
I Love The Sun And The Moon

@dorkywitch / dorkywitch.tumblr.com

Sophie - She/Her - Eclectic Witch - I Work With Mostly Crystals And Herbs - Contact Me At Dorkywitch@gmail.com - If You Have Any Questions Feel To Ask Me! - Main blog : SunshineBeeb

Tonight is a full Aquarius/Capricorn Buck moon in Leo season. If you’re like me and don’t have any spell ideas to do tonight here are some ideas and why today. You can also find these by searching guide to powerful spells on my blog but you’ll have to find it. So here’s a list: protection, binding, healing, enhanced physic power, courage/strength, wisdom spells, and divination because it’s a full moon; Love/friendship, beauty, money, luxury, and material possessions spells because it’s a Friday. Career and structure because the moon is in Capricorn and social things because the moon is also in Aquarius. Another good thing to do tonight would be to open the window or just the curtains and lay in the moonlight. Meditate on letting go of your insecurities and gain a new confidence as we go into Leo season.

Thank you! Well I hope you all have a good ♒️ ♑️ 🦌🌕 and ☀️ in ♌️ season.


Aquarius full moon journal prompts

(I did some last night, these are super effective)

🌙 Am I being my authentic self?

Which areas of my life am I being my authentic self? How can I encourage myself to act authentically in all areas of my life?

🌙 Are there any societal pressures that are currently holding me back?

What can I do to soften the influence of this(these)?

🌙 What are two of my favorite quirks about my self? 


What is witchcraft?

  • Self-care baths
  • Cooking with love
  • Cleaning your space
  • Sitting in nature
  • Talking to your pets
  • Connecting with people
  • Gardening
  • Making a wish on a shooting star
  • Making a wish blowing out birthday candles
  • Connecting with nature
  • Dancing in nature
  • Sitting in the rain
  • Swimming in a body of water
  • Making a promise
  • Standing up for what you believe in
  • Making goals
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Partaking in your favorite hobby
  • Telling your deceased loved one you miss them
  • Educating yourself
  • Researching your favorite things
  • Expressing yourself

Witchcraft is anything and everything.

🧿 herbs and crystals against negative magick 🧿


  • acacia: protects against psychic attack
  • agrimony: useful for returning harmful energy to its original source
  • basil: warns off negative magick
  • black thorn: reverses a spell
  • cayenne: returns negative energy to its source
  • coffee: neutralizes harmful magick
  • dragon's blood resin: protection
  • hyssop: purification and defensive magick
  • mugwort: protects against astral attack, or psychic attack in dreams
  • patchouli: returns harmful magick
  • solomon's seal: protects against negative energy
  • st. john's wort: purifies and protects against psychic attack
  • cetivert: use to break a hex or curse
  • wormwood: use in uncrossing rituals, to remove hexes or curses upon you
  • yarrow: psychic protection
  • yucca: prevents attack via sympathetic magick


  • amber: protects against psychic attack
  • amethyst: protects from negative energy
  • black onyx: protects against harmful magic
  • fire agate: for protection of the aura
  • hematite: use for protection of home and property, as well as to fend off psychic attack
  • malachite: repels hostile magical attacks
  • obsidian: provides protective energies
  • quartz: use to protect yourself from hexes or curses
  • ruby: use to defend against magical attacks related to emotions
  • selenite: for shielding against negative outside influences

Rose Elixir Recipe

(based on a recipe from Sacred Year, by Anni Daulter)

  • 2 ounces of dried rose petals 
  • 4 - 6oz honey
  • 10 - 12 ounces of vodka or brandy
  • 1 pint canning jar

Mix together in the jar and let infuse in a cool place protected from sunlight (you might also like to charge up your elixir under the full moon or new moon).

(This elixir is intended to offer support with anxiety or emotional stress. It can be dropped under the tongue, stirred into water or tea, or added to a bath)


Sunflower Confidence - a quick charm spell for self-confidence.

Needed: - Yellow Candle - Citrine - Amber - sunflower or sunflower seeds - Lemon or Jasmine Incense - Something you can charm - something you can put everything in over night

Steps: - Set out your yellow candle and light it. - If you have incense or diffused oils, get those set up - Take your container, and set the object your gonna charm into it. -  Sprinkle your sunflower seeds over your item or set your sunflower inside on top of your charm. - set your amber and citrine inside with everything else. - Blow out your candle and incense - seal the container and let it sit over night. - take it out in the morning and wear it when ever you need self-confidence.

- Aesa<3  this is my original spell, please do not repost on any platform without my explicit permission. Reblogging is okay, reposting is not. 


