


Shit gonna be ok

scholars have come to regard the history of television in three distinct periods the early modern queerbait (1967-2005) queerbait (2005-2020) and post queerbait (2020-present)


drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree

its pitch black outside, and freezing cold. I think ill climb a tree tomorrow

you climb that fuckin tree right now

I’ve literally never seen this post on my dash when it is not after dark and cold as balls. I’m beginning to think this is a conspiracy to get us eaten by some nocturnal tree demon.

everybody put in the tags at what time you saw this


how to realistically write a bilingual character

  • no one who speaks 2+ languages ever “randomly” switches in the middle of a sentence. like that just…….. doesn’t happen? 
  • the only times people will get confused and mix them up is when:
  • a) they’re in an environment where they have to alternate between speaking two languages often/quickly, and the brain can’t keep up and messes up.
  • b) they’ve been in an environment where they have to speak/hear one language for a long time, and when they change settings it takes them a moment to not instinctively go for the other language.
  • c) they’re hearing one language (music, radio, background chatter) and trying to speak another 
  • interrupting themselves in the middle of a conversation because they can only remember the word they wanna say in another language
  • having the perfect idiom/expression for a situation but it doesn’t translate as well
  • having the perfect word for a situation but it doesn’t even fucking exist in that language
  • if ur character is out in public with their family, i can guarantee u that they’ll talk shit about people around them in their native tongue
  • calling their significant others pet names is a conscious choice. it doesn’t just “slip up”. it may come naturally with time, but saying a word in another language is something you like… immediately notice
  • swearing is complicated and i’m not getting into it rn 
  • anyone who has ever picked up another language has been pissed at specific vowels and pronunciations and this is the gospel truth
  • [forgets a word] [attempts to explicitely describe the thing they’re trying to say] [forgets a word while trying to explain themselves] “oh jesus christ nevermind”
  • will know how to speak a language but not know any of the mathematical/scientific/biological terms because they went to school in a different language and no one learns, like, algebra in a second language unless they studied in multiple languages.
  • [knows a word but they’ve only ever read it and they have no idea how it’s pronounced]
  • there’s probably more stuff that i’m forgetting rn but that’s like, the main bits. thank u for ur time

sunday nights can be hard but just know that everything will turn out alright. this is gonna be your week. you’re gonna own it. you’ll get what you need done and something great is gonna happen. just u see. you got this.

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