
Aquaman is Lord and Savior



The Feelings of...

The feeling of being lonely but knowing you happiest when your alone.

The feeling of wanting to curl up and cry for no other reason than comfort.

The feeling of guilt when you share these feelings this others.

The feeling of hypocrisy for even saying that then posting this.

The feeling that someone is going to see this and worry.

The feeling that you don't want anyone to worry.

The feeling that you not worth being worried over.

The feeling of shame for saying these things then posting it.

The feeling of uncertainty of whether or not to post this.

The feeling of guilt for complaining.

The feeling of hypocrisy for mentioning these feelings.

The feeling of stupidity for feeling these feelings.

The feeling of shame for feeling stupid while being very privileged.

The feeling of guilt for said privileges.

The feeling of shame for having privilege.

The feeling of hypocrisy for complaining about being privileged.

The feeling of wondering why you have a right to complain.

The feeling of complaining anyway.

The feeling of regret for complaining.

The feeling of self loath because you complain too much.

The feeling of loathing your self loath.

The feeling of being helpless.

The feeling of realizing there's no point to feeling.

The feeling that feeling is just pain.

The feeling that feeling is not worth feeling.

The feeling of wanting a lack of feeling but knowing you can't have that because you feel a need for no feeling.

The feeling of frustrations and self pity.

The feeling of hating said pity.

The feeling of hating feeling while know hate is a feeling.

The feeling that there is nothing you can do.

The feeling it's not worth changing.

The feeling of realizing you should just move on.

The feeling of realizing you wasted time.

The feeling of wishing you hadn't felt all these feelings.

The feeling of wishing someone could help with your feelings.

The feeling of being back at the start of this whole thing.


Speaking of Faces

Does anyone get to a point where you can't picture anyone's faces?  Like you will hear the name of one of your closest friends or relatives that you see almost everyday and you can think of exactly what they are like.  But not what they look like?  Like whether or not they have glasses.  Hair length.  Face shape.  Eye color.  Anything.  But you always recognize them when you see them?


Am I The Only One Who Thinks

That Steven U and Peter Parker would be like best bros?  Like Steven worrying about Greg and Connie and the Gems is just like Peter and Aunt May, MJ, Gwen, and his other friends?  Like I think these two charcter's would be an awesome duo and be best bros.  Plus I love the thought of Steven and Spidey eating a burger or something like bros.


Thank You Mr. Iwata

I found a playlist of Mr. Iwata games and am listening to it in his memory.  Even after death he is making me smile trough his games.  Thanks for all the smiles Mr. Iwata.  Thanks for all the games.  Thanks for all the Nintendo directs, thanks for the jokes, and thanks for caring about us as much as we care about you in life and death.  So guys, in memory of Mr. Iwata listen to this individual's playlist it's sure to make you smile a big sad and remorseful, but thankful smile.

Also just for the record I didn't make the playlist or anything, I'm not endorsing this user honestly I just wanted to share a way that everyone could remember Mr. Iwata through what he loves, video games.  I hope you all belive me and go listen to this music of Iwata’s games and think of him dearly.  Thank you all for joining me in memorial of Mr. Iwata it means a lot to me, the gaming community, and I know it would mean a lot to him.  This is getting ramble like so to wrap it all up, thank you Mr. Iwata for everything you did.  You still make me smile even after your passing.

Edit: As I got farther into the playlist I realized not all songs were from Mr. Iwata’s games, but most are and I would still recommend it in memorial of Mr. Iwata.  And it was the authors intend to spread the joy Mr. Iwata gave us so I still recommend listening in memory or Iwata.


I’ve never felt this way about the passing of a big figure before…  I’m really sad and shocked he must had hid his condition so well and pushed himself so hard to keep us smiling to the end.

There were countless times I felt down, afraid, stressed. I would pick up a game and magically it helped me through those hard times. Your games weren’t just a pick me up. Nintendo, I really loved them. I loved the characters, I loved the world inside them. I really enjoyed and respected the parts that go into the creation of them. Game hype was a lot of fun. It’s really fun to talk about with my friends. Whenever I finished work your games were most of the time, what I rewarded myself with.

Thank you so much for shaping my and many childhoods. Rest in peace Mr. Iwata






u can see the lil mask on top IT’S THE ROBIN COSTUME

B-b-but short shorts:-( I kid I kid.  This got me super hyped.



They showed a little trailer for Suicide Squad apparently.  I just watched some footage and it seems like this is the logo for right now.  I have cross referenced the footage with description of the trailer from blogs and news sources (such as the comicbookcast2) and this seems to be the real thing.  The tone of the trailer was dark, but the dialogue seemed much more fun so I’I'm not sure...  Hopefully they go with a fun tone as well, cause the dialogue I saw wasn't super bad it just felt out of place with the moody chorus in the background.  So yeah hopefully we can get a better show of this soon :-)


oh also with DC/WB

They announced a Green Lanterns Corp movie and I'm... Pretty excited.  I would  much prefer that over one lantern.  But like I think it'd be neat if they gave each main lantern (who ever it will be) like a mini series on tv for their backstory?  Just that way half the movie won't be backstory.  Also I really want Sinestro to play a role so we can see him turn to the yellow ring and stuff.  So yeah should be neat!


WB and DC did it

They completely turned it around.  They just released a new trailer for BvS and it looks.... Good.  Like I'm actually excited.  Being a person who didn't enjoy Man of Steel for its lack of color, bad pacing with the flashbacks, and the draw out fight scenes (those are all my OPINION not fact not trying to say its not cool if you like it I just really don't) I was not super excited for BvS.  And the teaser trailer didn't help with its “Do you bleed... You will” nonsense and cgi statues.  But this new trailer.  It's good.  It has color.  It has Superman being SUPERMAN.  It has non beat you over the head Easter eggs.  It has ties to a deeper universe and rich backstory.  And it was good.  My faith in DC has grown this day.  And hopefully it won't shrink back down.  Now I just want a more comics accurate Aquaman for the movies.  And Blue Beetle would be cool, but let's be honest, that's not happening :-(


alright guys, serious time (GotG spoilers)

I gotta say something that has been bugging me.  Why.  The.  Hell.  Is the MCU’s Groot so popular.  People say he is the tragic one , the cute one, the funny one, blah blah blah.  But you know who the real champ is?  Freaking Rocket.  Rocket Racoon.  He lived through his friends death.  He broke them out of prison.  He was RIPPED APART REPEATEDLY UNTIL HE WAS NO LONGER HIMSELF ANYMORE!  But no, Groot is the savior because he died.  News flash, rocket died emotionally spiritually, and physically proboably.  And he is sentient.  Groot is barely sentient.  The movie shows he barely registers anything.  Don't get me wrong I love Groot, I just think people need to realize Rocket has it just as bad if not worse.  THAnks for reading this ramble and reblog so the world may know.  Thanks for your time and please, love both Rocket and Groot.  But do it equally :-)

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