Anti-anxiety Shower Spell

Let’s face it. Sometimes our fear of failure and anxiety can get the best of us even when we think we’re prepared for whatever happens. That’s why I created this spell to help stay calm before major events.

This spell is great to do before a large presentation for school or work, a job interview, or any other event where you need to be calm and collected.

What you’ll need:

  • A small cloth bag, empty tea bag, or cheese cloth 
  • Eucalyptus 
  • Citrine 
  • Lavender 
  • Orange zest

What to do:

Gather your ingredients and place them in your bag. If you’re using tea cloth, place the items in the center of the bag and tie it closed with a cord or ribbon of your choice. Once you’ve got all of your herbs in place, charge them with your intent! Hold them in your hands and imagine your energy flowing into them to waken their properties. Eucalyptus to repel negative thoughts and protect against them coming back, citrine to enhance the cleansing, lavender to stay relaxed and tranquil, and orange zest to restore a sense of well-being and joy. 

When you can feel their energy thrumming in your hands, go into the bathroom and tie the bag to your shower head so that the hot water and steam will release the oils into the air. Shower like normal. Wash your hair, scrub down your body, make sure you get yourself squeaky clean, and then let the hot water ground and center you. Feel the water hitting the top of your head and trickling down to the tips of your toes. Imagine your anxiety like a thick, black tar covering your skin and only the water can wash it away. While envisioning this, you can chant or think this:

Flowing waters clean and clear  Rid me please of all my fears Wash the dread right down the drain So calm and steady I’ll remain. Cleanse my body, cleanse my mind Leave my anxieties henceforth behind. This is my will, this is my power To release trepidation in this shower.

Repeat the chant until you feel ready to conquer whatever the day holds! For an added boost, keep the citrine in your pocket and rub it if those pesky thoughts come back. Hope you all enjoy this!


Lavender Syrup

This recipe is great for a syrup to add to your tea or coffee for a little sweetness and flavor. It’s really good for simple spells as well and can be put out as an offering to fae and spirits alike. I like to add it to my tea at night for visions while I sleep. I also have started using it as an offering to one of my spirit companions and they love it. 

  • 1 cup water
  • 2 cups white granulated sugar or sugar substitute
  • 3 tablespoons - ½ cup lavender*


  1. Place water and lavender into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Add in sugar or sugar substitute; stir until the sugar has dissolved completely before turning down the heat and allowing simmering for 15 minutes
  3. Make sure to stir it every so often as to make sure nothing on the bottom burns
  4. Remove from heat, cover, and allow the syrup to cool for ½-1 hour. The longer that you let it sit the more intense the flavor it will be.
  5. Once it is cool, strain of the lavender and transfer into a jar. Store in the fridge

*The more lavender that you add the more intense the flavor will be as well. I personally use ½ cup of lavender for a more intense smell and flavor. As well as let it sit for an hour in the pot as it cools. The longer that you let it seep the darker the color will be too. It turns out to be a lovely purple color regardless.

Depending on the type of tea you use too will depend on


Localizing Your Practice

So much witchcraft emphasizes how important it is to honor and work with the Earth, but then teaches us spells with ingredients we basically have to import using locations we don’t have access to. It’s rare to find an existing grimoire or guide book that actually works with where we live. We can still use them, but it doesn’t enhance our connection to our local land, which to many can feel important. Here are some tips for localizing your practice and working with the land you actually live on.

  • See what nature exists around you. Explore your own backyard with a critical eye. What plants can you actually go and pick yourself? What are those plants associated with? Do you have access to a creek or river? What does your local land actually have on it? If magic correspondences for your local plants haven’t been written about, you may have to do your own research. Example: I grow several plants on my back porch which I can potentially use for magic.There are magnolia trees and rhodedendrons on the grounds of my apartment complex. My parent’s neighbors have chickens in the backyard, so I have access to some feathers when they shed. 
  • Check out local folklore, legends, etc. This is one of my favorite parts, but can also be the hardest. What are the stories of your area, both on a local and cultural scale. Example: A West Virginian may incorporate legends of the Mothman. Everyone says that one building on my old college campus is haunted (and they’re right.) People talk about that liminal-space feeling when you drive down that one road at night.
  • Find the magic spots. Sometimes the urban legends will tip you off to these (usually in a bad way) but other times you can find them on your own. A place where the energy is just right for some reason. A place you can go to be closer to nature, or a place you could host a ritual if needed. Sometimes it’s just a place where you can feel your mind open a little bit. Example: The shady corner of a public park. The tunnel downtown. That weirdly-perfect circle of trees in the woods behind Wal-Mart.
  • Meet your land wights. Spirits of the local land. This could be the fair folk, but also house spirits, the spirits of the trees near you, the nature spirits of wherever you are. They’re there. Be good to them and they’ll be good to you! Note: Some spirits and wights will not be interested in working with you, and that’s okay. I generally think it’s good to at least leave a polite offering to just be on general decent terms even if you never work with them more directly beyond that. 
  • Check in with your Seasons. Harvest holidays generally don’t have actual lifestyle importance to most people reading this. The seasonal shifts other people write about may be from a very different climate than yours! Figure out a calendar that works for you. It doesn’t have to be detailed, but something that ties you to the seasons as you actually experience them. I also love working in any fun annual festivals nearby, if any.

