
These Hands Had To Let It Go Free


It feels like a perfect night, to blog on tumblr, and that's really all I do, oh oh, oh oh.
Still trying to care about anything other than Taylor Swift... Not really working out.
I was seven and you were nine
person: I think you're a little too obsessed with taylor swift
me: I have no idea what you're talking about
me: takes sip out of taylor swift cup, starts humming shake it off, sprays on 4 different taylor swift perfumes, writes taylor lyrics on person's forehead

I think the most telling thing about Jensen Ackles’ personality is that his performance in end!verse would’ve won him an Emmy if SPN was a show that got nominated for Emmys, (I’m quoting Kripke here) and that’s obvious to anybody who watches that episode; and yet the only thing Jensen ever says about end!verse is that Jared was amazing as Lucifer. 

Okay, honestly. Which one of you a**holes edited this post to make it look like I actually care enough to use proper capitalization and punctuation on this g*dforsaken heckhole of a website?

i’m blocking everyone on this website

You are my favorite


In art history today we went around the room and said what we were most thankful for. Everyone was saying food or their family or Mr Junker and I said Taylor Swift. Everyone laughed. I think they thought I was joking


I hate it when you see those quizzes online that say "are you the ultimate swiftie?" And then ask questions like "what's her second album called?" When you literally know the name of sea gull that hung out in her back yard a few times


Having a boyfriend would be cool and all but do you know what would be more cool? It rhymes with dogs. It's dogs


Dress codes strengthen rape culture because they encourage the idea that women who are wearing less clothing that the expected amount are in the wrong and guilty of seducing men

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