
Just a Humble Minion

@thehumbleminion / thehumbleminion.tumblr.com

Hello everyone! I'm Minion, faithful life long companion to the incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy, my Sir and your future Evil Overlord, Megamind.

Minion Appreciation Post

“We’ve had a lot of adventures together, you and I.”

“We have, Minion.”

“I mean, most of them ended in horrible failure, but we won today, didn’t we, Sir?”

“Yes, Minion. We did it. Thanks to you.”

“Code: We’re the good guys now.”

“Code: I guess we are.”


Minion is the best fish there ever is!



What the all living fuck is wrong with the Blue Exorcist fandom?

Seriously children, what the fuck is wrong with you?

A month ago one of my coworkers lost her home.  She is 17, pansexual and genderqueer, and her abusive mother kicked her out of her house.  The police were called and it was a clusterfuck.  Ever since then she has been couch surfing and trying to deal with her family turning against her as she navigates social services, school, and her daily fear of how she will support herself.   

It’s been a fucking nightmare okay?  

A bunch of us from the Megamind fandom have been busting our asses trying to help her.  A bunch of us (including several fandom people who had never met her before all this shit went down) helped her move her stuff out of her abusive home.  We’ve been buying her food, giving her advice, and doing our best to encourage so she can graduate high school in a few months.  

But you know, two days ago she was really excited because she had the idea to roleplay one of her favorite Blue Exorcist characters on tumblr.  She had never roleplayed on tumblr so she was nervous but I assured her that everyone in the Megamind fandom would be nice to her and patient with her as a first timer.  We have TONS of crossover characters in our RP-verse.  It’s no big deal.  

And she was SO excited.   I haven’t seen her this excited in weeks, not since she fucking lost her home and her family and came to my house in tears with bruises and a dying cat we had to euthanize the next day.   Happiness for her and her girlfriend has been hard to come by lately, so we were encouraging her to grab whatever scrap of happiness she could even though she was SO nervous to rp on tumblr.  

Yesterday she started picking a theme and getting the account set up.  Today she was finally ready to roleplay.   She started to do a few askbox memes with people from the fandom.   It was going really well.   She was really happy.  

However within a few hours of having her rp account open, she started to get harassing messages from people in the Blue Exorcist fandom.  Messages harassing her because apparently there are other Usas out there so she was told that she can’t RP as the character.   Even though she had no intention of interacting with your shitty bag of dicks fandom.   She was not allowed to do so according to the batch of gatekeeper douchecanoes that run your fandom into the ground.  

But the cherry on the cake was that someone decided to bully her by reporting her account as NSFW.  Which is CRAZY because the account had NO NSFW content at all.  

So now she is locked out of it and has decided to give up on RP after less than 5 hours of being active.  

Congratulations.  I hope you fuckwads are proud of yourselves.  

Do you know how many Megaminds we have RPing in our fandom?  Like 17.  You’re whining about having 4 Usas?  You fucking children.  

So congratulations Blue Exorcist fandom for being the shittiest fandom I’ve ever encountered.   And I’m 32 fucking years old, so I’ve seen a lot of shitty fandoms on tumblr, forums, LJ, etc.  You are the worst.  Give yourself a round of applause.  

You bullied a homeless queer teen into quitting something she loved because you can’t share your toys.

Your fandom should be ashamed of yourselves.  

Please don’t use the q slur to describe people who fall under the LGBTQ archive please.You seriously could have not used the fucking slur to say the least. From a bisexual homoromantic trans dude.


Are you serious with this? 


I am a bisexual biromantic activist who has been fighting for bisexual, LGBT, and queer rights for almost 15 years.  I've been in the streets with signs and behind closed doors with major players in the LGBTQ world.  And you cannot take the word queer from me or from my people.  Queer people are real and we have the ultimate authority to choose the words we use to describe ourselves.  That is my identity, that is my community, that is my college degree.  People died for the word queer -- dying of AIDS when the Regan administration didn't give a shit and dying being queer-bashed in the streets -- and you don't get to take it away from us.  It is our queer uncles that survived AIDS and taught us to remember the names of the dead, and members of our chosen families who can be fired and sexually harassed for being out at work every single day. 

Queer is our words for ourselves and you will take the word queer from us over my dead body.  

Way to confirm my impression that this fandom is full of terrible fucking people.

First you bullied a homeless queer girl by playing gatekeeper on what RP characters she is allowed to play.  

Then you tried to pretend it didn't happen lalalalalala.

Then you sent me a bunch of harassing asks (none of which I'm going to respond to because you're all blocked :D) that blamed the victim or tried to play respectability politics or whined that I should have been nicer while playing the 'not all men' defense.  

