
Diary of My 7-Year-Old Self

@diaryofmy7yearoldself / diaryofmy7yearoldself.tumblr.com

I post journal entries daily of the deep and insightful thoughts that I had as a 7-year-old. My mom saved this notebook and it was recently re-discovered in my attic.

Taking a break/Submit your Childhood Things!

Hey everyone, I have 1 last page from my first round of journal pictures and I'll be posting it on 3/12. Then I'm going to take a few days to upload the next batch and open up the blog for submissions! So if you have funny pictures or drawings or journal pages from your childhood please send them my way! I'll start posting follower-submitted content from you!

Thanks for all the support so far, lets make this blog cooler.


Alright this is a really cute ass blog. I loved billy Joel too as a kid. My father used to sing "Goodnight my angel" to me before I went to sleep. How old are you now? -Sarah


That is adorable, A+ adorable. And I'm doing well now, I'm really happy that people like my blog and I'm really happy that the Billy Jowel page may have connected with you on some personal level. 


Day 57- May 28 1998

          Mars utacks mite not be relle. But Aliuns hoow nose! Thar has bin sitings un ufo's ur Aleuns. My Dad whas fling in a arplane and soow a ufo rite next to the plane it was going the sped of lite.

Translation- Mars Attacks may not be real. But aliens? Who knows! There have been sightings of UFOs and aliens. My Dad was flying in an airplane and saw a UFO right next to the plane. It was going the speed of light.


Day 50- May 1 1998

Last nite I saw Billy Jowel. His drummer whes throig drum sticks and I gut one uv the sticks.

Translation- Last night I saw Billy Joel. His drummer was throwing drum sticks and I got one of the sticks.

This concert is still one of the best memories of my childhood, I still have that drum stick in my room at home, and I still freaking LOVE Billy Joel. My parents took me to this concert and it was perfect. I love how I drew this and how I spelled "Jowel" instead of "Joel" because now I can picture Billy Joel as a bulldog named "Bully Jowel". 

This is a long post but this is so funny to me. If someone can do a good photoshop of my description of "Bully Jowel" I'll send you a hand written thank you letter or something and post your photoshopped picture of Bully Jowel on this blog. Ok, rant over!


Day 48- April 24 1998

          In time the werld wod be dfrint.

Translation- In time the world would be different. 

This is one of my favorite pages because it is so deep. Yes 7-year-old me, in time the world WILL be different. But what was I drawing? Is that guy with the grappling hook coming out of the boat and the guy on top of the pyramid shooting fire out of his hands going to change the world? Is this our future?!


Day 47- Aprill 22 1998

         I like bugs the sentupeds werms and uspeshule spiters. spiters have bin urawnd ever sins the dinusur

Translate- I like bugs, the centipedes, worms, and especially spiders. Spiders have been around ever since the dinosaurs. 

This page rules and bugs are still super cool. Spiders are still my favorite bugs too and just look at that Black Widow that I drew! 


Day 46- April 20 1998

          Last tuesday I whent to the Stachow of librte. First I whent on a tran. secint I whent on the subway. therd I whent on a fere enthen I was at the stacow of liberte.

Translation- Last Tuesday I went to the Statue of Liberty. First, I went to on a train. Second, I went on the subway. Third, I went on a ferry and then I was at the Statue of Liberty.

I love this page and the extreme detail I went into describing my journey to see the Statue of Liberty.

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