
@royal-dream / royal-dream.tumblr.com

naizy • xxiv • virgo • he/him • 18+

underrated threesome dynamic of herding dog x lamb x wolf

it's about being caught between the grip of somebody who wants to protect you and somebody who wants to devour you and knowing that what they both share is a desire to possess you in your entirety btw


  — Penelope’s Song, Louise Glück  

[text ID: Who wouldn't want you? Whose most demonic appetite could you possibly fail to answer?]

for me, the heart of monkey man was its immense love for india, and the confidence of articulating that love through representation and criticism—the things that make india beautiful are not the colorist, hindu-nationalist propoganda stories of bollywood but largeness of the diaspora: indians who trans, who are muslim, who have been oppressed by their government, who are unacknowledged by society, etc—and prevail despite the odds stacked against them. they are encouraged to be themselves and fight against these occupational forces.

major props to dev patel for showing that hey, you actually can make a movie about indians in a way that perfectly encapsulates the various cultures, mythologies, AND egregious political climate, while also highlighting indian people and giving them the recognition and respect they often don't recieve in western—OR bollywood—canon. now that we know it's possible (it always was) i want more! thanks!

(also it helped that he was either in a suit, shirtless, or covered in blood [sometimes two at a time] for most of this movie. dev patel, i literally only need one chance...)


slightly obsessed with the idea of getting muzzled, partially for the kink and partially just for the uhhh symbolism. its the being restrained, being on a tight leash, the helplessness of not being able to fight back or get away from whatever they decide to do to you but its also the implications, being muzzled implies youre a dangerous animal, an attack dog, being muzzled implies that you can and will do damage, will pierce their skin, will tear them to shreds, and the fact that they're aware of that and taking those weapons away leaves you with such a delicious feeling of helplessness. just a dog on a chain, a wild animal backed into a corner that can't run and cant fight, its the being at the mercy of someone else, someone you know doesn't have your best interests at heart, its the fear and excitement of knowing that they could do anything to you and not knowing what they're going to choose


ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to be a stressed adult male protagonist splashing water on his face in the bathroom


Dev Patel on Monkey Man

“The action genre has been abused by the system. You know, a quick buck. Mindless shit. I wanted to give it soul. Real trauma. Real pain. You guys deserve that. I wanted to infuse it with a little bit of culture.”

“I really wanted to touch on the caste system in India. You have the poor at the bottom, slaving away in the kitchens. Then you go up to the land of the kings. Above them is God — a manmade God that’s polluting and corrupting religion.”

Source: variety.com
“What is desire? Desire is a restaurant. Desire is watching you eat. Desire is pouring wine for you. Desire is looking at the menu and wondering what it would be like to kiss you. Desire is the surprise of your skin. Look - in between us now are the props of ordinary life - glasses, knives, cloths, Time has been here before. History has had you - and me too. My hand has brushed against yours for centuries. The props change, but not this. Not this single naked wanting you.”

Jeanette Winterson, from The White Room 


"what do eggs have to do with Jesus?"

Eggs are actually a really common piece of Christian symbolism for the Trinity. It's a shell, a white, and a yolk, but it's all one egg. Just like how God is made of the Father Son and Holy Spirit.

You know that image that's like, a youth pastor explaining the Trinity with a fidget spinner? It's like that. That was the metaphor every medieval monk used to explain the basics.

Also, like, the legend of Mary Magdalene and her egg trick. Also eggs were forbidden during lent and thus were a special treat for Easter.

This guy ➡️🥚⬅️ is so ingrained in Christian tradition.

According to some legends told in the Eastern Church, Mary Magdalene confronted Caesar about the injustice of Jesus' execution. Once she claimed that he had risen from the dead, Caesar laughed. To prove her point she grabbed an egg and it turned red. That is why Easter Eggs are traditionally red over every other color.

Here are some icons where she is holding the red egg.

Also, rabbits are associated with Easter because of their unusual ability to become pregnant while currently pregnant with a batch of kids. The second birth so soon after the first made it seem like a magical form of conception like the immaculate conception, so rabbit and Mary are interwoven. The tie between rabbits, eggs, and Easter was really solidified in the 18th century.

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