
Mostly uneventful life

@destroyerzombie / destroyerzombie.tumblr.com

I'm an artist, college student, cinephile, whovian.
I'm into all sorts of fandoms, mostly Tolkien, Marvel, and Doctor Who.
I like cats, clothes, and attractive men twice my age.
If I make a joke, it's probably not funny.

You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t sustain you. What is fundamentally beautiful is compassion, for yourself and those around you. That kind of beauty inflamed the heart and merchants the soul.


“Aw man I wish you could like go on ~platonic dates~ with friends and like sleep in the same bed as your friend and cudddle with your friends and have someone that you don’t just hang out in groups with but like, have long deep conversations and share secrets”

I don’t know what the fuck happened to you guys younger than me in your formative years but literally everyyyything you’re describing is something that was included in the concept of ‘best friends’ as it was repeatedly presented to me as a child and teen.

SOmething happened along the way that got so many people thinking that ‘friend’ is ‘anyone and everyone you repeatedly  have ‘friendly’ contact with’ and that’s NOT TRUE.

We need to seriously bring back the word ‘acquaintance’. You need to familiarize yourself with it.

Because all of you complaining about having friend groups full of people who talk shit about you or exclude you? You don’t have friends, those are acquaintances.

Those ‘friends’ who don’t actually know much about you and aren’t that concerned about you? Acquaintances.

Those ‘friends’ you know who wouldn’t go one on one with you shopping, to lunch, to the movies? Acquaintances.

You are acquainted. You know each other. You are friendly towards each other. But that’s it. You’re not friends.

Somewhere along the way the term ‘friend’ became ‘anyone you know and talk to in a positive manner’ and that’s fine but in that case we ALSO need to re-legitimize the term best friend.

Because to a one, every post whining about ‘platonic mates’ and pining for ‘platonic dates’ is literally just someone wishing they had a best friend.

All of them.


If you’re a content creator, remember that there’s always a least one person who’s waiting for your next creation. They can’t wait to see what you’ll draw, write, gif or edit next. That’s the kind of fan that matters the most.


Imagine if you got to keep that 400 dollars that gets stolen out of your check every months. Just imagine.


A thread on Twitter this morning. Guys, don’t pirate comics. Please. Comics is a very small (mostly) creator run industry, so when you scan or torrent a comic, you’re directly hurting the creators. Even if you pirate comics from major publishers, you’re really only denying the creators of their income.

Artists/writers who work on comics make next to nothing. It’s commonplace in the comics industry for the people that make them to be constantly struggling to make ends meet. Just buy a book here and there. Support a Patreon. If you like the work, support it. We work very long hours to make the content you’re enjoying. We would like to not have to worry about how we’re going to buy food while we do it.


Don’t ever encourage others to just ‘read a comic’ online if you have the chance to buy the original. When I was at a con I saw my favorite online comic artist and it made me so sad to see how empty his stall was. I didn’t have much money so I bought a poster from him and encouraged/bribed my friend in buying his comic. He was so happy he gave me a free pin! (this is the artist btw)

Don’t ever think ‘someone else will do it’. BE that person! Help your fellow favorite artists :) you can afford it, even if a little. Show them how much you love their work


going through my microsoft word archives is great fun because i always find the wildest shit in there and by “the wildest shit” i mean the time i tried to rewrite the entire bible from scratch at the age of eleven and a half

“And so Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, and Eve turned to Adam and said, 'Nice going, loser.‘” 


whilst you were listening to avril lavigne, i learned the way of the Lord

I would read this in its entirety.

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