
@blackgirlinrussia / blackgirlinrussia.tumblr.com

UPDATE: This blog has not been active for several years, but I see that it has been a resource so I will leave it up. Of course, I'm happy to post comments from individuals who are involved in this area.  OLD INTRODUCTION: I am interested in the intersection of the black diaspora and Russia/USSR. I post everything black Diaspora or Russia related. This is also a resource blog for PoC interested in Russia, Fulbright, CLS, and study abroad.

Dating In Russia


I was recently offered a job in Moscow or St. Petersburg as both office locations are in need of my position. How is the dating scene for black women and do you know much about the small business community because I would essentially be starting up a small business on the side there as well. Any help that you could give would be great. thanks.

Submitted by anonymous
Anonymous asked:

how would you say russians and americans differ or are alike in their senses of humor

Good question.

It’s been years since this blog was active/studied Russian. I’m no longer in a position to answer these questions. However, answers to these questions can still be helpful. Followers, if you can speak to this, please respond.

Anonymous asked:

search for a cartoon of ussr, year 1949, in russian is called-"Машенькин концерт" - where russian girl gets a doll of african american boy, but then asks her mom why this lovely doll is so sad and mom says that in USA people are evil and they torture black people,so this little girl makes a concert with another toys to make that doll smile and to be happy -- Anti USA and Pro-African propaganda,that's why USA also hated USSR


Anonymous asked:

as a black woman living in russia for a while now, do you feel things have gotten better ? such as walking the streets, people staring ,ect. Basically do you feel if Russia is making progress race wise between black and whites?

It’s been years since this blog was active. I’m no longer in a position to answer these questions. However, answers to these questions can still be helpful. Followers, if you can speak to this, please respond.

Anonymous asked:

Google Black in Norway by Felice Blake (a black lady with American privilege) - the part about the attitude people hold towards non western immigrants describes the situation rather faithfully. Sorry for all the asks, but I can’t let this slide. There is a lot of talk about racism in poorer countries, but almost nothing on racism in the richer ones. I can’t help but think it’s because the richer ones control more media resources and want the world to think that they are too good to be racist.


Anonymous asked:

What is it truly like living in Russia as a black woman? My mother is half Russian/Afr and my father African. My parents have always let me know how ignorant the vast majority of native Russians became immediately after the fall when it comes to race. They've always suggested that I would be in danger if I were to journey there. I was raised on Russian food and so when I go to purchase items even Russian shop keepers in London treat me oddly and are uncomfortable. How is it over there? Any bad?

It’s been years since this blog was active. I’m no longer in a position to answer these questions. However, answers to these questions can still be helpful. Followers, if you can speak to this, please respond.


You live in Russia? would you please tell me what its like, I'm currently thinking of moving to Russia for university, im black russian but have forgotten most of my Russian as i left pretty young and my mother pretty much stopped speaking Russian with me in the states. One of the main reasons why I want to move there is to get fluent in Russian again. Thanks x


It’s been years since this blog was active. I’m no longer in a position to answer these questions. However, answers to these questions can still be helpful. Followers, if you can speak to this, please respond.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I'm a black girl from US and recently took up learning Russian. Do you live in Russia/haven you visited? I'm curious how black people are treated there. I was sent your way by Tupaya-Devushka on here :) or do have any advice in general for a black girl studying Russia?

It’s been years since this blog was active. I’m no longer in a position to answer these questions. However, answers to these questions can still be helpful. Followers, if you can speak to this, please respond.


My friends were so thrilled to sit on the plane next to the most homophobic politician in Russia (the one wearing glasses) that they decided to take a little selfie with him. It’s going viral in Russia. 


jamiezumo and now also internationally viral!

What a time to be alive

Anonymous asked:

You know the Caucasians of the Caucasus mountains have all color of hair but many have dark hair.

  • France: Франция
  • French (adj, language): французский
  • French (nationality): француз (m), француженка (f)
  • Russia: Россия
  • Russian (adj, lang): русский
  • Russian (nat): русский (m), русская (f)
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There are actually two adjectives that...


The church of St. Andrew on the Vuoksa River, Russia


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