
Hexen Wildling

@hexenwildling / hexenwildling.tumblr.com

When we review Havamal there is a section that appears to be referring to magical or spiritual (perhaps runic?) practice, here is what it says (Hollander translation):
Know’st how to write,                   know’st know to read, know’st how to stain,                    how to understand, know’st how to ask,                       how’st to offer, knows’st how to supplicate,       know’st how to sacrifice?
Observe that the knowledges here referenced are not about dogma or belief, but rather about the practical dimensions of spiritual or magical activity. It might shock many modern Heathens, but there is no rider along the lines of “and if you don’t believe that Loki is anathema then I’ll never let your magic work!” It seems like anyone with the technical knowledge could participate. Right belief? Whatever, pal.
Ok, so this brings us to Chaos Magic because the stanza quoted above could be straight out of a modern Chaos Magic grimoire. Chaos Magic is the first Western occult or spiritual tradition in many centuries to openly express contempt for right belief in favor of a focus on correct technical practice. Chaos Magic is ridiculed for inventing deities or using pop culture figures as spirits, yet its methods are effective, and they are effective for the same reason that ancient pagan religions were satisfying to their adherents – the emphasis is on praxis, not belief.
Modern Heathenry is so bound up in obsession with orthodoxy. I do not believe Heathenry could be used to justify racism and other bigotries if it were not polluted by the Christian obsession with ‘pure,’ binary thought processes. The more we look at ancient paganisms, the more we find they had their moments of outrageous free-for-all. Even the runes, supposedly the unique spiritual DNA of the Germanic peoples, appear to have been cribbed almost wholesale from the Etruscans (or Romans, depending on your biases).
Chaos Magic offers a useful model (the map is not the territory!), a way out of unconscious adherence to orthodoxic thinking. Combined with the grounding of a Heathen perspective that takes reconstructionism seriously yet playfully, the yield is a model of Heathen spirituality that has at least a small chance of recapturing the character of the ancient ways (which is about as good an outcome as is likely possible, given the gulf of time and the lack of information).

Unpacking the Seidr quote

“Seidr [is] a sexual defined metaphor for the practice of sorcery itself…conceptualized as feminine in a society that equates the act of sexual penetration with masculinity and the function  of receptivity with femininity. Because the shaman and the sorcerer are considered to be possessed and so penetrated by the spirits, their role is thought to be like that of a woman in a sexual encounter.”— M. Clunies Ross, Prolonged Echoes: Old Norse Myths in medieval Northern society vol  1 (1994)

This is a text post as well as a quote, because..well, I want to tag some folks at the end. But see, here’s the thing. Odin got taught seidr by the Lady Freyja, who gets stick for her supposed sexual appetites. She’s the one who gets mocked for sleeping with her brother, as well as the dwarves for Brisingamen.

But rather than being a passive receptacle, the Vanadis  is quite the opposite. Her fury and her rage are enough to make Thor quake in her boots, and in case you forget, this is the Lady who gets first pick of the dead warriors. She’s the mistress of sorcery, desire, battle - the Lady who runs things her own way, and woe betide anyone who seeks to take what’s hers.

Because what we think of today as masculine and feminine, that pesky gender binary which we are steadily unlearning, wasn’t the same to the Old Norse. Freyja was a warrior, but she was feminine too, and women warriors were warriors first - part of the ranking system of Old Norse society. At  the bottom was the slave, who lived and died, not by their own determination, but at another’s whim. Those who had power, determination and ability - these were the ones who got respect. And in their home, even the women who were not warriors exercised their power over the matters of their house, which is why women could divorce and own property of their own.

Remember, this is not our modern gender coding, but in fact something that comes out of social interaction and practicality. If your men were going to be away seasonally, of course you ran things. You made the decisions and you made sure there was food and drink enough, stores enough, to survive in winter and hard times. 

That sense of responding to conditions is precisely why Freyja is so potent - she gets what she wants, and she doesn’t stay home, weeping. No, in fact, she weeps, but as she wanders looking for her lover.

She is a furious terrible figure who exerts her power through the ultimate ability to receive all wisdom and not be bound or held by anyone.

And she’s the one who takes Odin and teaches him how to be receptive, how to turn his fury and his inspiration into something that draws spirits to him, because here a secret - Odin is Self-possessed. Could he have hanged himself on the tree without Freyja teaching him the necessary receptivity?

Think about it - to the Old Norse, nothing was worse than powerlessness. Faced with a crippling injury, you did what you could - the handless manage flocks, the deaf are doughty fighters, the lame riders.

Now, imagine, for a second, the epitome of powerlessness, bound for nine nights, wounded - penetrated by his own spear. Sacrificed self to Self.

Who came to Odin then in those nine nights, but his very own self? Who doubled down upon him and filled him up? This great god become the very antithesis of the potent, and in doing so, came by the runes when his own Self filled him up - the spirits of the runic mysteries emerging from that great roaring of inspiration, that terrible frenzy.

