☆ un florilège ☆

@unflorilege / unflorilege.tumblr.com

"To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys." "To the stars who listen―and the dreams that are answered." Katrina | Australia | Multifandom

GIVEN | Uenoyama Ritsuka's face-rubs must be protected at all costs

Ue holds his face in his hands as

1. a way to make himself come to terms with something.

(here he realises that he forgot that he kissed Mafuyu BAHA)

2. as a self-soothing technique whenever he's feeling vulnerable.

(This is where Akihiko asks him whether something happened between him and Mafuyu and he turns beetroot red BAHAHAHA)


He does the same to Mafuyu!

1. when he wants Mafuyu to come to terms with something.

(This is the scene where Ue's trying to get Mafuyu to write lyrics)

2. When he uses his own self-soothing technique to sooth and comfort Mafuyu when Mafuyu is in a vulnerable state.

(This is the scene where Mafuyu is sick and Ue asks Mafuyu if the song he sang last night was about heartbreak)

Which makes this scene below just THAT MUCH MORE TENDER 😭❤️🙏

Ue is trying to comfort Mafuyu while trying to say just how proud and how much he loves Mafuyu


If you like what you read, all I post is basically Given analysis content! Give my blog a follow to be notified of future posts! #metapotato

I find it so cute of Shiguang Dailiren ( 时光代理人) to have Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s name contain characters from the first word in its title.

Shiguang ( 时光) means time. Cheng Xiaoshi has the Shi ( 时) character, and that character alone can also mean time. Guang ( 光 ) alone, however, would mean light… 

It’s so indicative of them. Cheng Xiaoshi is one who frequently loses himself when going back in time, hence he gets the Shi character. And Lu Guang? Well, we all know he’s the light in Cheng Xiaoshi’s life.

Their ship name is basically in the title. There’s no way ShiGuang is still not canon


please... if you’re going to attempt to speak in “old” english

THOU is the subject (Thou art…) THEE is the object (I look at thee) THY is for words beginning in a consonant (Thy dog) THINE is for words beginning in a vowel (Thine eyes)

this has been a psa


Also, because H was sometimes treated as a vowel when the grammar rules for thou/thee/thy/thine were formed,THINE can also be used for words beginning with H. For example, both “thy heart” and “thine heart” appear in Elizabethan poetry.

For consistency, however, if you’re saying “thine eyes”, make sure you also say “mine eyes” instead of “my eyes”.

Further to the PSA:

Thou/thee/thine is SINGULAR ONLY.

Verbs with “thou” end in -st or -est: thou canst, thou hast, thou dost, thou goest.  Exception: the verbs will, shall, are, and were, which add only -t: thou wilt, thou shalt, thou art, thou wert.

Only in the indicative, though – when saying how things are (“Thou hast a big nose”).  Not in the subjunctive, saying how things might be (“If thou go there…”) nor in the imperative, making instructions or requests (“Go thou there”).

The -eth or -th ending on verbs is EXACTLY EQUIVALENT TO THE -(e)s ENDING IN MODERN ENGLISH.

I go, thou goest, she goeth, we go, ye go, they go.

If you wouldn’t say “goes” in modern English, don’t say “goeth” in Shakespearean English.

“Goeth and getteth me a coffee” NO.  KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Usually with an imperative you put the pronoun immediately after the verb, at least once in the sentence (“Go thou” / “Go ye”).

YE is the subject (Ye are…).  YOU is the object.

Ye/you/your is both for PLURALS and for DEFERENCE, as vous in French.

There’s more, but that’ll do for now.

Oh wow. Reblogging for reference.

also note this isn’t old english it’s elizabethan english, or early modern english.

This was written in Modern English.

This was writ in Elizabethan English.

Þis was ywritten in Middelenglisch.

Þis ƿæs ġeƿrīten on Ēaldenglisċ.


I’m so tired I need a break and uni hasn’t even started yet


Literally like 5 people messaged me if I was free last night the ONE TIME IM ACTUALLY BUSY I don’t get it

And when I’m not busy, everyone else is :(


I fucked up today lol woke up at 5 for no reason urgh


What I wanted to say actually, is that so many people are in exchange from my high school atm, and I'm really jealous


Tfw people irl who you know well start using twitter and follow you, so you have to be careful of what you post

Hi tumblr, I guess


umm i need reassurance that my presence is wanted but i can’t ask for reassurance because that’s really Embarrassing and it wouldn’t feel genuine if i asked for it

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