

@jolyne3 / jolyne3.tumblr.com


Ei se platoninen rakkaus oo sen helpompaa

Minä: Vitsit minä rakastan ystävääni. En romanttisesti, mutta hän on hirveän tärkeä mulle.
Minä: Sanonpa sen hänelle.
Minä: Hei, minä öörgh ääärh n än än nän. Eisittenkäänmitään!
me: *wakes up*
me: Princess Jellyfish is an extremely underrated anime. The main character is a girl with social anxiety who thinks everyone around her is looking down on her and constantly assumes they are thinking the worse of her. However, as the people who get to know her see, she is a passionate person who dedicates herself to her interests. The male lead enjoys wearing dresses, wigs, and makeup and is proud and confident, however he starts questioning himself as he grows feelings for the main character. Throughout the series he tries to help her cope with her anxiety, not forcing her to change who she is, but by embracing herself and her interests. It is overall a very well-written series and it's tragic there are only 11 episodes.
me: *goes back to sleep*

The universe is filled with mystery and beauty and peace. It is also filled with darkness and fear, but I love it nonetheless. You are my universe.

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