
I'm Magui, from Argentina. Idk this is my personal blog so it's a mess 🤷‍♀️

the one and only <3


are you telling me americans have stores that open up SPECIFICALLY for halloween and just. dont exist any other time of the year. you people are insane

Imagine an empty storefront. Some business that closed years ago. The building stands empty, unused for literal months. And then boom. Fall comes around and there’s a Spirit Halloween. There’s no escape.

what the fuck 😁


Yeah this is a thing

Are you serious

Yes and they are divine gifts of beauty and cheap plastic lawn decorations.

… I honestly assumed that the existence of Halloween stores was just a running joke in American TV shows.

No they’re very real

Can confirm this phenomenon also occurs in Canada

It’s fun

Oh, it’s a blast.

Wait, so during non-halloween they are just empty? Like, they don’t switch between seasonal decorations (like christmas, easter, etc), they just…close and wait for next year???

Yeah, it’s not a permanent store. A company will rent an empty building for the 2-3 months before halloween, sell halloween stuff, and then clean everything up and disappear until the following year. And they’ll usually set up in different buildings from year to year. They just find any good-sized empty store space that will give them a cheap, short-term lease.

It’s so temporary that the halloween stores don’t even have a real sign, they just hang up a banner outside:


So you’re telling me that every year for a month or two the Spirit of Halloween possesses a dead building then disappears?

that is exactly what we’re telling you


read FMA and have become fully fascinated by Van Hohenheim. Genuinely has there ever been a better immortal character. His combination of invulnerability & low self esteem means he has about zero self-preservation instinct and will just let people knock him flat including his own 15 year old son.

His entire deal is that he became superpowerful by convincing 500000 ghosts to talk about their feelings but he's too nervous to talk to his own two sons because he thinks they don't like him. Which to be fair, they do not. but cmon dude.

#mortal ​woman with complete security in herself meets immortal man who lost his self esteem three hundred miles ago and kept running#explains why the kids turned out like that  @boyhoodfever​


Homophobes be like - Just because two boys are talking to each other doesn't mean they are gay.

Just talking?? I am sorry did you miss the part of the story where the ENTIRE story was about them??


Any story claiming to be a deconstruction of fairy tales but has nothing to offer except new types of violence, more explicit sex, and a general attitude of “lol happy endings aren’t real” is like. such a cultural waste of time tbh

know what actually is a good deconstruction of a fairy tale? Shrek. It fucks up just about everything in a normal fairy tale and still manages to have a happy ending with a good message and never once has to be ‘gritty’ or ‘dark’. It’s actually really well done.

“The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.”

- Ursula LeGuin, ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’


You’re a daycare worker, watching over toddlers, when the imminent end of the world is announced. It becomes increasingly clear none of the kids’ parents are going to show up as the end inches nearer.

[Audio starts]

“Mom has been texting me for the last twenty minutes. She wants me to come home. It’s a four hour drive, when the roads are clear, and from what I hear everybody is trying to get somewhere right now. There’s no telling if I’d even-”

“Everybody else has left. All the other kids were picked up, the other staff left. They gave me all the keys. I promised to stay and wait for as long as- well. Even if some of the parents show up, I guess some of them won’t, so I’m just waiting. Until.”

[Clears throat.]

“A couple of people came after everybody left. Peter, one of Aidan’s fathers, gave me three hundred dollars for staying. What am I going to do with money? It’s- anyway. I kind of get it. He wanted to give me something.”

[Audio ends]

[Audio starts]

“They’re all between 2 and 4.” Sniff. “They’re so little. Too little to really- maybe if they were older, I’d have to tell them something. But um. I’m just- trying to stay calm and keep them happy and occupied. I think that’s the best thing, right now.”

[Heaving breaths.]

“I normally use this recorder to help me remember stuff. It’s just, uh, habit to talk to it. I don’t know. They’re napping, right now. I’ve got the baby monitor, they know that if they talk into it, I’ll come, so-”


[Audio ends]

[Audio starts]

“Mom keeps texting, so I blocked her. I sent her a text telling her goodbye, first, but. I do. But these kids need me.”


“I tried calling their parents again, but I can’t get anybody. It’s just busy signals. I called the firefighter station, 911. I can’t get through to anybody.”

[Shaky breath.]

“I went out into the yard. Um, I think they can play. It’s nice out, and you can’t really see it yet. Little bit of a glimmer, if they ask I’ll just tell them it’s a plane, but it’s nice out and we’ve got hours before-”

[Murmuring child’s voice, indistinguishable.]

[Audio ends]


(ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง

I mean, seriously. Did you just see him disarm - heh - The Winter freakin Soldier in a single gauntlet and a damn three piece suit? And the little smirk when he takes the gun apart?

I definitely headcanon that Winter would remember this moment with a grudging awe. And maybe some feelings in his pants.

Tony Stark is BAMF in and out of the armor.

I love this scene. Those moves were so slick! The WS has dropped agents by the bunch, and a three piece suit asigned as non combatant disarms him (and delays him about as much as a former Red Room graduate).

Very nice reminder that Tony know his guns, and is far from helpless out of armor

Things I love about this gifset:

  1. Tony Stark hop-skipping into an “I-brought-a-three-piece-suit-and-a-coolio-watch-to-a-gunfight” confrontation with the Winter Soldier
  2. Tony Stark: The Smirk™
  3. Tony Stark in general, love me the whole-ass man

My favorite part of this bit?

Tony knows so very well that he isn’t a match in strength to this guy so instead of straight up hand to hand he goes after him like Nat, but he lacks her flexibility and combat prowess so he can’t confront him head on like her either.

So tony uses buckys own momentum against him, pivoting his arm in arcs back and forth to disperse any forward thrust Bucky could get to throw him immediately. He creates his own openings to get in buckys personal space by keeping his arm straight at the elbow to push it out of his way at the shoulder letting him past buckys deadly hands. Obviously this doesn’t last but its a really good snippet of tonys serious actual martial arts training (you can really see this in those gifs of rdj practicing wing chun with his trainer on the wooden standees)


The more empathetic and kind men I meet, actually, the MORE I hate bad men. It’s like I’ve seen it proven you don’t have to act this way — I know for a fact that it’s not coded into your biology to disrespect women or be aggressive or be emotionally stunted — you’re literally just a shithead.

Every good dad I meet is just another enormous fuck you to bad, absent, and apathetic dads.

Yes yes yes!! This is a great way to reframe (part of) the harm done by “all men are trash” radfem ideology. Low standards just excuse shitty behavior. You can set high standards, and have those standards met, and hold to account the men who don’t meet those standards.


There's something really special about lil nas x being like "subtext? No. Old town road is literally about riding horses. If I was going to write a song about riding dick, like. Trust me. You'd know" and then he did


i never thought i’d write the words “deeply evil carpet” but. seriously. what a deeply evil carpet that is.

And what you should do is to put this over an actual trap, like a hole in the floor so people will be like “Oh ha ha ha that’s soooo funny, it’s a rug!” And then fall through it. 

are you satan

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