Then you tried to bully me for speaking out about it by playing gatekeeper on our very identities.   Heads up, not respecting people's choice of labels is an act of violence against LGBTQ people.  This is rank queerphobia and homophobia.

Way to double down on your shitty behavior Blue Exorcist fandom.  Consider me done with all of you and may the gods have mercy on your souls. 


there was an earlier iteration of this character that was not robotic, but a fish in a tank sitting atop an actual gorilla body. as hilarious as it was, it did come across a little morbid, so we opted for a robot body pasted with fake fur. (copyright Dreamworks Animation)


so that unnecessary rant in the ao no exorcist tag was really unnecessary tbh . that person is looking for a fight by picking the whole fandom in general. I know you guys are good, this fandom is small after all. Just ignore the person and dont led them get to you.  

Or you know, you could take some responsibility.  That would be nice too.

You could condemn bullying and harassment in your fandom.  You could apologize on behalf of your fandom and take our your trash by having a zero tolerance policy for things like this in the future.   That is actually the common response in most fandoms.  

But those things would actually require work and introspection about the people around you.  

Much easier to do this:

Your fandom has serious problems, but you don't see any of them under all that sand so they must not be real!


What the all living fuck is wrong with the Blue Exorcist fandom?

Seriously children, what the fuck is wrong with you?

A month ago one of my coworkers lost her home.  She is 17, pansexual and genderqueer, and her abusive mother kicked her out of her house.  The police were called and it was a clusterfuck.  Ever since then she has been couch surfing and trying to deal with her family turning against her as she navigates social services, school, and her daily fear of how she will support herself.   

It's been a fucking nightmare okay?  

A bunch of us from the Megamind fandom have been busting our asses trying to help her.  A bunch of us (including several fandom people who had never met her before all this shit went down) helped her move her stuff out of her abusive home.  We've been buying her food, giving her advice, and doing our best to encourage so she can graduate high school in a few months.  

But you know, two days ago she was really excited because she had the idea to roleplay one of her favorite Blue Exorcist characters on tumblr.  She had never roleplayed on tumblr so she was nervous but I assured her that everyone in the Megamind fandom would be nice to her and patient with her as a first timer.  We have TONS of crossover characters in our RP-verse.  It's no big deal.  

And she was SO excited.   I haven't seen her this excited in weeks, not since she fucking lost her home and her family and came to my house in tears with bruises and a dying cat we had to euthanize the next day.   Happiness for her and her girlfriend has been hard to come by lately, so we were encouraging her to grab whatever scrap of happiness she could even though she was SO nervous to rp on tumblr.  

Yesterday she started picking a theme and getting the account set up.  Today she was finally ready to roleplay.   She started to do a few askbox memes with people from the fandom.   It was going really well.   She was really happy.  

However within a few hours of having her rp account open, she started to get harassing messages from people in the Blue Exorcist fandom.  Messages harassing her because apparently there are other Usas out there so she was told that she can't RP as the character.   Even though she had no intention of interacting with your shitty bag of dicks fandom.   She was not allowed to do so according to the batch of gatekeeper douchecanoes that run your fandom into the ground.  

But the cherry on the cake was that someone decided to bully her by reporting her account as NSFW.  Which is CRAZY because the account had NO NSFW content at all.  

So now she is locked out of it and has decided to give up on RP after less than 5 hours of being active.  

Congratulations.  I hope you fuckwads are proud of yourselves.  

Do you know how many Megaminds we have RPing in our fandom?  Like 17.  You're whining about having 4 Usas?  You fucking children.  

So congratulations Blue Exorcist fandom for being the shittiest fandom I've ever encountered.   And I'm 32 fucking years old, so I've seen a lot of shitty fandoms on tumblr, forums, LJ, etc.  You are the worst.  Give yourself a round of applause.  

You bullied a homeless queer teen into quitting something she loved because you can't share your toys.

Your fandom should be ashamed of yourselves.  



Minion shopping for his first wig. 

And Megamind is just standing there bored out of his big blue mind holding piles of shopping bags. “Min-ion, just pick one.”

Frantically, the fish turned this way and that in his tank.

"But I can’t just pick one! it has to be the right one!”

Groaning, the genius lifted his hand wrist, shopping bags and all, to read his watch, “You have five Ear-th minutes.”

Squealing, Minion picked up a curly black wig. 

"Sir, does this one make my face look big?"

Rolling his green eyes, Megamind groaned, “It looks fine!”

