen deep

Twitter is dying. So ya boy is back.

It's only been 2849 days since my last post.


The year is 151441. Humanity is on it’s last string of life. Food is scarce. The last bottle of maple syrup has expired. Hope is dying fast.


I'm Sorry...

But as an avid sports fan, do NOT go crazy when your team has reached the postseason if you don't give two shits about them during the regular season. Nothing makes me more angry when it comes to sports fans calling themselves "die-hard" fans yet only make time for the postseason. Or even all the folks who stop caring about college football when their team loses once and probably won't make the national title game. That's not being a fan. That's just being an ass. Get over yourself. Rant over.



I am disgusted at the amount of hate that comes from people's mouth and their little fingertips behind a keyboard.

Not everyone can get a job, pay their bills, keep up on student loans, feed themselves or their family.

This does NOT make them lazy, an addict, or a mooch. 

This makes them an unfortunate chunk of our country and our world who cannot get a job, pay their bills, keep up on student loans, feed themselves or their family.

If you don't have anything productive to say, why say it? 

Live YOUR life and yours alone.

Be thankful that you are alive, breathing, and probably have had multiple meals today. 


Root Canal

Not bad in the dentist's chair. Right now, I'm feeling the effects of the pressure he put on my palate and jaw. They said a day of pain. Hopefully it pushes through.


in the air we tried to be

but you shot your arrow through me

now one of us must die

but the killer won't survive


Read a book. Form your own opinion. Gain knowledge from credible sources to improve upon your life and the others around you.

If you plan on promoting something that I TRULY believe in, PLEASE don't treat others like crap and actually care and understand what you are saying. To believe in something is to live your life by it, whether monotheistic, polytheistic, or athiestic. 

Live through your morality. Stand your ground. Be a good person. Don't use language that is offensive to others (and I don't mean fuck or shit... I mean faggot and gay, among others). Believe in who you are and what you stand for. 

Your life, your words, and your actions affect others whether you see it or not. 

If you need to believe in anything... believe in that.


I love when you text someone and you get no reply... But they can tweet.


My new best friend is going have to be my Xbox. Not an RD anymore. Still not accepted as a full-time staff member. No friends here otherwise. Womp womp.



I just bought a footswitch for my POD Studio, a 5-string bass, and a new Cliplock strap. So excited.


My mother finally decided to get a new Facebook. Hopefully my stepfather does not hijack that one and spew hate on it like the last one. First thing I did was unfriend him as he took over the account.

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