



Shortly after a Staten Island grand jury voted not to indict the officer who killed Eric Garner in a chokehold, Mayor Bill de Blasio told ABC News, “What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have … an encounter with a police officer.”

Black parents and young people alike are doing just that in a new video that offers 10 rules of survival. The 2-minute PSA-style video from the SALT Project walks through some basic, but potentially life-saving tips for handling any police stop.


Cuz of course white people are telling their kids "stick your hands in your pockets where the police cant see them. Run, if you're afraid..." You people are so stupid.


Let us be clear about this.

Chapel Hill Shooting was exactly the type of backlash that Muslims have been talking about.

The same media pundits who want to send “condolences” now didn’t take heed then. They insisted upon their decontextualized “Je Suis Charlie” hashtag and...


Wait...so Islamic terrorists shoot up an entire building full of Charlie Hebdo staff, a cafe in sydney, and kill two candian soldiers and they're "isolated incidents," not reflective AT ALL of the of muslim culture. We stand with our muslim friends!...and then three muslims die and you're all "HOLY CRAP! ISLAMOPHOBIA! OUR CULTURE BROUGHT THIS ON. THIS IS TOTALLY REFLECTIVE OF OUR ENTIRE SOCEITY! WE ARE EVIL!" Are an individual's actions representative of an entire society or are they not?


The idea of work ethic being an indication of somebody’s character is dangerously ableist and doesn’t take into account a variety of factors that could keep an individual from accomplishing academic and life goals. Not everybody is able to work or go to school or “be a productive member of society”. It doesn’t make them horrible people or any less of a human being. 


Dismantle the idea that someone must “earn their living” to be worthy of life.


Well SOMEBODY'S unemployed and living in their mother's basement because they were too lazy to get a education...


muslim followers, there’s a comic going around (with and without commentary) about the charlie hebdo situation that pictures the magazine w/ an image of muhammad on it. if you want to blacklist the op’s url, it’s baguettethefuckout.

fellow non-muslim...


I will go reblog that, thank you :)


Every 28 hours a black person is killed by a police officer. Yet another unarmed black person, 18 year old Mike Brown, was killed by officer Darren Wilson on August 9th in Ferguson, Missouri. People in Ferguson are taking to the streets, demanding justice and braving excessive and cruel force from local police and the National Guard. Those of us who wish we could be in Ferguson, but can’t be, are protesting, tweeting, writing, donating, screaming, crying, or whatever we can do to process the fact that black people are still subhuman in 21st century America, and to process the fact that white people still don’t understand that the murder of black folks at the hands of law enforcement is a serious problem in the country.

By now I’m sure you’ve seen, heard, or talked with white people who don’t seem to understand that Ferguson is indeed about race, or that the response to protesters is beyond excessive. So I’ve put together this guide to deciphering white proverbs about Ferguson, which should come in handy the next time you’re talking to a white person (or anyone for that matter) who just doesn’t get it.

1. What they say: Stop jumping to conclusions/we don’t know all the facts about the shooting/this isn’t about race.

What they mean:

They deny the centuries-long history of violence committed against black people by the state, police, and the criminal justice system. Or, they believe this violence ended long ago and no longer affects us today.

They believe that black people should delay their reactions until the case is closed, which could take months or even years, and that we are irrational for being angry before then.

They are more concerned with the possibility of a black man doing something that deserved his execution, than the reality that a black man is now lying in a morgue.

They would never say something like this about violence committed by a black person (especially against a white person). White people have a history of jumping to conclusions and arresting or killing black people when suspected of wrongdoing. (Emmett Till never got to explain himself before he was killed in 1955, and more recently, nor did Eric Garner or John Crawford.)

2. What they say: The protesters are violent and looting. They are destroying their own town. They should be peaceful and cooperate with police.

What they mean:

They are prioritizing petty crimes over the killing of a human being.

By conflating the looters with the peaceful protesters, they conflate resistance to racism with violence and destruction, and perpetuate the stereotype that black people are inherently violent.

They ignore protesters who protected stores from looting, and helped store owners clean up.

They excuse excessive police force used against peaceful demonstrators.

They forget about times when white people have rioted, such as Penn State students after Joe Paterno’s firing.

They deny the right of oppressed people to be angry about oppression. Centuries ago, they would have probably been against slave rebellions.

3. What they say: He robbed a convenience store. He was resisting or fighting with the officer. He smoked marijuana. He can’t possibly be a victim because he wasn’t innocent.

What they mean:

Black men deserve to die if they rob a few dollars worth of goods from a store.

Black men deserve to die even if they have their hands up.

Black men deserve to die if they resist arrest or defend themselves.

Black men deserve to die even if the gun they are holding is just a toy.

