
Christina Articulates

@christina-articulates / christina-articulates.tumblr.com

❤️💙💜Weirdness follows me wherever I go ❤️💜💙


Lately I have been seeing comments about All Stars 5 and how Chi Chi should be fetured as one of the lip syncs assassins but with how she’s feeling it’s not likely
  • Chi Chi was unfortunately diagnosed with Scleroderma which is a automine disease that attaches your own body’s cells. And Chi Chi has been dealing with it for a couple of years. Which unfortunately is very fatal and she could possibly die.
  • The symptoms first started on All Stars 3 which she says why she acted different and wasn’t performing as well. She also stated that was a main factor on why she voted for Trixie because she was helping her when she felt ill.
  • She spent a lot of nights crying, went through a period of depression, and talked about wanting to kill herself for awhile.
  • On live she also said that she sometimes leaves the stage crying because people expect her to do more stunts but she can’t, so she feels like she’s disappointing them
  • She can’t wear high heels anyone, it has taken her flexibility (especially in her wrists, hands and knees). She can’t do the same tricks she did in the call me lip sync against Naysha. Her flexibility got so weak she can’t make a fist or straighten her fingers.
  • Another main system is weight change which caused her to be extremely skinny and many people have made insensitive comments about how she is anorexic and needs to eat a cheeseburger. It also changes many facial features and causes her to always be cold
  • Unfortunately Doctors dont have a cure so they don’t really know how to treat it, so they put her on low dose chemo. But she hates the side effects.
  • She has to take breaks when she’s doing her makeup because her arms get really tired

So dear everybody on Tumblr please support are Bayou queen on all social media’s and show her some love.

If a white queen like Trixie or Katya was dealing with this everybody would be talking about it so please, please, be nice to Chi Chi cause it’s what she deserves


She’s currently in the hospital dealing with high blood pressure and suspected kidney failure as of July 16

Venmo - @Zavion-Davenport

Cashapp - $ZavionDavenport

PayPal - chichidevayne@gmail.com

Send prayers and love to her 🙏🏼


I also got this plush possum for my birthday and I love him desperately. His name is Oscar, after the baby possum I briefly kept in a cage in my garage as a child lol


I got my first Creatable World doll today for my birthday and oh shit, they are CUTE. This is Stevie!


i don’t know if dollblr has found out about this yet but LOL Surprise made a doll that looks exactly like artist Amina Mucciolo without paying or consulting her.

it’s also worth noting that back in october Amina was evicted from her apartment after Lisa Frank & Hotels(.)com stole her home design for a pop-up hotel and still to this day neither of them have issued an apology or compensated her for this


Is their anyway I can support her?

update! the head of MGA entertainment, distributor of LOL surprise dolls and Bratz products has threatened Amina on Twitter.

PLEASE do not buy anymore MGA products. This brand deserves to die after the way they’ve treated Amina. This is disgusting and I hope this man rots. Amina deserves better.


Not saving up for that Rainbow Surprise: peel the rainbow line anymore. I know all toy companies are profit driven and agressively competitive (cf the most recent incident of Mattel’s Wild hearts crew undercutting Fresh Dolls) but MGAe’s treatment of Hayden Williams was gross too. They might have designs from 2018 based on Miku 10th but changed enough to not be MikuTM, and they might not. It doesn’t matter because violently insulting and threatening an autistic black woman on twitter when she tried to reach out privately is disgusting. There were so many ways to make this an opportunity: a small licencing fee to use some of Amina’s most iconic looks for a tie in Tasselfairy LOL collection and all the PR brownie points for working with a black creative with a large insta following. Seriously, it’d so easy to make lemonade.

Here’s to next weeks reveal that Barbie treats black designers like dirt too, 2020 the year the trash takes itself out.

Source: twitter.com

Scalding hot take apparently: if a demographic says “I don’t feel safe in the cisgendered heterosexual society, I need space in the LGBT community” and you say “I’m sorry, you’re not oppressed enough, get out” you’re a fucking asshole.

What this post is about;

  • Ace/aro people getting called “cishet”
  • Bisexuals getting called “straight passing”
  • Straight trans people getting told they’re not oppressed

What this post is not about;

  • Pedophiles

Agdgsgsgsg I’m LIVING for this Reef2Reef thread. This guy was worried about his urchins getting sunburnt so he made them little hats



In the wild these urchins will in fact carry a small rock or shell exactly on top like this and im so happy there's people taking advantage of that and who care about their urchins as pets.

i visited an aquarium at some point, and our tour guide told that when the staff had a party, they put a little decorative plastic hat from a booze bottle into the sea urching tank, and just left it there because the sea urchins liked it, and kept taking turns in wearing it.

Discovering that sea urchins wearing hats is a thing in this world means so much to me rn

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