
queer trans af, he/they, 30

@someonetorootfor / someonetorootfor.tumblr.com

who fuckin knows


So this is for any closeted trans people, whether you’re non-binary, ftm, or mtf.

If you’re closeted and you want a haircut, but can’t show a picture of the haircut you want without outing yourself, I AM HERE.

I will, for absolutely no cost whatsoever, photoshop a picture that you give me to look like your biological gender, while still retaining the original hair of the person. All that I ask is that you reblog this post to spread the word. Message  me the picture, and the gender you want it to look like, + any additional info.

Even if  you don’t need/want this, I’d appreciate the signal boosts :)


It’s my understanding that Black voters are aligning with Trump in greater and greater numbers as election day draws near.  This is a picture of Donald Trump with his parents.  For those of you too young to know the significance of what they are wearing, they are Klan robes, an in the Ku Klux Klan, and they were life long members.  Fred Trump, Donald’s father was arrested in 1927 at an event for Klansmen, almost 2 decades before Donald was born.  This picture is towards the end of Fred Trump’s life in 1999.  Fred Trump, Donald Trump’s father, was a member of the Klan for more than SEVENTY years.  Yet, this year, Donald Trump said he didn’t know enough about the Klan to disavow them.  Why would he lie about that? 

I am BEGGING everyone to please repost this and repost it often until election day.  Donald Trump is a liar and a racist.  His not so hidden agenda is to restore white power to America.  Understand that his policies will be detrimental to Black people in ways far greater and more far-reaching than we can comprehend. 

Which is precisely why I posted the link to his father’s 1927 arrest at a Klan event.  His father was a Klan member. 

And this is further proof that his father was the same Fred Trump and very well may have been involved in the killing of someone. 


Guys, I realize that I rarely ever post anything to this blog anymore. But for those of you still waiting around for That Southern Charm, if there’s any of you left, I want you to know that I still haven’t abandoned it. I’ve got 4 incomplete chapters (which are detailed and almost finished, but need a good amount of cleaning up) and another 1 or 2 in the works. When I’m done them they will be going up as Part 2. Part 3 (which I didn’t plan on) will consist of a few chapters that aren’t written yet but are already planned and have been planned from the beginning. Again, I have no idea when I’ll be finished them. I really don’t. I have a few months left of my Masters which takes up almost all of my time when I wish I could be writing and doing stuff for myself. 

I’m sorry that this doesn’t really give you much to go on. I just wanted to reaffirm that I’ve always planned on finishing this story, even if it’s just for me. And honestly, I’ve just been slapped in the face again with the reminder that we still have to write our own representation. Because that still seems like the only way we’re gonna get it.

Anonymous asked:

Are you going to be coming back soon? :(

Oh anon. I want so badly to have time to write something that is not an academic paper and to let the lovely people on here read it. But alas, school is a bitch.

Anonymous asked:

Hey I was wondering if you were going to finish That Southern Charm? Cause it might just be my fav fanfic ever.

I will. I say it a lot, but I will. I love the story too much, I really enjoy writing it, and I want to see how it turns out. I’m a horrible procrastinator and I’m busy with school most of the time, but eventually it will get done. I’m sorry, I know how much it sucks to wait, but thank you for being patient and lovely and for taking the time to ask me about it.

Anonymous asked:

the 'her place' series is seriously so so good!! it'd be super cool if you could do some more of it. i can't find anything else like it or as good as it tbh

Oh you’re extremely nice :) I’m glad that I could write something that’s a little different for you guys. In terms of the series, new parts are never off the table, but they depend exclusively on whether I’m hit with inspiration for one or not. So no promises, but I’ll never say never on that one.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I love your fics!!! Your stories are always so interesting! I think That Southern Charm is doing a pretty good job of capturing the ridiculousness of the south lol. I was just wondering if you know when you might start posting again? No pressure though! I totally understand that you have a life outside of writing fic. I hope you have a lovely day/night/whatever! :D

Oh thank you :) I’m sure it’s a little over the top (I hope at least) but I’m glad that it’s not too unbelievable. I’m not sure when it will start up again,  though it’s taking longer than anticipated. But it will be finished, I promise. Thank you for being understanding.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I cant remember if i sent you a message about the knew 'Her Place' fic. Buts its really, really good :) Youre such an awesome writer! I'm also really looking forward to the second part of 'That Southern Charm' :D

Oh thank you :) I’m happy that you liked it. And I’m looking forward to it too, if only I was faster at writing it!

Anonymous asked:

May I just say how beautifully written that was, honestly, absolutely gaaaah I wish I could find the words to do that justice. It was really nice to see how it started and how innocent and willing Hannah was, and how much development there has been since then, absolutely great use of the safe word too. I feel like I should be thanking you for something? For the lovely representation, thank you.

So sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for such kind words. I really wanted to do justice to the origin of that relationship and I’m very glad that you enjoyed it. And there’s no need to thank me, I loved writing it and I’m happy that you liked it :)


Learning Her Place

This is for all the anons who have messaged me about the Her Place series. This is the prequel I promised ages ago. It’s not as intense as the other parts, but I hope you all enjoy it.

As always, this is fiction. Let me know if you find any typos or grammar mistakes, and definitely let me know if you find something that you think is problematic. Also, I am no professional here, I try my best, but please don’t take what’s here as professional advice or what have you on proper conduct of bdsm.


One-shot. Hartbig. NSFW.

“Fuck,” Hannah swears as something sharp and pointy digs into the bottom of her foot. Hopping around on the one that isn’t searing in pain, she sees that Grace has left one of her damn hair clips on the carpet and holy hell did it hurt.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, im the Her Place anon. Literally anything you write for that series would be great, just because its really different, and I also really like your writing. Again, i know youll be busy with other stuff and the other fanfic (which i also really love, did i say that?) But i was just wondering if you were going to write more/wanted to write more, thats all. Dont feel like you have to if you dont want to!

Oh you are once again very sweet. Don’t be worried about asking, you actually helped me to get off my ass and work on that piece, which is now about 8000 words and is just in need of some final editing. So it should be up in the next few days? That’s what I’m hoping for. Not as rough (in the sex way this time) as the other Her Place stories, but hopefully still enjoyable.

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