
Less Cool, More Boring

@danialiguess / danialiguess.tumblr.com

The name's Danielle. ✌

british summer is here.

[rain pouring] [thunder rumbling] [car horn blaring] “go on. wheyyyyyyy!! Oh no.” [in distance: “YOU IDIOT”, uproarious laughter] “why would you go through that. what are you doing. ahhh no, he’s actually floating!” “well of course he is. what a fucking bellend!” “what a knobhead!” “fucking hell.”

this is the most accurate depiction of britain i have ever seen

White Car: Has the good sense to stop and consider turning around. Blue Van: Fuck you! Move! Let me through! *floats away drowning in their own stupidity*

Anonymous asked:

I miss when we used to hang out I love you Hope youre doing well ❤

Oh, babe. Text me. Let's hang again. I hope you're doing well too❤

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