
Sam & Fuzzy & Tumblr

@samandfuzzy / samandfuzzy.tumblr.com

Art and comics by Sam Logan Sam and Fuzzy

Ok, I had some time to mull it over, so I'm saying it here: everyone who worked on the Zimvoid arc deserves a huge award: this arc had excellent worldbuilding, a great cast, serious undertones/implications/parallels (but with the typical "violent snap back to status quo" we all know and love/hate about IZ continuity) and opportunities (If all AUs are canon, no AU is too cringe!) and last but not least a villain we loved to hate. Before adopting hm. Really, thanks. I hope we'll see more of you.


Hey, thank you very much! The Battlevoid arc is my favourite story that I’ve written for the Zim books so far. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Enormous, Dib’s-head-sized props must be given to Maddie C, not just for drawing the first three issues, but for coming up with all those amazing character designs for Zib, 2K, Palindrome, and all the other alternate Zims. Fred C Stressing and Meg Casey also did an equally outstanding job drawing the insane, super-stuffed action-packed final issue. (Fred also did all the colours for all four issues!) And of course, thanks must always be given to our benevolent overlord Jhonen, who oversaw all this nonsense and gave us some really important feedback when we were developing it, despite the fact that he was knee-deep in Florpus at the time. I wrote issues 2 and 3 of the upcoming Invader Zim Quarterly series, so you’ll be seeing more from me in the future!  They are the 12th and 13th issues of Zim that I will have written, respectively!


With all the love possible, you, dear, mauled my heart with the implication that A) There is a timeline where Dib actually killed his Zim and B) that he misses him so much he's going with a fine comb over every Zim in the multiverse to recreate him. Seriously, you are a FUCKING GENIUS OF WRITER! Consider yourself kissed all the way from Italy!


Hey, thank you! I’m really glad to hear people have been enjoying this story. I had so much fun writing it! I won’t spoil what Number 1′s motivations are exactly, but I think they are INTERESTING haha


The wait is over! Issue 48 of Invader Zim -- Part 3 of the BattleVoid Saga -- is out tomorrow in physical and digital comic stores. I AND I ALONE have been authorized to provide you with this EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW (I asked and they said sure).

This story was brought to you be me (who wrote it), and @verticaldraws and @fredcstressing (who transformed it into haunting, haunting images) . Go check it out!


Out today: Invader Zim 37! This issue is about everyone's favourite brothers, Zim and Dib. You knew they were brothers, right? Of course you did. Everyone knows that. EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS KNOWN THAT AND DOES NOT QUESTION IT. Anyway, it's heartwarming. It's wholesome. It's a nightmarish cavalcade of horror from which there is no escape! Go check it out at your local comic shop, or via digital comics stores like Comicsology or the @OniPress online store!

This is the third issue I’ve written! This time, I was joined by Kate Sherron on art and Fred C Stressing on colours, who both nailed it. And Warren C. Wucinich drew the main cover!

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