
These words are my diary

@xdorkusmaximusx / xdorkusmaximusx.tumblr.com

"I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad" | Lvl 27 | Varied Artist | | NSFW |

Drake Bell is a survivor of abuse

Drake Bell also perpetrated abuse

both realities exist and coincide. to discredit Drake’s abuse on the basis that he has done it himself is wrong. it’s a systematic cycle that must be investigated and stopped so that no more people get hurt in the future

Since no one wants to look it up for themselves


I’ve made a lot of art since I last posted here, my style has changed a bit!! Here’s one of my favorites!!!


Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!

Guys I reblogged this and then wrote an 8000 word story I didn’t even have a solid plan for. Reblog this shit.

Second time? Yes. 

Third time? Definitely 


lowkey need this for my 200+ asks 😈🏃💨


For my never-ending WIPs.

reblogging again because i need this for my upcoming plans. 



Simone Biles has said she stuck with the sport to protect the younger girls. As the last of the survivors from the Nasser/Karolyi era still in the sport, she was afraid to leave and have everything back to business as usual. As one (female) sports reporter stated, she doesn’t need more medals. She has a record-breaking number of those already. Her greatest legacy is how she is changing the sport. For the first time, we saw a gymnast make her own choice without an egotistical coach screaming in her face or creepily whispering in her ear. She taught those younger gymnasts the most valuable lesson of all: you can say “enough.” They are not allowed to break you.


Real lawyer plays Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Japanese law doesn't require evidence to be presented for review by both parties. "SURPRISE!!! I have facts you weren't aware of!" is very much a thing there.

The entire game was written to show how messed up the Justice System is there.


Japanese courts have a 99% conviction rate. In essence, if you are accused of a crime you are already considered to be guilty and it is up to you to prove otherwise if you can. Remember in the end of Persona 5, where the person who falsely accused you of assaulting them confessed to everything on national television but you were still in prison until your friends tracked down every witness and got them all the recant their testimonies individually? That was in no way exaggerated.

Also Japanese police have a 90+% rate of successfully arresting a “suspect” for every crime they investigate. At first this sounds really impressive, how they always track down the criminal, until you realize that they do it through a combination of refusing to investigate crimes which seem hard to solve or are likely to involve organizes crime or politicians (lots of “suicides” and “accidents” which are very blatant murder), and any time they do open a case but fail to figure everything out in the first day or two they just grab a convenient scapegoat (usually poor, frequently an immigrant or ethnic minority).

There are also very few restrictions on how long you can be “interrogated” for after arrest, or what they can do to you during the interrogation. Almost all the accused confess to everything... eventually. Regardless of whether they were actually anywhere near the incident in question.

Yeah no, death note was also about how fuck up japanese police are. The reason the death note causes people to have heart attacks if you dont put a cause of death is because thats the go to excuse cops use if they dont want to investigate a case or cant solve it fast enough. And giving the death note to the police chiefs son and then exposing that son to be a fuckin freak and mass murderer was very much extremely intentional. The japanese justice system is extremely fucked up

Ok I know this has been said but


nonsense. a trainers love goes far beyond physical protection. if you place your trust in a Pokemon and that Pokemon trusts you, then you give each other strength beyond all fears and foes.

the trainer does protect their Pokemon. they protect them from knowing a world without true friendship. that’s their job. and if you do that job well, you’ll be richer than money could ever make you.

also natu has blasts


use comic sans to write

i hate this so much but this knowledge is too powerful to keep from you all.

last night @phaltu discovered that setting your font to comic sans in google docs improves writing speed and creativity by an insane amount. “no” i said and “die” but then i tried it and god. i wish it wasn’t this way. i wish it wasn’t true. i wish i could protect you all from this but it’s real. 

something about this font is so disarming. something about this font lets you look past the shape of the words and into their soul. i’ve never written so much as i did last night, on my phone, at 2am, in comic sans.

if you have writer’s block. if you lack inspiration. if you need this. don’t be afraid to use it. sometimes the things we find most horrifying are also the things we need the most. trust me. let comic sans into your life.

it’s true


update: this actually works. i’m so angry.

my friend told me about this and I laughingly suggested it to my wife (who had a good number of essays to write and less than a week to write them). She finished 3 essays in 2 days using comic sans.

She was livid.


