
Compass Rose

@fairylightfeminist-blog / fairylightfeminist-blog.tumblr.com

Alex ★ 18 ★ Canada
Sometimes I write. Usually I just watch tv and blog about it.
In my head: I'm gonna lose weight, I'm gonna eat right, exercise, be positive and happy
Ten minutes later: crying while in the tacobell drive thru telling myself what a pos I am

i’m not even the mum friend, i’m like the grandma friend. evidence: - falls asleep a lot - confused about most things - loves baking for people - exasperated at the Youths™ - u never really know what i’m on about but i mean well so u smile and nod anyway


i wonder if magic is real, but only in a really mundane way.

when i was little i could almost inerringly switch back to disney channel right as the ads ended when i was channel surfing.

maybe youve never accidentally crushed a ladybug underfoot. maybe your microwave popcorn never burns. maybe you can spin around lots and lots of times before you get dizzy.

is that magic??

honestly im not sure if these are magic or just small, invisible skills. im not sure which i like better.

My ankles never twist.  I’ve always been rather active, I did track for five years (all the running events), and one time while running I stepped in a hole, lost my shoe, and landed sprawling about five feet away.  I pulled my shoe on and kept running.

I have a coworker who somehow makes better coffee than everyone else even though the grounds come pre-measured and all you have to do is load them up and push a button.  I have a friend who has inch long nails that never break.  My brother can copy origami just by looking at the finished product and my mother can do the same with knots.  I knew a guy who never made an error when typing.

Maybe we all have little magics, the kind that you don’t realize you have.  Just tiny things that make your life slightly better but are completely unnoticed on the outside.

this is the cutest post i have ever read…


I’ve been on this website for six years. I’ve lived through hellish events such as the Mishapocalypse, Tumblr Prom and that one post which told us to call Karp ‘daddy’. I have survived six years of this god forsaken website and I am furious to announce that I’ve only just realised that notes is short for notifications

Sometimes I imagine my own autopsy. Disappointment in myself: right kidney. Disappointment of others in me: left kidney. Personal failures: kishkes. When the clocks are turned back and the dark falls before I’m ready, this, for reasons I can’t explain, I feel in my wrists. And when I wake up and my fingers are stiff, almost certainly I was dreaming of my childhood. Yesterday I saw a man kicking a dog and I felt it behind my eyes. I don’t know what to call this, a place before tears. The pain of forgetting: spine. The pain of remembering: spine. All the times I have suddenly realized that my parents are dead, even now, it still surprises me, to exist in the world while that which made me has ceased to exist: my knees. To everything a season, to every time I’ve woken only to make the mistake of believing for a moment that someone was sleeping beside me: a hemorrhoid. Loneliness: there is no organ that can take it all.

Nicole Krauss, The History of Love (via wethinkwedream)


concept: me, sharing a milkshake with the one i love on a park bench. our two dogs are at our feet. we both have jobs we enjoy and find purpose in. my dress is very pretty and soon we will go to a rooftop party where there will be fairy lights and friendship. i murdered donald trump in the summer of 2016 and was never caught. everything is good.


I remember first learning that you can cry from any emotion, that emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain equilibrium. so if one emotion sky rockets, that chemical becomes flagged and signals the tear duct to open as an exit to release that emotion packaged neatly within a tear. Everything made sense after learning that. That sudden stability of your emotions after crying. How crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion in that precise moment. And it is especially beautiful knowing that it is even possible to experience so much beauty or love or happiness that your body literally can’t hold on to all of it. So what I’ve learned is that crying signifies that you are feeling as much as humanely possible and that is living to the fullest extent. So keep feeling and cry often and as much as needed

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