
José Saramago, Cain / Car Seat Headrest, The Gun Song / José Olivarez, “I Wake in a Field of Wolves with the Moon” / Danez Smith


Yeah, I'm totally normal about Lucy and Cooper's dynamic. It's not like we learn in the first episode that Cooper was divorced and unhappy. Immediately followed by Lucy's marriage application and wedding which ended with her husband stabbing her. Yeah, it's not like we learn later on that Cooper was also metaphorically stabbed in the back by his wife's beliefs. It's not like Cooper told his wife that he loved her because he trusted her to always do the right thing. Yeah, it's not like Lucy always tried to do the right thing and treated him right. Also, it's not like the two had a bloody "exchange" of fingers, evoking the red thread of fate, also known as the red thread of Marriage... Yeah, okey-dokey.


Okay so the fact that Lucy has a necrotic finger grafted back onto her hand, kinda like how ghouls have decayed looking skin, and Cooper sewed her finger onto his hand. A finger that's basically untouched by the wastes, uncaloused and soft... Traits that they both need to embrace about themselves.

Lucy needs to become a bit more rough, hardened, less naive and trustful (while still maintaining her kindness and morals)

Cooper needs to soften up, accept help and love and understand that not everyone wants him dead and not everyone will betray him.

Those are wedding rings in my mind.


rabbits know and resent their place on the food chain

mice and rats also know they're prey animals, they just have such joy of living that it cancels out. guinea pigs have no concept of death but understand contextless fear. hamsters however do know the food chain, but they also know that attachment to the earth is the root of suffering and they wisely deny the faults of the ego


I just realized how fucking disgusting it is that it’s considered healthy and normal for teenage boys to eat everything ever yet teenage girls are obviously also growing but are fucking dieting all the time and shamed for eating while they’re growing


That’s not even the half of it because

- often when a teenager (male or female) puts on some fat it’s in preparation for a growth spurt. Grownups know this. 

- teenagers grow in weird gawky ways, like a girl’s hips will spread out and look “fat” until her legs get longer, or they’ll shoot up super tall and then slowly put on muscle and fat. Grownups know this. 

- it’s very common for a women’s body weight to fluctuate plus or minus 5% with her menstrual cycle

but in the diet mentality all of these things are considered personal moral failures, a failure of control, when controlling it is literally impossible. I am so incredibly saddened by women who weigh themselves multiple times a week and fuss over ten freaking pounds when that’s well within the bounds of menstrual fluctuation + just-ate-lunch. It’s horrible.


“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.” – Naomi Wolf

Grown ups really do not know this. I tell this to parents at least once a week, your child is sleeping/moody/putting on weight because their body is preparing to more or less jump the Grand Canyon of maturation stages. Hormone changes start a full YEAR before first menses.

My own mother, who works in the medical field and has worked solely for OB/GYN for the last 16 years, gave me grief about all of those things. And she knew about hormone level changes and weight distribution changes and she STILL did it. Don’t think hard facts will outweigh societal norms. Keep talking about it until they can’t ignore the facts

Eat!!! Food !!


*Screams* THANK YOU!!!

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