
Dino, whose baby are you?

@imwoozii / imwoozii.tumblr.com

She/Her 20 USA Seventeen Trash (was jinkiplz)

what's the strangest fear you have?


DK: Ladybugs.When I was in elementary school my blanket had a ladybug picture on it. In my dream that ladybug grew to a huge size. Ever since then I’m scared of ladybugs.

도겸: 무당벌레초등학교때 제 이불 그림에 무당 벌레가 그려져 있었는데요,꿈 속에서 그 무당벌레가 엄청 크게 변해서 꿈 속에 나왔어요. 그 뒤로 무당벌레가 무서워졌습니다.


When did you first know you wanted to be in the music industry?


Woozi: I think ever since I was young I just liked music. In the midst of that I met the members, and I really liked the music we were making together. I think that’s how I realized that I needed to do music.

우지: 어릴때부터 그저 음악이 좋았던거같다 그러던 와중 멤버들을 만나면서 함께 만들어나가는 음악들이 너무 좋았던거같고 그러면서 음악을 꼭 해야된다라고 느끼지않았나 싶다

Anonymous asked:

Who eats the most and what do they love to eat? XD

Wonwoo: Woozi. You could say he’s the rice thief out of Seventeen.When we go to a BBQ restaurant, rather than meat he eats at least 3 bowls of rice. And he just normally orders a lot of food. He will eat 2-3 dishes by himself.

원우: 우지세븐틴의 밥도둑이라할수있죠고깃집에가면 고기보다 밥 3공기는기본 그리고평상시에 음식을많이시켜먹는편이다혼자 2~3개를시켜먹곤합니다

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