Peach jam for happiness! 🍑✨

- made this jam in preparation for lammas but never posted it, recipe works for practically any fruit and normally makes aprox. 2 jars. One to keep and one to give away!


- aprox. 4lbs:1.8kg of peaches (for happiness and harvest)

- 1 cup:250ml of sugar ( to sweeten the harvest season)

- 1/3 cup:78ml of lemon juice (for happiness but also for extra pectin due to the lower pectin in peaches, if you want to add pectin you can experiment with this)

- 1/4 cup:60ml of honey (for love and joy)


-chop and purée the peaches, I personally puréed 3/4s and diced the remainder for texture. You can leave the skin on but I prefer not to

-combine ingredients in a large pot to boil and stir consistently until sugar is fully dissolved, this takes around 5 minutes at minimum

-remove the jam from heat and let sit before removing foam, if it does foam up

-jar the jam and freeze overnight, for a thicker consistency you can do this in a cake pan and then jar the next day!


Herbs you can grow indoors.

Made this list for my fellow witchies who like their kitchen to be full of the green stuff :

  1. Basil : like lots of sun and warmth. More difficult to grow in the winter months
  2. Bay : needs plenty of sun and fresh air.
  3. Chives : needs at least 6 hours of sun and plenty of water.
  4. Dill : prefers slightly acidic soil, needs plenty of sunlight, doesn’t need too much water.
  5. Lemongrass : My personal favorite as you don’t plant it in soil. Grow in a couple of inches of water. Easiest to grow.
  6. Mint : needs plenty of water and needs to be placed in an area with indirect light. Harvest frequently.
  7. Oregano : does not deal well with cold and drastic temperature changes could kill it.
  8. Parsley : Doesn’t require too much light or maintenance, but is a slow grower.
  9. Rosemary : needs 6 - 8 hours of strong, direct sunlight. Only water when the top layer of soil feels dry. Needs good ventilation. A bit trickier to grow.
  10. Sage : Needs plenty of sun. 
  11. Thyme : Needs 6 - 8 hours of sunlight a day and maybe even supplemental light.
great ideas for a witch‘s
in-home garden ✨🌿🌸

Uses for Moon Water 🌙

Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to make a post on the uses of moon water! 

  1. Add a drop to lunar spell jars based on intent
  2. Add to a bath for cleansing and relaxation
  3. Rinse and cleanse your hair with it in the shower
  4. Purify and use in consumable potions for enhanced psychic abilities, relaxation, protection, or dreamwork
  5. Make a cleansing spray and use in your home
  6. Sprinkle a few drops around the perimeter of your home or bedroom
  7. Use to anoint and cleanse objects such as magickal tools or crystals
  8. Use to anoint yourself before spellwork or divination, or simply to promote peace and relaxation
  9. Use to charge objects with lunar energy
  10. Water your plants with it
  11. Add it to your water cup when painting to promote imaginative thinking 
  12. Add a few drops to the washer before washing bedsheets to promote dreaming
  13. Use as a representation of either water, the moon, or both on your altar
  14. Combine with corresponding crystals or herbs for an added boost of energy
  15. Fill a hollow pendant with it and wear it to represent the moon, a particular lunar phase, or one of its associated correspondences (protection, relaxation, enhanced psychic abilities, etc.)
  16. Anoint a charm with moon water and carry it with you for protection, safe travels, or improved memory 

Tips & a few words of caution:

  • Always purify and filter your moon water before consuming
  • If you plan to add crystals to your moon water, use tumbled stones so they won’t break down in the water (especially if you plan to drink it)
  • If you do plan to consume your moon water, store it in the fridge to extend it’s shelf life
  • Don’t water your plants with cold moon water; make sure it’s lukewarm or at room temperature first
  • If you’re unsure on what kind of intentions correspond to lunar energy, check out the links below 

These are just some ideas on how to use moon water, but feel free to get creative! 

Source: lunaesteria
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