
It'll Get Easier.

@hardcoremgc / hardcoremgc.tumblr.com

fan of rum, late night Taco Bell, 5sos and horror films. Listen to my music here:
Conservative Christians: People these days get so offended over every little thing
Conservative Christians: Why the FUCK does my Starbucks cup not say "Merry Christmas" this is an OUTRAGE I am BOYCOTTING Starbucks
stop apologizing for who you are, for your laugh, for “looking crazy,” for the way you eat or sleep. stop being sorry for being yourself.

alex elle  (via tr-apstar)


imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you’ve ever had sex with

imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you’ve ever thought about having sex with

oh god NO

oh god YES

Imagine your cousin sitting there wondering what he has in common with these people





Happy Hannukah to all my jewish friends n followers!!

may ur presents be high quality, ur dinners plentiful and dreidels like Super Spinny


I hope you find love in 2016. 

I hope you find financial stability, as well, in 2016

Also, I hope you get astonishing dick in 2016.

I hope you find peace in 2016.

I hope you find happiness within yourself in 2016.

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