"Hmph!" his henchman pouted with a fold of mechanical gorilla arms. A loud sniff could be heard. "You know what? Just go wait in the invisible car! I’ll be f-fine…"

The villain instantly dropped his attitude as well as the bags of stolen goods. “Hey, hey, hey, come on, Min-ion, I’m just kidding around.” turning to face the shop owner who stared at the two in terror he growled, “I’m just kidding, right?”

Instantly, the woman let out a very forced hollow laugh, “HA HA HA HA Y-YES HE’S JUST KIDDING OOOOHHHH WHAT A KIDDER!”

Chuckling, the alien turned back with a thumb jerked in her direction, “There, you see? All for a laugh.”

The little fish turned in his globe and looked down at the other, a bti sheepishly. “You don’t mean that.” 

"Yes I do!" The villain looked up earnestly, "You’re my best friend, Min-ion. And I’m going to help you through this trying time in your life!"

Tawny eyes fluttered a little with another sniff. “I just want to be myself…”

"Minion." His skinny friend placed his blue hands on each side of his tank. "You’re the best fish in the whole entire universe and I couldn’t be more prouder of you than finally coming to terms with yourself. I care about you and I want you to be happy, ok?"

A the corner of the Piranha’s mouth pulled up a fraction of a bit. “Even if I’m wearing a dress?”

The genius nodded firmly, “Especially when you are wearing a dress.”

"And those red Italian pumps?" the fish squealed.

"The sparkly ones? Oh yeah, totally."

"You make me feel so safe, Sir." Minion pulled the other into a tight hug where Megamind chuckled, patting him on the radio transmitter "Thinga-ma-bob" on his back. 

"Yeah, well, we got each other’s back in a fight, right?"

Another deep sniff followed by a wobbly, “R-right.”

Smiling, Megamind opened his eyes and blinked at the sight behind him. “Oh!” 

Pushing away from his best buddy, the genius hurried around the bulky body suit to a stand behind him. “Oh, Min-ion, look! Try this one on!”

Minion turned and cocked his head at the sight, “Curly blond? Really? I Miss Ritchi suggested a wavy brunette…”

Megamind pulled it off and helped it on his best friend. “Yes and Metro Mahn that garish red one, ugh.”

"He has a point sir."

"Oh what would Mister Perfect Hair Forever know about wig styles?! Wow…" Standing back he admired his best friend in the curly bob.

"What?" Minion asked curiously.

"You look fantastic!" Pointed at a little room of mirrors behind them, the genius shoved him forward. "Go on, look! Look!"

Chuckling at his friends’ excitement, the fish relented and found his three sided reflection. He gasped at the sight and raised his hands to primp and fluff the sides. 

"Sir, it’s… it’s…"

His friend nodded behind him vigorously, “Eh, eh? Not bad eh?”

"Oh sir! It’s perfect!" Minion smiled happily. "I can’t wait to show Miss Ritchi!"

"Uh-um, are-are you gah-gonna b-buy that?" The nervous keeper asked timidly from behind the counter.

The two looked at one another before bursting into laughter. 

"Ohhhh that’s rich! She’s thinks we’re normal law abiding citizens! How cute!"

"Haha!" then whipping out his DE-Gun, (which was currently on the DE-eep Freeze setting) the genius sneered at the lady. "Just think of us like the cops, Mrs. Ma’am, and FREEZE!”

In a riot of laughter, the two charged out of the frost bitten shop carrying bags of stolen goods on their way back to where the Invisible Car sat parked half on top of a fallen statue of Metro Man. 

And that’s the story of Minion’s Space Step Mom wig.


Morning With Minion

[He thinks it over, nodding in thought.] I doubt a real sunken ship would be much good for that, what with the salt water of the ocean and all. Then again, we could always steal a boat and well… [he grins.] …sink it.

"Oh that sounds lovely - I mean positively evil!" Minion replied excitedly.  "Maybe I can wear an eye patch…."

[He laughs, adding to the notes “Steal ship” “fish, shrimp, snails” and “evil eye patches”, then chews on the pen a bit.] Ooh, and sunken treasure. Jewels, coins, the whole she-bang!

"We could hold up a jewelry store.  And oooh maybe a place that sells rare coins?" Minion suggested, leaning over Megamind’s shoulder to see the list.

Perfect~! [He adds that as well, then taps the pen against his lips a few times.] Hmm… anything else?

"We should get some filters and pumps.  It will be important to keep it clean," Minion replied seriously.  

I knew that…! [He frowns, writing that down as well.] People who don’t clean their pools regularly really need to question their priorities in life. It’s disgusting! [He shudders, for effect.]

"Some people's children," Minion tuts.  His Sir may be evil but at least he has his priorities in the right places!