Black men deserve to die even if they are unarmed and doing normal things that white people do.

Black men deserve to die.

Meanwhile, white folks can proudly stroll through a Target store with assault rifles hanging off their shoulders, knowing that they will not get shot by a police officer. White people who refuse to pay grazing fees in Nevada can defend their assumed right to do so by pointing guns at federal agents without fear of being shot at. White terrorists and white mass murderers get taken away in police cars instead of being shot (not to mention sympathy from the media.) White people even write childrens books about how proud they are to use their white privilege to openly carry a gun without being mistaken for criminals. Must be nice.

4.  What they say: The local police and National Guard are just doing their jobs.

What they mean:

Taking several days to release the name of the officer who killed Brown is acceptable.

The history of racist practices in the Ferguson police department is acceptable.

The police department releasing an unrelated video of a robbery that may or may not have involved Mike Brown, in an attempt to assassinate his character, is acceptable.

Failing to immediately interview witnesses, arrest Darren Wilson, and otherwise conduct a proper investigation, is acceptable.

Leaving a dead body on the street for several hours in the scorching heat, while family and neighbors look on, is acceptable.

Using military-like force, including tear gas, which is illegal to use at wartime, against peaceful protesters, is acceptable.

Police ignoring proper protocol when it comes to black people and black neighborhoods, is acceptable.

Mistreatment of black people at the hands of the police, is acceptable.

5.  What they say: Nothing at all.

What they mean:

They don’t care, and they think this doesn’t affect them.

Or perhaps, they aren’t sure what to do. (In this case, they should read this.)

This is what white people don’t understand about Ferguson: It’s not just about one black kid and one white police officer. This is about our place in this country, and in our country’s history. It’s about our 400 year long struggle to be seen and valued as human beings worthy of dignity and life.

So when someone says any of these things about Ferguson, they are saying that black lives don’t matter, that we don’t have a right to get angry, and that we should not resist oppression.

But we will.


Lol check the source. A black person is NOT killed every 28 hours...


I really need y’all to understand that your freedom of speech does not allow you to make baseless hate speech, threats, or intimidation. Your freedom of speech has an asterisk and it comes with consequences. I don’t condone the acts taken against Charlie Hebdo, but if you are hashtagging ‘I am Charlie Hebdo,’ you’re saying you’re racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and just about every kind of bigot you can think of. Just FYI.




I really need y’all to understand that your freedom of speech does not allow you to make baseless hate speech, threats, or intimidation. Your freedom of speech has an asterisk and it comes with consequences. I don’t condone the acts taken against Charlie Hebdo, but if you are hashtagging ‘I am Charlie Hebdo,’ you’re saying you’re racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and just about every kind of bigot you can think of. Just FYI.




I really need y’all to understand that your freedom of speech does not allow you to make baseless hate speech, threats, or intimidation. Your freedom of speech has an asterisk and it comes with consequences. I don’t condone the acts taken against Charlie Hebdo, but if you are hashtagging ‘I am Charlie Hebdo,’ you’re saying you’re racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and just about every kind of bigot you can think of. Just FYI.




I really need y’all to understand that your freedom of speech does not allow you to make baseless hate speech, threats, or intimidation. Your freedom of speech has an asterisk and it comes with consequences. I don’t condone the acts taken against Charlie Hebdo, but if you are hashtagging ‘I am Charlie Hebdo,’ you’re saying you’re racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and just about every kind of bigot you can think of. Just FYI.



We're not saying that we agree with what they say, we're saying that we agree with their right to say it, idiot.


a city in Nigeria is completely destroyed, 2000 people die & everything the world screams about are 12 dead white “journalists”.


No, two thousand people were DISPLACED. Not all of them died-get your facts right.


you know what sucks? not having the energy to take medicine. not being able to see well enough to sort out a dose. having a schedule so fucked up you’re not awake at the right time to take it. losing the ability to swallow pills. desperately trying to take care of yourself when your body is completely giving up


Yet somehow you both find the energy AND see well enough to post on Tumblr...

"the polite thing to do is say yes"
hello rape culture

when something like this happens you should just block the person.  Problem solved.

I should clarify, when I say “block” i mean burry them in a block of cement, throw it in the ocean, and let their eternally petrified corpse provide the beginnings of a reef for some young fish because that is the most good that is ever going to come from this pitiful mass of flesh.




So...how exactly do we know that this is real?


having depression and anxiety is so conflicting because

its wanting to do everything, but wanting to do nothing at all

its wanting to score high on a test, but not having the energy to study

its being afraid to lose your best friends, but not having the energy to hang out with them

its sitting in your bed at 3 in the morning worrying about the future you dont even want to have. 