I have done this before, and it works wonders, but do yourself a favor and DO NOT EDIT in comic sans. Change the font back to arial or roman or whatever you use. Changing your font before editing is already a nifty trick o help you not skip over mistakes in the work, but comic sans is SO EASY to miss mistakes with, because it’s designed to be easy to read for children, dyslexic people, etc. You will skip right over a glaring issue if you try to edit a document in comic sans.


Um… I just did this and I’ve written over 2k today… I haven’t written a 2k fic in weeks.

Welp. I know what I’m doing next time I write, lol

If this works I’m gonna be so mad.

I’m seriously pissed that I didn’t know this earlier. I wrote 6k words today. This was the best thing.


I greeted him at the door on 4" heels, a high ponytail, and a satin apron.

He pushed me into my apartment with hungry kisses and desperate gropes.

I peeled back the layers of a long day at work: briefcase with a thud by the door and the friction of his belt through each belt loop. The buckle jingling as it fell to the floor.

He bent me over the table and thrust himself against my back and ass before unzipping and revealing his excitement to me. I ran the stiletto heel up his inseam while using the mental map of his body to guide my hands to revisit my treasure.

His mouth and hands raced to discover every spot that would make me gasp or moan. I cocked my head and squirmed in the shadow of his stature. The high ponytail danced against my skin.

He grasped my long brown tresses at the tip and recalled all the photos and videos in his wank bank of arched backs and bent necks.

He yanked so hard that he herniated C5-6. During the surgery for my artificial disc replacement, my surgeon found a bone shard 3mm from my spinal cord.

The man who whispered in my ear of how i was “marriage material” moved to Toronto 2 weeks after he damn near made me into a quadriplegic. He closed on a house the day of my surgery.

To this day, I jump when someone puts their hands near my head. My ears ring constantly. And every time I see one of you all post a photo of someone having their hair pulled, I think about all the pain one dumb, badly-executed move caused me.

1. Get consent. 2. Give warning. 3. Grab slowly and smoothly at the roots 4. Movement comes from the wrist (minimizes chance of injury to directional force) 5. If need be, let the person with the hair being pulled hold on to your wrist to either limit your movement or as a failsafe. 6. Over time develop trust with your partner to dial up neck extension, force, or speed.

All that and the fucker never even gave me a single orgasm.

Too important not to reblog


I am so sorry for what you experienced @ifitpleasuresme. Thank you for sharing this wake-up call.

Signal boost. If you go charging into a scene thinking you can act like they act in those gonzo BDSM porn loops, you’re a fool. Always keep the Safe in Safe, Sane, and Consensual. If you are not absolutely sure of what you’re doing in a scene, don’t fucking do it.


Even a wake call for 24/7 dynamics, because it’s too easy to become complacent with your play, and forget to check in with your partner about if anything has changed.


This wasiin my que.. but @hiswifeslut hit the real nail on the head here!

I had a much lighter experience - where after some rough face fucking in an awkward position, I awoke the next morning unable to rotate my neck all the way. The chiropractor said 3 of my cervical vertebrae had been rotated or slipped. I don’t even know what I came up with as an excuse for that one lol. He was able to adjust them back into place.

It’s important to know how to take care of acute injuries- I actually had to wait two days because it was the weekend to see my chiropractor. In the mean time I iced my neck and took ibuprofen. Had the injury been more severe there is a real chance that even just swelling and inflammation could cause irreparable damage to the spinal cord or surrounding structures. Ice and ibuprofen are go-to when you need to treat acute injuries that have caused or could cause dangerous inflammation.

The neck is such a common feature in sex and bdsm play. It’s so important to be aware of how it’s angled and how it’s handled during sex and scenes. Always put safety first and remember to pull- not yank on anyone’s hair or head!!

I was very sad to read the OP. I am so glad the OP posted it though because it is such an important message that needs to echo throughout the bdsm and even vanilla communities.

I come back to this post pretty often. I actively and deliberately seek it out.

You want to know why?

Because this is the harsh reality of the potential damage that kink done improperly can cause.

It’s very easy to get caught up in all the extreme activities and the rough and tumble type of play that we all love, but every so often we need to all be given a reality check that firmly plants our feet back on the ground. Something that forces us to revalue the mantra of “Safe, Sane and Consensual.”

