
alleged art heux

@zaddieissues / zaddieissues.tumblr.com

it me, micah ★ they/them

I got a tumblr, it really was quite great

I blog about a lot of things, but mostly what I ate.

I thought it was a sweet gig, it really was quite cushy.

Then they went and banned me, ‘cause all I ate was pussy.

I signed up on tumblr, I didn’t know what to expect.

I thought I could just post and not worry about being fact checked

But once my posts went viral, no one saw my genius

Now all they do is reblog and say “kung pow penis.”


I’m a YA book author, I have a tumblr too

I post a lot of info, for my tumblypoos

But then one day my time was up, I read it on the clock

And now my most famous post is about how I love cock


i made a tumblr, and it didnt go great

whenever i make a post, all i get is hate

arguing with strangers, it really is a slog

i know all about politics, i run a hentai blog


One day I made a Tumblr, now I've been here ten years,

I've stayed through every update that left the userbase in tears,

And I don't regret a second, for here's the truth, you see:

I'm not locked in here with you, friend; you're locked in here with me.


FOUND family??? you think i just found them like this??? babes this is FORGED family. Me & the bros were scrap metal in a junkyard (very valuable, very sharp, very dangerous, uncared for) and we GOT IN THE FUCKING FIRE TOGETHER. WE did this. we said I AM NOT LEAVING YOU and melted into each other for better or for worse (it’s for better) and we are A FUNCTIONAL UNIT now. DO NOT SEPARATE. BATTERIES FUCKING INCLUDED. FOUND family my ass, we built this non-nuclear family unit from the ground up, don’t devalue this!!! it was is and will be a labour of love!!!

“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”

— Vincent Van Gogh

“If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.” 

- Vincent van Gogh


Honestly we need a feminist movement again. I get that twerfs soured a lot of people on it but transfeminists are still developing illuminating and vital theory and I think it's time we all get behind that. It's the only antidote to the men's rights movement wave going on especially in LGBT spaces (for lack of a better term)


falling in love makes me want to eat

& actually its romantic and intimate to have someone in ur life who wants u to eat, who reminds u to eat, who treats u to snacks bc they want u to be happy and full way more than they would ever care about u keeping thin, i think wanting someone to take care of themselves and eat without shame or fear for their appearance is like the worlds closest thing to unconditional love


How is it is supposed to work: your emotions are a response to your situation and surroundings. It is OK to feel the emotion. Now take that emotion and use your logical brain to decide which parts of the emotion fit the facts of the situation and which do not and why, and how you're going to respond to said emotions (which is what tweet said, and what therapists say)

How people seem to interpret it: any emotional reaction is perfectly fine and I am not responsible for what I do out of emotion.


one of the most important things, perhaps the most important thing I have learned in my life is that nice people can fuck each other up in monstrous ways. people can be bone deep kind and loving and self reflective and still lash out under pressure. people can be earnestly neighbourly and charitable and hospitable and generous and still find themselves in situations where they become selfish. people can be well meaning and easygoing and gregarious and hold deep seated opinions that turn them into vicious little bullies under the right conditions. nobody is just one thing, and nobody stays one way. every person is a kaleidoscope and they will surprise you. you will surprise yourself. it's not a warning and it's not a judgement and it's not an excuse, and it's certainly not a reason to stop trying or to stop trusting. it is just a fact.


OJ simpson has entered valhalla

OJ has gone to the section of heaven where they put black men who are addicted to white pussy

OJ is getting his uncancered prostate pounded by blonde women in eternal paradise

OJ simpson has been reincarnated as a beautiful buzzing bee that will pollinate numerous flowers across southeast american suburbs. And maybe fall in love with a white woman along the way

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