Ya...here's a harsh dose of reality people. One the signs of depression is LOSING INTEREST in things that used to be important to you. So if you're still interested in getting good grades, but you don't have "the energy" to study, and you just scroll through tumblr (which you're still interested in) instead then you're just...lazy.


"not every show needs queer characters"

well not every show needs 25 straight white carbon copies of the same characters from every other show ever aired in the history of television yet here we are with ten thousand of you on tv and one of me if I’m lucky

how dare you eat a feast, throw me a bone while I’m starving, and then tell me to be happy that I’m finally equal to you you spoiled entitled brat




Nobody owes you representation...

When I was a freshman, my sister was in eighth grade. There was a boy in two of her periods who would ask her out every single day. (Third and seventh period, if I remember correctly.) All day during third and seventh she would repeatedly tell him no. She didn’t beat around the bush, she didn’t lie and say she was taken—she just said no. One day, in third period, after being rejected several times, he said; “I have a gun in my locker. If you don’t say yes, I am going to shoot you in seventh.” [[MORE]] She refused again, but right after class she went to the principal’s office and told them what happened. They searched his locker and there was a gun in his backpack. When he was arrested, some of my sister’s friends (some female, even) told her that she was selfish for saying no so many times. That because of her, the entire school was in jeopardy. That it wouldn’t have killed her to say yes and give it a try, but because she was so mean to him, he lost his temper. Many of her male friends said it was “girls like her” that made all women seem like cockteases. Wouldn’t have killed her to say yes? If a man is willing to shoot someone for saying no, what happens to the poor soul who says yes? What happens the first time they disagree? What happens the first time she says she doesn’t want to have sex? That she isn’t in the mood? When they break up? Years later, when I was a senior, I was the only girl in my Criminal Justice class. The teacher, who used to be a sergeant in the police force, told us a story of something that had happened to a girl he knew when she was in high school. There was a guy who obviously had a crush on her and he made her uncomfortable. One day he finally gathered up the courage to ask her out, and she said no. The next day, during an assembly, he pulled a gun on her in front of everyone and threatened to kill her if she didn’t date him. He was tackled to the ground and the gun was taken from him. When my teacher asked the class who was at fault for the crime, I was the only person who said the boy was. All the other kids in the class (who were all boys) said that the girl was, that if she had said yes he would’ve never lost it and brought a gun and tried to kill her. When my teacher said that they were wrong and that this is what is wrong with society, that whenever a white boy commits a crime it’s someone else’s fault (music, television, video games, the victim) one boy raised his hand and literally said; “But if someone were to punch me and I punched him back, who is at fault for the fight? He is, not me. It’s self-defence. She started it, so anything that happens to her is in reaction to her actions .It’s simple cause and effect.” Even though he spent the rest of the calss period ripping into the boys and saying that you are always responsible for your own actions, and that women are allowed to say no and do not have to date them, they left class laughing about how idiotic he was and that he clearly had no idea how much it hurt to be rejected. So now we have a new school shooting, based solely on the fact some guy couldn’t get laid, and I see men, boys, applaudin him, or if they’re not applauding him, they’re laying blame on women as a whole. Just like my sister’s friends did. Just like the boys in my Criminal Justice class did. This isn’t something that’s rare. This isn’t something that never happens, or that a select group of men feel as if they are so entitled to women that saying no is not only the worst possible thing a woman can do, but is considered a form of “defence” when they commit a crime upon them (whether it be rape or murder-as-a-reaction-towards-rejection). Girls are being killed for saying no to prom invites. Girls are being killed for saying no to men. They are creating an atmosphere where women are too scared to say no, and the worst part is? They are doing it intentionally. They want society to be that way, they want women to say yes entirely out of fear. Even the boys and men who aren’t showing up to schools with guns are saying; “Well, you know, I wouldn’t do that, but you have to admit that if she had just said yes …” If you are a man and you defend this guys’ actions or try to find an excuse for it, or you denounce what really happened, or in any way lay blame on women, every girl you know, every woman you love, has just now thought to themselves that you might lose your shit and kill them someday for saying no. You have just lost their trust. And you know what? You deserve to lose it.

"Wouldn’t have killed her to say yes? If a man is willing to shoot someone for saying no, what happens to the poor soul who says yes? What happens the first time they disagree? What happens the first time she says she doesn’t want to have sex? That she isn’t in the mood? When they break up?" -vampmissedith.tumblr.com


things to ban: “girlfriend” being used as a platonic term for girls who are literally just friends 


You need to find something to do.


no offense but honestly, like i think its good to have a passion for something, i think its good to invest your time in something you care about, but why do so many people like sports


So right. They should be like you and spebd more time on the internet.

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