This post for me is my wake-up all. It humbles me and grounds me every single time I read it, and I applaud with all the strength in my hands the woman that was courageous enough to post it.

Safety always comes first and I’ll be damned if I ever forget it.

Reblogging in honour of 5 years post-surgery ❤️



Repost boost


I will never ever not reblog this. My acquaintance with life altering neck injuries is real and strong. The number of scary hair pulling gifs I see on here is appalling.

That’s probably verbatim to the last time I reblogged this. So be it.

And this is why I allow so few people to pull my hair.

I always let people know that they have to be careful with my neck! One wrong move and you’ll end up with something like what happened to poor OP 😖 it doesn’t even have to be something dramatic, some people just have prior injuries or a sensitivity. Please be careful.

Before you do ANYTHING to ANYONE in a BDSM scene you ask for consent. Full stop, end of story. Choking, hair pulling, slapping, impact play- they and many other types of play come with REAL RISK. You cannot throw yourself into a scene thinking it’s all just fun and kink. There’s responsibility to not hurt the other person physically, to make sure they aren’t mentally or emotionally wounded, to make sure they’re feeling good.

This is why i get so heated when BDSM is shown as glorified abuse in fanfic man. I’m sorry this happened to you. 


PSA: If you have had ANY contact with a bat or a bat has been in your house...

…if you have had ANY unprotected physical contact with a bat: You need to go get rabies shots or catch the bat (if you can safely do so) so it can be tested for rabies.

In the US bats are the most likely animal to give you rabies. A rabid bat will mindlessly bite anything it touches and their teeth are so small that many people will not notice the bites. Unless you have had a clear view of the bat the entire time and are 100000% sure it didn’t even nick you with its teeth then you should get the shots.

…if there is a bat in your house: If you did not see the bat enter and have not been observing it the entire time it was in your house you may have to go get rabies shots or catch the bat (again, only if you can do so without exposing yourself to further risk) so it can be tested.

This is especially true if you wake up and a bat is in your room (it could have bitten you while you were asleep) or if the bat has been in a room with a child or incapacitated adult (who may not be able to tell you they were bitten or notice it).

There was a tragic case of a boy who woke up with a bat in his room, shooed it out without touching it, and thought nothing of it. Later he died of rabies because the bat had bitten him in his sleep without him knowing.

RABIES IS INCURABLE ONCE YOU SHOW SYMPTOMS. If there is ever ANY question whether you may have been exposed to a rabid animal you need to go get the rabies vaccine IMMEDIATELY before the virus is able to spread inside your body.

The rabies vaccine is no longer painful stomach shots, it is now a series of normal shots in the arm over the course of several days. There is no reason to put this off if there is ANY chance you could have been exposed. Rabies is not something to mess around with. Once you show symptoms you are pretty much guaranteed an awful death within days.


Relationships get so bananas when you start deciphering the other person’s love language.

Like I thought I was just acquaintances with this person because they never told me details about themselves and we just talked movies and writing . But then they made time to have coffee with me and they showed up out of breath because they ran. Like. RAN to be on time for coffee with me?

And I was like “i don’t mind waiting” cause I never want to run

But they said they wanted every minute they could get because I’m so busy usually

Which is when it clicked that I didn’t get how much they considered me a friend because I just straight away didn’t see MY signs of affection in them and went “cool! Casual buds it is.” But now that I’m seeing their signs of affection, I feel a little silly for dismissing them like that even though I felt like we could be best bros.

Anyway, some people show affection through time or intensity or commitment and not vocally. I really have to remember that!


Fyi- just in case you didn’t know.

TOUCH got a bro that likes to give high fives? Back slaps? Are they a hugger? Do they not blink an eye at cuddles?

QUALITY TIME this bro will (as op stated) sprint to spend every minute possible with you. Every second that you guys are together is a declaration of affection.

WORDS does your bro tell you how amazing and great and fantastic and wonderful you are all the time? Guess what…?

GIFTS do they buy you coffee? Snacks, energy drinks, spot you at the restaurant? Did that one key chain remind them of you? Ding ding!

ACTS are they always doing things for you? Ie: Nah bro, I got this, I can do that, need me to get anything for you, I can help with…?

PRO TIP - The way people show love is often how they receive love as well.


Can I just say how much I love seeing this applied to friends / platonic relationships, when I’ve only seen it about romantic ones before?

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