Morning With Minion

[He thinks it over, nodding in thought.] I doubt a real sunken ship would be much good for that, what with the salt water of the ocean and all. Then again, we could always steal a boat and well… [he grins.] …sink it.

"Oh that sounds lovely - I mean positively evil!" Minion replied excitedly.  "Maybe I can wear an eye patch…."

[He laughs, adding to the notes “Steal ship” “fish, shrimp, snails” and “evil eye patches”, then chews on the pen a bit.] Ooh, and sunken treasure. Jewels, coins, the whole she-bang!

"We could hold up a jewelry store.  And oooh maybe a place that sells rare coins?" Minion suggested, leaning over Megamind’s shoulder to see the list.

Perfect~! [He adds that as well, then taps the pen against his lips a few times.] Hmm… anything else?

"We should get some filters and pumps.  It will be important to keep it clean," Minion replied seriously.  


Morning With Minion

"Oooh how about a sunken pirate ship?" Minion added excitedly.  "Sunken ships provide an excellent environment for coral and fish.  Non-sentient fish would be excellent for hunting.  Ooh and we could get some shrimp and snails to eat the algee and help keep it clean!"

[He thinks it over, nodding in thought.] I doubt a real sunken ship would be much good for that, what with the salt water of the ocean and all. Then again, we could always steal a boat and well… [he grins.] …sink it.

"Oh that sounds lovely - I mean positively evil!" Minion replied excitedly.  "Maybe I can wear an eye patch…."

[He laughs, adding to the notes “Steal ship” “fish, shrimp, snails” and “evil eye patches”, then chews on the pen a bit.] Ooh, and sunken treasure. Jewels, coins, the whole she-bang!

"We could hold up a jewelry store.  And oooh maybe a place that sells rare coins?" Minion suggested, leaning over Megamind's shoulder to see the list.


Morning With Minion

MInion instantly claps his robotic hands over his mouth, so not to let the secret out.   But considering that his voice comes from the box on his chest and not his actual mouth, Megamind can still hear him saying “I won’t say a word Sir” loud and clear.   

Excellent~! [He turns in his chair, hopping off of it as he grabs a pencil and sketchpad from the nearby table, bringing it towards Minion and slapping it onto the counter near him.] So, lets make notes! [He writes in little bullet points, “Freshwater (no chlorine!!)” “Corals and plants” “UNDERGROUND!!”] Hm… How big do you think we should go? I’m thinking REALLY big! So big Mykaal will wonder how the heck this place doesn’t collapse! [He pauses.] Just uh, lets make sure it doesn’t actually collapse. We could do decorative support beams throughout it, I suppose…

"Oooh how about a sunken pirate ship?" Minion added excitedly.  "Sunken ships provide an excellent environment for coral and fish.  Non-sentient fish would be excellent for hunting.  Ooh and we could get some shrimp and snails to eat the algee and help keep it clean!"

[He thinks it over, nodding in thought.] I doubt a real sunken ship would be much good for that, what with the salt water of the ocean and all. Then again, we could always steal a boat and well… [he grins.] …sink it.

"Oh that sounds lovely - I mean positively evil!" Minion replied excitedly.  "Maybe I can wear an eye patch...."


Morning With Minion

"Oooh that sounds lovely!" Minion squealed, then coughed.  "Ahem, I mean, very evil Sir.  Maybe we can even get it finished in time for Mykaal Sir to see when he comes back."

That’s the plan! [He wiggles excitedly.] Don’t tell him, it’s a secret, shhh! [He puts his finger in front of his lips with the shush.]

MInion instantly claps his robotic hands over his mouth, so not to let the secret out.   But considering that his voice comes from the box on his chest and not his actual mouth, Megamind can still hear him saying “I won’t say a word Sir” loud and clear.   

Excellent~! [He turns in his chair, hopping off of it as he grabs a pencil and sketchpad from the nearby table, bringing it towards Minion and slapping it onto the counter near him.] So, lets make notes! [He writes in little bullet points, “Freshwater (no chlorine!!)” “Corals and plants” “UNDERGROUND!!”] Hm… How big do you think we should go? I’m thinking REALLY big! So big Mykaal will wonder how the heck this place doesn’t collapse! [He pauses.] Just uh, lets make sure it doesn’t actually collapse. We could do decorative support beams throughout it, I suppose…

"Oooh how about a sunken pirate ship?" Minion added excitedly.  "Sunken ships provide an excellent environment for coral and fish.  Non-sentient fish would be excellent for hunting.  Ooh and we could get some shrimp and snails to eat the algee and help keep it clean!"

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