Cursed P*ssy

@berries-archive /

Megan : I'm Remade @berries

anyway i made that hickey post when i was 16 and in a fresh new relationship for the first time and some freaky ass adults (mainly teachers) felt the need to get in my face abt my tiny hickeys like it was their business (its really not.) i wasnt going into a professional work environment with 8 giant hickeys on my neck like i had 1 or 2 small ones at once. im 18 now and yeah it was edgy but like ................. who cares lmao also i still hate adults so !!! whine about it or whatever


Adult: your hickey is crude and trashy, you should be ashamed


  • is a teenager
  • is living life and having fun
  • is bothering no one
  • hasn’t had 3 failed marriages
  • didn’t ask, martha


As someone who’s definitely an adult at 52 years of age, I don’t comment on other people’s hickeys. I tend not to give two fucks about other people’s sex lives.

However, I do take some satisfaction in knowing that one day people who make smug, snotty posts about being a teenager living life and having fun while teh adultz are just so icky and bitter will one day be having to pay bills and worry about where the next damn dime is coming from.

I don’t take glee in knowing that most young people will eventually have to live shitty lives scraping for what little they can get, as I’d really prefer that no one had to. Except the people who make snotty, entitled posts

wild how a 52 year old grown ass adult not only passionately ships incest but also gets offended enough by a 16 year old making a post to write 3 paragraphs on how im going to have a shitty life bc i used to have hickeys and im rude to loser adults like urself lol get off Tumblr freak !!!!!!

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