Because that’s  the secret. You have to let go  and you have to do it by confronting the fact that you have no choice in the matter. The I that you think you are will eventually vanish - hell, it vanishes constantly, and then reconstitutes itself anew so quickly you believe there’s a continuity of identity when there really isn’t.  Once you recognize your ultimate negative capability, you realise just how empty the hand you’ve been using to grasp things all your life is. You stop trying to penetrate the world, and instead plunge into yourself. 

And that’s why Odin’s hungry like the wolf. Because he’s frenzy incarnate - his godly frame thrums with the fury of the kosmos in all its infinite variety and shape. Imagine if everything you ever ate drove you to pursue yet more variety of flavour and quality, if you were capable of receiving more and more ad infinitum, and each morsel just made you want more.

It’s implied that Freyja is cock-hungry, sex hungry for itself rather than procreation - some even suggest that’s what ergi means - but consider her and Odin together for a second, both seidr-folk, and you’ll see the connexion.

The desire to be ‘penetrated’ -  to be taken by and to take the kosmos into yourself, to find it in your own flesh, and to let your own flesh be it manifest. The infinite variety of shape and form is yours - you can change at whim, man, woman, bird, beast - the choice is endless.

Consider Loki, receiving the stallion and birthing the mount who can cover all the worlds. Consider hir as maid beneath the earth, or as bridesmaid to Thor as he quests for his hammer. Consider that hammer as laid in the lap of the bride to assure fertility, or Freyr’s rampant ithyphallic attributes.

And no, this isn’t gender essentialist bullshit, but rather a recognition of the powers symbolized by the variety of mammalian reproductive organs. Consider the story of the Volsi - the horse’s phallus that was worshipped as a god . 

Then wonder about the union of opposites so beloved of occult texts, or the hieros gamos. Then in the erotic component found in certain spirit interactions - marriages  to lwa, or nuns engaged in mystical marriage to Christ - and you might begin to realise that the modern phenomenon folks call godspousery may in certain contexts and contexts may be symptomatic of a wider spiritual reality.

(Which is not to say every case of such things has any more levels to it than what the participants experience, merely that it may be a particular perceptual angle.) This reality is one of reception and transmission, of obsession and possession by numinous powers -  not necessarily particularly similar to naything we Westerners might see as possession, given our generalised monotheistic enculturation. Here perhaps, enthusiasm is best applied:

enthusiasm (n.) c. 1600, from Middle French enthousiasme (16c.) and directly from Late Latin enthusiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos “divine inspiration, enthusiasm (produced by certain kinds of music, etc.),” from enthousiazein “be inspired or possessed by a god, be rapt, be in ecstasy,” from entheos “divinely inspired, possessed by a god,” from en “in” (see en- (2)) + theos “god” (see theo-). Acquired a derogatory sense of “excessive religious emotion through the conceit of special revelation from God” (1650s) under the Puritans; generalized meaning “fervor, zeal” (the main modern sense) is first recorded 1716.

When we become enthused, we become filled up with experience, with affect. We eat, breath, sleep that thing. We will speak on its matters till the cows come home. 

This capacity can be enhanced by certain techniques and experiences - we can develop an affinity for certain elemental (in the sense of the basic primordial building blocks of experience) constellations of affect and personality, somatic, psychological and psychosexual impressions and patterns.

In order to do this however, significant reconfiguration of self-hood has to occur, which changes our relationship with the world at large and others around us, often irrevocably and unrecognisably so,

Oftentimes, these take the forms of initiatory experiences - crises and experiences in which we are thrown out of habitual relations - which change our refferential index to allow us to become more receptive to the vast richness and variety of the kosmos and as a direct consequence of these new impressions and perceptions, enable us to deploy ourselves via ways of Being which seem strange to those who have not undergone the reconfigurations.

Such understandings allow us, through interactions with those powers and presences with which we co-habit the kosmos, to perform certain acts which seem to violate or manipulate ordinary perceptions and so-called reality itself.

So there we go - a bearded frothing madman’s unpacking of the above quote. Take it or leave it. 


date a girl who lives in a hut on chicken legs deep in the russian forest and builds her fence from the bones of men from the nearest villages


Plantwork & Bonding

I see a lot of plantwork that is drastically different than any plantwork I’ve done.

This isn’t to say that others are wrong or incorrect but much of what they suggest you do to bond with plants and plant spirits is superficial at best.

Plants are not people. They do not behave like people. They do not communicate like people. They do not like or trust people in almost every single instance (unless they are greenhouse grown or seedlings).

Some pointers:

*Do not speak to them. People often suggest you just approach a tree and talk to it. In every instance I’ve attempted this I’ve felt a change in the air. I’ve felt a sense of a wall being placed between us. I’ve felt a sense of urgency and disdain. Trees do not want you to randomly approach them and chat to them about your life and your problems, in this way they are like all creatures. A stranger is a stranger. An outsider and outsider.

