
Just Like That, You Were Gone.

@comeilsalesulleferite / comeilsalesulleferite.tumblr.com

Italian chick.
What happens to our promises now?“ she said. "The future that we created in our heads? Where does it go? Do we end up living it with other people? Skewed versions of each other? Or does it just disappear? Does it fade away, as history? Does it become nothing? All of our hopes and dreams. Do they die just like that or do they stay in us forever?

Sue Zhao (via blossomfully)

“I love you,” I whispered softly. “Then stay,” he whispered back. “You aren’t my future,” I told him, my voice suddenly loud in the quiet room. “I was, though, at one point before all of the heartbreak and lies, I was your future,” he reminded me. “No,” I corrected him, “I fantasized and dreamed that you were my future. Even when you lied and hurt me I love you so much that I imagined this is what the future would hold. We would have great love and greater heartbreak, but that’s all it was, fantasies and dreams. You were never committed enough to be my future. It was just another thing you lied about and I believed.”

Excerpt of a book I’ll never write #168 (via divertedfuture)

Sai ogni tanto ripenso a te, a come stai, a come non stai, a come vorrei farti stare, a cosa fai e a cosa non abbiamo fatto, alla musica che ascoltavi e cosa ascoltavamo insieme, a quella che ascolti adesso e che io non posso sentire, e posso solo sperare che l'ascolti perché ti fa pensare a me, alle mie battutte stupide e alle mie scenate squallide, ai libri che hai letto e che non ho letto mai, che però sto rimediando scrivendo su di noi, chissà i posti che frequenti se son sempre gli stessi o se non li frequenti più perché ti ricordano me, se indossi quel maglione che dimenticasti a casa mia e se ti chiedi lo stesso della felpa tua, se rileggi ancora le frasi che ti dedicavo che non l'hai mai saputo ma le scrivevo io e oggi non sai ancora che io scrivo di te, ma infondo cosa importa, quando si chiude una porta si apre un portone, no? Ma io mentre la chiudevi quella porta c'ho lasciato in mezzo il cuore ed è rimasta socchiusa per poter continuare a sbirciare nella tua vita, per rubarti i sorrisi che fai senza nemmeno accorgertene, per illudermi che sia un mio ricordo a crearli.

cit. pioggia-di-parole ☂Michele Giorgi (via pioggia-di-parole)


For my FAQ: What’s a good exercise for [insert body part]?

I’ve sorted the exercises I reblog by the body part they target.

Other helpful sites with good exercise-databasesJefitBodybuilding.com and Exrx - Most have the option to sort exercises by bodypart, difficulty and equipment, and on bodybuilding.com you can also find training plans.

Additionally, here’s some workouts and video workouts you can find inspiration from.


This is a great resource!!! Adding some extra links here in case anybody’s hungry for more ;)

A mix of ALL the exercise gifs here. Also - workouts / video workouts

Sometimes insults sound a lot like gunshots and he doesn’t love you back.  Do not wear your skin lazy.  Do not ask why.  I am saying: never talk about yourself in past tense. Pour your coffee black, no room, pretend you still know how to hold your own hands in midday light, it is alright even if you don’t.  Trigger warnings like: nighttime, his name. Trigger warnings like, Eric Church, Springsteen, I know he never asked how you’re doing.  Like I know that they will say he is doing it for you, bullshit.  Even the silence is loud in a warzone.  I am saying: you fell for a coward and came out with deeper stripes and it is alright if he doesn’t love you back, he is past tense, held your body with no room to simply be, you simply mistook his control for safety; I am saying do not romanticize him into anything more than an exit wound.   Saying: you are the gun. Empty the chamber.

From Certain Mouths, valentina thompson (via backshelfpoet)



I loved people who could not love me at 3am when I was drunk on poetry and a desire to be by myself. I loved people who made pillows out of excuses, who slept between layers of I’m sorry’s and always woke up tired. I know I was exhausting to be around.   I know you got tired of the way I made crimes out of the foods I used to love. I know my late night wanderings weren’t exactly what you signed up for. Neither were the angry poems. I am sorry that loving me felt like a fulltime job. I am sorry you didn’t get the weekends off.    I am sorry for a lot of things, but I am no longer sorry for how I chose to take care of myself in the only way I knew how. I know that my survival was not always beautiful but at least it got me here. Isn’t that what counts?


“Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made.”

~ Tyler Kent White


“[With ‘Red’], one thing I liked about it, but one thing that’s very different than ‘1989,’ is that you’d hear mandolin on one song, and then on the next song you’d hear dubstep, and you’d just sort of think, ‘What?’ And it was also emotionally — it was a very devastating record. It was about dealing with an intense heartbreak, and ’1989′ is about the phase after that where you brush yourself off, and you’re okay, and you write about what your life is like then.”

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