
all the bewilderment

@funontheinternet / funontheinternet.tumblr.com

wasting time on the internet


God bless.

Can someone explain to me why people don’t like the Big Bang Theory? I don’t get it 


Because it’s not a show for nerds, it’s a show about making fun of nerds. The characters are all contemptible caricatures of various nerd stereotypes, the laugh track is hideously overused and the jokes have the same fundamental punchline: socially atypical people are worthy of mockery.

An example from season six, episode eighteen:

Leonard: So now let’s bring out theoretical physicist, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

Sheldon: Hello, female children. Allow me to inspire you with a story about a great female scientist. Polish born, French educated Madame Curie. Co-discover of radioactivity. She was a hero of science until her hair fell out, her vomit and stool became full with blood and she was poisoned to death by her own discovery. With a little hard work I see no reason why that can’t also happen to any of you. Are we done? Can we go?


That’s not a joke for scientists, fans of science, or anyone who admires Madame Curie. It’s a joke for people who hold science, women and people with Asperger’s in total contempt.

Thank you. I think I understand the viewpoint a little more. I watched this show a lot with my dad, and I always sort of took it at face value, but looking back on it I’m seeing how they did it wrong. 

Excellent explanation on why this show sucks.

Also can I just say? I like how maturely unlikelylightparadise handled learning why media critics dislike Big Bang Theory. Other Big Bang Theory fans take note.

As a Jewish woman of Bengali heritage I would also like to add that the show has a nasty habit of using its Jewish, female, and South Asian characters as fodder for its humour, which it then deflects under the banner of recognising the offensiveness, despite still playing up the original joke for all its worth. 

For example: 

Character A: [Joke using offensive Jewish/Female/Indian stereotypes]

Audience: *laughs at Jews/Women/Indians*

Character B: Hey, you can’t say that! That’s offensive! 

Character A: Not as offensive as that last Superman movie was to comics! 

Audience: *harharhar*

Basically, the show literally invites people to laugh at racist and sexist jokes and then tries to downplay that by acknowledging that they’re racist and sexist jokes, as if that somehow makes up for the fact that it’s still banking on its audience to think Jews, Women, and South Asians are worthy of mockery. 

Please watch this video, it explains so much of what is wrong with this show. There is also another video on the channel called “The Complicity of Geek Masculinity on The Big Bang Theory” that is worth watching (and basically everything this guy does!)


Lindsay Kemp (3 May 1938 – 25 August 2018)

Lindsay Kemp was an Influential Avant Garde Creative Force who Inspired both Kate Bush and David Bowie.

Lindsay Kemp photographed by Tim Walker for C☆NDY MAGAZINE 9th Issue

“My heart says “I love you” in the green language of the woods.”

Julia de Burgos, from Song of the Simple Truth: Pomes; “Presence of Love on the Island,


Couples that tolerate each other’s endless endless rambling are a powerful and beautiful force for good

me, excitedly: so by Le Chatelier’s principle, no reaction ever truly ‘stops,’ it just reaches a point where it proceeds in both directions at the same rate for a net change of zero, which

my gf, knowing she’ll get to talk about glass-blowing techniques next: mhm, I see, interesting

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