I suggest you let them “approach” you. Sit near them but not next to them and do something on your own. It could be reading, drawing, or spework. Let them become curious of you. Be respectful and quiet. Do not leave litter. If you’d like to leave a token maybe some pretty rocks or some seeds are what I’ve found to work well. I’ve also poured out my water and left small sculptures of discarded branches and rocks.

If you do this enough you will feel when it is appropriate to move on. You may feel a sense of peace, or a sense of welcoming or sometimes I ask for specific signs.

Once something of this nature occurs you can address the plant directly. Do NOT ask for its name but instead offer your own (be it nickname or otherwise). Explain your intentions and ask if it needs anything of you.

Obviously many spirits will be wary of this, and some may ignore you but if you feel strange or uneasy just back up and try again in a few days. Some spirits simply do not want to work with you.

I’ve also found removing debris and litter to work very well in my favor (though if you’re a decent person you’ll do this anyways).

I would be extremely​ wary of approaching trees and plants with hugs and stories and things of that nature. You are an outsider and you should acknowledge that fact and be respectful about it.

calling others’ methods superficial is a bit much, dont you think? :O I only know how to communicate through talking so I talked, and I have amazing convos with some trees near my house.

Maybe trees just don't like OP lol


other girls: respectable hut at the edge of the village, uncursing wells, turning into a black cat to steal into a tyrant’s bedchambers and assassinate him in his sleep

me: no familiar, crushing my herbs with a rock i picked up outside, trying to make casual conversation with crows but they keep predicting my death instead


Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?


The infamous I want peach cobbler in a week spell. Usually its for pie and usually it’s not put into practice. But I felt a need.

i want the directions to this spell

it sound slike it would come in handy

I’ve been WAITING»>

1. ) Candle [white] from 30 pack candles from walmart (cause they were cheap). You can use whatever candle you got. 

2. ) Sharpie (but you can use a needle to push into the wax/carve into the wax, water, whatever you feel comfortable burning).

3. ) Wrote on the top of the candle first:

“I want peach cobbler.”

4. ) Around candle:

“This will happen in one week.”

5. ) On an ordinary piece of computer paper I wrote:

“I will get a piece of peach cobbler in seven days.”

3 times.

6. ) Folded that paper. 

7. )Stuck under candle

8.) Lit candle.

8.a) accidentally laughed out my candle (blew it out with my breath) and had to relight it.


This is beautiful. XD

*breathes life into this post*

*reactivates peach cobblah spell*

Does this spell work with other kinds of desserts?

You are more than welcome to adapt the spell to the dessert you need/want/favor/etc. I did for this one, originally it was for pie. :)

Other people are definitely putting it to use on other desserts. So please feel free to adapt as you need!


i cant believe Lana is joining MasterChef

Paula Deen, Julia Child, and Martha Stewart WHOMST?

Lana’s cooking show bout to end Food Network! 😫 #BornToDine #UltraIngredients #HoneyComb




I appreciate what everyone is trying to do with this spell, but I also look at it with a wary eye.

Remember how that whole thing in Salem happened back in the day? (a bunch of young girls threw a tantrum and it resulted in the deaths of a bunch of peeps (okay, thats a vaguer than vague paraphrase, but essentially the gist)

Well if you haven’t noticed, Trump isn’t known for his level headedness. His Twitter is full of what a lot of people would call “Tantrums”. The end result may not have the same effect of the 1600′s, but I still worry about the publicity this will cause for Witches and Pagans, ESPECIALLY in conservative PRO-Trump towns and cities with open groups.

I am not afraid. I will stand with anyone who resists that orange asshole. SOLIDARITY!!!


A Horror Story: The Fey start writing Term & Condition Agreements.


About 20 times a day I have to say or type something along the lines of “the auto-renew feature is clearly noted in our Terms of Use, which you agreed to when you created your account.” The glee with which some agents in my office say that is already a little worrying. 

Because you did not contact us through proper hedgecraft methods within 3 business days, as per our Service Agreement, you are not eligible for reimbursement of your human infant at this time.

I understand that you intended to pledge your undying fealty for only the 3-month Trial Period, rather than the full 100-year term. We strive to make the Contract and Agreement process as simple and as precise as possible, and I can assure you that we truly appreciate this feedback. 

I’ve reviewed your account information, and I can see that you have already used at least one one of your wishes. It appears that you requested the location of the best breakfast burrito within 10 miles, and I can confirm that you then made a $7 purchase at Cactus Pete’s. Once the Services have been used, we are unable to reimburse any part of the Contract, as is clearly noted in your Service Agreement. 

While I’m happy to assist you with any other issues you’re having with the Service, regarding your request for soul acquittance, no further action can be taken. 

They probably would make excellent lawyers

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