
Rune's Blog

@blinkingrune / blinkingrune.tumblr.com

Please come again!! Thank you!!
Interviewer: I’ve been hearing about some pretty nasty things that haters have done to you.
Leslie: I receive bad stuff all the time. That stuff doesn’t affect me because you’re always going to have somebody that don’t like you. If I let that affect me, I probably wouldn’t be a performer. x
“While Bewear may appear friendly, it is actually a very dangerous Pokémon. It must never be approached carelessly, even if it is merely swinging its arms around in a friendly fashion. It shows affection with a fond embrace, but its hugs have incredible force. Trainers of this Pokémon must teach it how to restrain itself when showing affection.”  
Source: tinylamp

This is mesmerizing to watch.

actually physically painful to watch because you know months were spent masking all those frames for each of the kajillions of transitions in this


Get To Know Me Meme: [1/10] Actresses » Daisy Ridley

What we’ve seen of Rey, she looks like she can handle her stuff. So most of the comments I get are from parents who say how wonderful it is that their little girls can see this character.

“I’m just exploring all my options”

You have no options. Voting for a third party candidate is effectively throwing your vote away. It’s a BINARY CHOICE

You are going to get us all killed. You are going to get us all killed.

You might not remember what happened last time, but I do. Leftists swore up and down an Al Gore Presidency would be “just as bad” as a Bush Presidency. That was the EXACT phrase they used.

“Al Gore is a corpratist,” they said.

“I want to vote for something instead of against something,” they said.

Now, over a decade later, the entire GLOBE is still trying to correct what was done during the Bush administration–global financial collapse, SCOTUS nominees, TWO endless wars, drone strikes, the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, Isis, DICK CHEYNEY.

Open your eyes and see how the tide is turning. For the past 10 years, there’s been a steady rise of right-wing ideology and politics. There’s UKIP and the Brexit, France and their damn neo Nazi Marine Le Pen, whatever is happening in Brazil right now. Canada only just ousted a leader who muzzled scientists who spoke about climate change!

And now we have the possibility of Trump. Trump who, as of this moment, has a 38% chance of winning according to Five Thirty Eight. Not 38% of the vote. 38% chance of winning. Those aren’t terrible odds. They’re better odds than rolling a specific number on a die, 16.68%. 

Do you understand that we have a chance to flip the Supreme Court for the first time since the 60’s? 

Remember all that Civil Rights shit from the 60’s? Do you know what happened to it, why it didn’t usher in a new age of equality like MLK’s Dreamers hoped? The Burger Court happened to it. The Burger Court is the conservative-majority Supreme Court that came into power in the backlash following the 60′s. With that Court came a conservative jurisprudence that would last for generations. It was the Burger Court that stymied de-segregation efforts, and created ‘white flight’ by ruling that de-segregation orders couldn’t be extended past district lines. It was the Burger Court that laid the groundwork for Citizens United, when they ruled that corporations could spend money in politics. Everyone was so shocked when SCOTUS ruled corporations are people and money=speech. Well, thank the Burger Court!

Now, for the first time in SEVERAL DECADES there is an opportunity to flip the Supreme Court. We haven’t had a liberal jurisprudence since the 60′s. And look at what’s coming down the pipe–anti trans laws like HB2, Affirmative Action, housing rights, repealing Citizen United, immigration, abortion, gun control, police brutality, climate change, etc. 

I am begging you to vote Hillary. And tell others to vote Hillary. I won’t quibble over whether her policies are better than Trump’s (they objectively are) or whether or not she is a better person than Trump (that’s…more subjective). The SCOTUS nominations should be reason enough. PLEASE don’t make me live through a Trump administration. Please don’t do this again.


I want to fix our system so that third parties have a chance, but at the same time, I substantially agree with the post above. I was around for Bush V Gore. I voted for Nader. Yeah, we were wrong. My vote didn’t really count because I wasn’t in a swing state, so I don’t feel guilty, but I was still wrong,

I’m voting Clinton this election even though I’m still not in a swing state. Especially if you live in a swing state, you need to vote Clinton. 




Be careful, Diana. They do not deserve you.

Wonder Woman (2017)

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